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Dumb question time . . . I bought a Vexilar FL-20 back in 2009, only got to use it about 6 times, then mothballed it for the last 5 years, only taking it out around Thanksgiving, throwing it on the charger, the little green light comes on, showing 'full charge?' I know the RED light should come on if it isn't fully charged, and I thought it only came on green when fully charged? Could this battery have held a full charge FOR 5 YEARS?? I figured the life of one of these 9 volt batteries would be 3 or 4 years max . . . . but 5 YEARS . . . . . is this possible?

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Dumb question time . . . I bought a Vexilar FL-20 back in 2009, only got to use it about 6 times, then mothballed it for the last 5 years, only taking it out around Thanksgiving, throwing it on the charger, the little green light comes on, showing 'full charge?' I know the RED light should come on if it isn't fully charged, and I thought it only came on green when fully charged? Could this battery have held a full charge FOR 5 YEARS?? I figured the life of one of these 9 volt batteries would be 3 or 4 years max . . . . but 5 YEARS . . . . . is this possible?


You can test the battery with a light bulb from a car or simply with the vexilar

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Should likely be able to use the one of those trouble lights with the alligotor clips on the vexilar battery to see if it has any life. I am thinking yours is pooched. When I bought mine the shop must have used it as a demo and the battery was dead because they didn't keep it charged up. I brought it back and they gave me a new battery. I always bring it in after a day on ice let it warm up overnight then charge it back to full the next day. Even in the summer I will charge it a couple of times to keep it charged. It's 5years old and I ice fish for 7hrs yesterday and it only went down to 75% charge. Sorry hope it isn't, but remember is you get a new one to keep it charged after every use.

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A rather simple solution . . . . HOOK THE THING UP PROPERLY. I had forgot I have to turn it on to charge it!! Oh yeah . . . . . . surprise, surprise, the battery WAS toast! Does anyone know if you can get a small van on the ice at Gilford, or Roches Point?

P. S.

Misfish . . . . because of weather conditions, it could be a while before I get up there, and I don't wish to have you running all over hell's half acre, trying to find me. I do appreciate the offer, and I thank you very much.

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