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So I did.




Dear Mr Sousa,

I contact you today amid concerns my fellow anglers and hunters have voiced on various forums and boards concerning the state of economic affairs in Ontario and in particular its fisheries.

Many of us have noticed the incompetence with which your government(not ours)has conducted itself in various matters and would like to know why more isn't being done to protect a resource millions across this province have enjoyed for decades. From the lack of ethics displayed by some anglers due to the lack of enforcement ,education of anglers to the growing disappearance of public access to our waterways as well a growing number of issues it is becoming a disturbing trend and must be corrected to avoid the gutting of a passion many of us enjoy.

I would like to propose that all moneys collected by the MNR along with a portion of taxes tied to any and all things related to angling and hunting (ie; fishing boats to hunting boots) be used solely to enhance and protect what we hold dear to us.

Over the last 10 years we have watched your government pilfer Billions of our hard earned dollars in an effort to leave a lasting legacy to the citizens of this once great province but I'm afraid you and your government have failed to leave us with anything worth wanting.

I am at least proud of the ever increasing negative sentiment Ontarians are displaying that is aimed at the way you have conducted business serving and protecting your own interest instead of theirs. It is only a matter of time before public pressure and not that of opposition parties recalls your government from its benches and hopefully cleans up the mess that has been created.

I have already written my MP in the hopes of gaining some clarity pertaining to this matter and although I was taught "you attract more bees with honey", I'm afraid time for cordiality has passed and better left for matters of less importance.

My plight may fall on deaf ears but if it gains any traction we might be able to get the desired response. After all, we do number in the millions.

Yours Truly,

And the usual Bull response.


Mr. .......

On behalf of MPP Charles Sousa I would like to thank you for your e-mail.

I have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of this e-mail to both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources for their consideration.

Kindest regards.

Tyler Anderson

Constituency Assistant

Office of the Hon. Charles Sousa

MPP, Mississauga South

T: 905-274-8228 F: 905-274-8552

I'm gonna try to send one of these a week. It might just be high time we put our boots on their necks and made them feel the pressure cause as a collective we can initiate change and the time is now before Ontarions memories fail them once more . Or sit back and pretend its someone elses problem.

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I can appreciate you willingness to write a letter on the behalf of ontario anglers and hunters, but being that you letter is is so vague and pointless, I don't think anyone whom your trying to persuade will give your letter a second thought.


Perhaps stick to one solid topic of concern, like losing public fishing areas, cite your references, and come to the table with a petition for example showing his constituents want this change to the topic you are bringing fourth... Your letter has a condescending tone which more than likely was instantly deleted once it was scanned through... Try not to be so negative (even though it true!) as you'll get more attention being professional.

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I can appreciate you willingness to write a letter on the behalf of ontario anglers and hunters, but being that you letter is is so vague and pointless, I don't think anyone whom your trying to persuade will give your letter a second thought.


Perhaps stick to one solid topic of concern, like losing public fishing areas, cite your references, and come to the table with a petition for example showing his constituents want this change to the topic you are bringing fourth... Your letter has a condescending tone which more than likely was instantly deleted once it was scanned through... Try not to be so negative (even though it true!) as you'll get more attention being professional.


I think you should be writing one too. Moxie did his bit.....your turn.

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I think you should be writing one too. Moxie did his bit.....your turn.

Perhaps you didn't read the part where I complemented his efforts? Writing a letter is one thing, but if I really want to see change, I use my dollar to do the talking, as well as participate in elections. All I'm saying is the letter written has absolutely no direct point to it, it's too vague, and without any backing information whatsoever it's bound to fall on deaf ears, hence the auto-reply response..... C'mon Roy, your more astute than that!!!! Edited by Chotchkies House
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Perhaps you didn't read the part where I complemented his efforts? Writing a letter is one thing, but if I really want to see change, I use my dollar to do the talking, as well as participate in elections. All I'm saying is the letter written has absolutely no direct point to it, it's too vague, and without any backing information whatsoever it's bound to fall on deaf ears, hence the auto-reply response..... C'mon Roy, your more astute than that!!!!

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Hey Moxie,


Good on you for making an effort on behalf of all of us. Thanks!! If it was one sentence long it would be better than anything most of us have done. :clapping:




Chotchkies...you actually openly criticized a genuine effort of a fellow sportsman who was trying to help protect YOUR rights? Write a better letter or shut to hell up. Telling us all how it should have been done is vague and pointless.

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Chotchkies...you actually openly criticized a genuine effort of a fellow sportsman who was trying to help protect YOUR rights? Write a better letter or shut to hell up. Telling us all how it should have been done is vague and pointless.


That's right. Burn. What hole did you wriggle out of dude? I mean c`mon. I understand that we all have a calling but you must have gotten yours while you were out taking a wiz.


Moxie. Good on ya Pal.


Roy. The floor is yours.

Edited by Highdrifter
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Hockey parents are urged to abide by a 24 hour rule. In simple terms, wait 24 hours before spouting off to a coach because you feel your little Johnny is getting the short end of the stick. It works. Many a foot-in-mouth has been saved with this rule.


Chotchkies, may I suggest you begin adhering to the same rule before posting.


Moxie, nice hustle!

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Lets go easy on Chotchkie for a sec. As for Clarification I figured I'd encompass all angling and hunting as a whole because it isn't about one issue alone.



The Chochster must also remember that his inability to digest more than one issue at a time seems to be an illness so many Ontarians share.The time to turn the other cheek has come and gone



I posted in the hopes we start banding together and run the present government out of town and at the same time put anyone else that has an idea of obtaining power on notice.


We number in the millions in this province alone so you can imagine the shock and awe if even 50,000 of us showd up on the lawns of Queens Park. Just give it some thought and imagine the change we could initiate as well as helping to end the corrupt culture that Governance under the Lie-berals has become.


It ain't about one issue. They have left us an ugly Legacy and if we don't even attempt to change it we will have been as guilty as those who have caused it. Explain that to your kids and grand kids.


Think about it and lets do something.

Edited by moxie
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I am a little surprised your aren't getting more feedback for doing this. good on ya for throwing in your two cents.

Sure would be worth more than two cents if we took up the cause together. Don't you think?

Edited by moxie
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Moxie - well done on actually doing something about some serious concerns.

Like already stated... at least your doing your part unlike most people who love to sit back and complain or that criticize the efforts of others.



CrappiePerchHunter - HAHAHAHAHA! Well said! :rofl2:

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