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The Fishing was Intrigueing Enough for a Second Trip

Musky or Specks

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With the closing coming up and the sad goodbye to open water specks till next April my buddy and I needed a trip for a few days of R&R. In the Spring we had a tour of Northern Ontario Rivers planned that got derailed by my hearts refusal to take any more bad living from its owner. It was to be a Grand Adventure encompassing three rivers over 10 days in the height of black fly season.

We didn't have 10 days so we picked one of the rivers and headed off to see what we could scrounge up. It seems in the fall of the year we only seem to get smaller fish out of the rivers but if we could manage that it might be enough to get me back to this river again during prime fishing.

Armed with our topos we journeyed up some logging roads after a 7 hour trip to our jump off point. The idea was to get as far up the system as we could and then work our way back down to civilization. Hour and a half later and some consulting with an old hunter we came to the realization that the logging company had removed the bridge from the road preventing access to the group of lakes we wanted to camp at the first night. Drive all the way back down old road to a different route that was longer but we were assured would get us to our destination.

We couldn't find the river but were in the cluster of speck lakes that fed its head waters so we made camp. All set up we had only about half an hour of light but I was bound that we should use it to fish the lake so we launched the canoe and I flat lined a EGB spoon while John did the same with an AC Shiner minnow. We trolled the shore of this small lake and were almost out of light so we cut back directly across the lake back to the launch. Out in the middle wham Buddy's rod goes bent double Fish On!!! Beauty 17 inch speck in full spawning colours No photo because I forgot the camera in my rush to get out but what a great start to the trip.

Back in to camp and dinner of two huge steaks with potatoes. Now I haven't had a chance to get out with my buddy camping all year and he just lost his job after 26 yrs this week. We were feeling our oats and got a nice fire going and drank A LOT! Beer and root beer floats(Spiced rum,root bear and a shot of heavy cream)I don't drink a lot and we got stupid. Didn't wake up till almost 1:30 and were very hungover the next day.


We finally got out fishing on the lake again about hour later. We only wanted to fish for a little bit because we wanted to find a new campsite on the river as we came up here to confirm or deny the potential of this river. Half an hour and some chumming later we got two hit s in short order and landed a nice 14 incher. That was it time to move on.


Nice view from on the lake




We spent the rest of that day trying to find a campsite on the river but everyone is up setting up their moose camps and grouse hunting so it was tough to find a vacant spot.


Eventually we got a spot approximately were we wanted to take out tomorrow after about a 6 hour canoe set up camp and had diner but refrained from a second night of over indulgence.


Woke up to pouring rain but made a breakfast of oatmeal and left the mountain bike at the campsite and drove to our put in ten k up the road.


The brookies were all over the place but not very big. The river was a pleasure to canoe quite swift with constant gradient and it was very picturesque



For the first time in 35 years of canoeing and shooting rapids without a second thought We managed to dump in a class two. We were soaked but didn't lose any gear and had a great laugh about it.


We got probably 50 or so this size




A video of a bright red fish that I wish I could have got a picture of but I couldn't as you'll see



Then my buddy sets his hook and his rod breaks but instead of being pissed he says "this place deserves another trip"



Couple of photos of said fish





Recovering now from hundred of black fly bites as we didn't bring any dope thinking bugs wouldn't be a problem


I know they will be when I go back next year and the nice thing is there is a ton of this river to fish.

Edited by Musky or Specks
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Great trip! I get the feeling I know that river but I'm not sure whether 7hrs puts you quite a bit further north than me or not.


The flies certainly have had a second coming with this nice weather.


I can't figure out what that blue thing is below your seat.... and it looks like a double-upped seat??

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Nice report Brad, glad to see you had the chance to get up north with your bud.




root beer floats(Spiced rum,root bear and a shot of heavy cream)I don't drink a lot and we got stupid. Didn't wake up till almost 1:30 and were very hungover the next day.




Having a hard time wrapping my head around this LOL!

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Nice report Brad, glad to see you had the chance to get up north with your bud.




Having a hard time wrapping my head around this LOL!

root beer sorry typo very tasty and dangerous. I haven't been that hungover since I was a kid.


Great trip! I get the feeling I know that river but I'm not sure whether 7hrs puts you quite a bit further north than me or not.


The flies certainly have had a second coming with this nice weather.


I can't figure out what that blue thing is below your seat.... and it looks like a double-upped seat??

Chad that is a filtered water container. You fill it with your water at one end and then squeeze it through a filter to drink. Very handy when your thirsty. This is not over your way, its over towards the other direction. But this is what I meant about a river having lots of small fish in the fall can potentially have much larger fish in the best angling window.

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Great report Brad. It blows my mind that blackflies would be a problem at this time of year. I've never seen them after July. I guess I should leave a bug jacket in the car just in case.LOL


Nice brookies too :)

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Great report Brad. It blows my mind that blackflies would be a problem at this time of year. I've never seen them after July. I guess I should leave a bug jacket in the car just in case.LOL


Nice brookies too :)

My buddy and I were both dumbfounded(more than usual)We've seen them in the fall before but never biting and not in swarms just as big as the spring.Needless to say I won't ever leave bug dope behind again.

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The black flies are no surprise, Depending on where you're at, they're a force to be reckoned with until the first good frost. Seen it many many times in the north.


The Attawapiskat is a prime example. They swarmed us anytime we were out of the wind...

Mike Im sure there's nothing you haven't seen. Need I say effen Polar Bears for Khris Sakes

Edited by Musky or Specks
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Mike Im sure there's nothing you haven't seen. Need I say effen Polar Bears for Khris Sakes

So far I've had two encounters with polar bears. Last years made for a good story, but never really felt threatened. The first encounter by myself on the Winisk system was perhaps the closest I've come to death. Hopefully never again, although a return to the Sutton is a distinct possibility.

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