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Gas Price increase


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I was listening on the radio (CHML) this morning, they are contemplating a tax on coffee cups, 30 cents worth... What the heck??


Yup, but only in Toronto ( they have no idea how to recycle them ) :wacko:

The ideas from Torono City Hall get "better and better" every day :w00t:, I do not know what they are smoking , but I do not want it ( too much degradation for brain cells ), or maybe not enough :devil:

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I commute to work 70kms each way and I know I'm not helping lower the demand. I do however make every effort to reduce consumption. I keep the tires inflated and the car maintained and more importantly, lately I've been timing my approach of intersections. I can get about an extra 50kms per tank (10%) if I approach red traffic lights slowly so that they turn green as I approach (without delaying traffic). No more jack rabbit starts or sitting at red lights. Wish I had cruise control for the highway stretches.


Just think how much we could all reduce overall consumption with little effort.

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Its really going to hurt people who drive for a living like me.


I hear you Badger, we are both on the same page. I haven't used my Visa card in about a year because I'm still paying for the gas I had to buy last spring! I ran about $500 bucks a month in fuel purchases last year for my van alone, and that doesn't include what my wife spends on gas.


I have to pay all my own expenses for working, gas, insurance, repairs, my own phones, the whole enchilada! It hurts real bad some weeks!


I try to drive gently to reduce my consumption. I cannot believe all the drivers that do not judge stoplights, stop signs or traffic ahead and the jackrabbit starts that I witness all the time, UNBELIEVABLE! Then as I'm trying to conserve by driving with thought the impatient ones get pee'd off at me! :w00t: I mean take it easy, the light ahead is red, so why race to it? :wallbash: Some of theses guys must get worse gas mileage with smaller cars than I do in a van because of their poor driving habits. :dunno:


But back to the original idea of the post, yes gas costs more than it should. Just do a comparison with the States and you will see there is an unjustified difference. I feel for those living in more rural areas of the country, you guys are really getting the gas hose shoved up your backsides!

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I think with a minority Government if people Boycott they will listen or get the heave ho out. Remember the Joe Clark affair when he wanted to raise the price of gas to pay at the pumps instead of the tax. The so called 18 cent increase. A minority Conservative government got tossed out. Also if truckers went on strike do you think that the government would allow the country to be crippled. Thanks to this Global warming crap the Finance Idiot announced it would raise gas to 150 a litre. Just what the Gas Companies needed to hear to raise the price without justification and use as an excuse. I say Ontario Boycott. I'm sure the rest of the Country will follow. Oh if the Companies threaten to raise prices let them. They will hurt our Economy, so be it. Were taxed up the yin yang anyways. By the way, the Oil Companies are not from this Country. Our Government is too spineless to control them with our own resources. GAS GOING UP 5 CENTS A SHOT BULLLLL CRAPPPPP

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Okay..then tell me what should the government do? Price controls? Not possible. The demand around the world is strong enough that they just won't give us any gas.

Sure we produce enough oil to last us almost forever, but since oil is not a nationalized resource (like water is) it cannot be controlled. Would you really expect a modern democratic government to nationalise oil? no chance. The oil companies would simply pull out...you'd have all the oil in the world, then, but no way to refine it. Of course then the government could step in and take over, but all governments have a history of not being able to run a business. So then they over pay the workers and give them giant pensions and the price goes stupid anyway (or they take a loss and drive up your taxes to make up the difference).

We aren't talking about health care or education..we are talking about a commodity...no one is forced to buy it. Get a propane car or a natural gas car or an electric hybrid.

Do I liek the price of gas? No..but I choose to live a 30 minute drie from work for peace and quiet and this is one of the many pitfalls that may be associated with it.

I sold the bigger boat and got a smaller one..I don't drive a Hummer or an SUV...I amalgamate trips over the day into one. I don't do this to save the world, but to save money. But I am lowering demad..and if everyone lowered demand the price would come down.

If you want to know whose fault the high prices are, look in a mirror each time you buy gas. Sure the oil companies are giving it to you hard, but you are still willing to take it.

Take the bus, get off your fat rear and walk or ride a bike. They won't change unless YOU DO.

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Man Rick, thats a little harsh, I agree if you dont need to have a vehicle then choose alternative transportation but for those of us who earn a living with a vehicle, even a small vehicle it really hurts us. In my situation I can not raise my pay to offset the cost, it doesnt work that way I wish it did. And if I said well I am not going to drive anymore if you dont give me more money then the people I work for would say Ok see ya. And I cant do that at the moment. My job is one I have to keep at the moment till my wife, who just finished university, gets a job in her field. Then I can take another job that doesnt require me to do what I am doing.


I do see your point though, dont get me wrong. Its just that people are angry because there doesnt seem to be an obvious reason for the increase. The oil companies have conditioned us by increasing then decreasing then increasing even more, so then your happy when the price comes down to 1.00 even though before you were incensed at it being a dollar. Unfortunately it is here to stay and we all have to deal with it one way or another and we will. I for one will not give up the things I love to do. My boat will not be sold for a smaller one, it isnt huge anyway and the gas lasts quite a while. And I will still go places as much as usual, but I will have to curb some things. Such is life. But I think telling the majority to get off their fat rears and walk or take the bus is a bit insulting and unrealistic. I guess you are just sick of us belly achers, but this was an opinion thread and I can respect yours just as I am sure you can respect the others.


And no boycotting wont help and its just not going to happen, if you need gas you are going to get it.


And why cant the government cut some of the tax on gas? It would make everyone feel a bit better.

I will tell you why, because they are making so much money of it. The gas tax that is supposed to go into fixing roads certainly hasnt been applied around this area. The roads are in horrible shape all over the place and have been for a couple years now, where is it going then?


Ok beating a dead horse here, sorry for my rant, but Rick you got me going a bit, I am fine now. Good debate. :wallbash:

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Also, I live day to day. I quit smoking 2 years ago in the hopes to add a few dollars so I can take my 14 ft aluminum and 10 hp second hand outfit to go fishing a couple times a year. I can barely afford the boat launch. My point here is since when in the History of Oil prices has gas gone up between 5 cents and 10 cents at a time. The world Market is between low sixties and high seventies. Katrina started an epidemic where the rich slobbering oil companies started the Phenomenal gas gouging. Even the smell of a minor storm sends prices souring. I'm a former soldier and " YOU CANT OR IT WONT WORK WITHOUT TRYING IS NOT in my vocabulary. Since when can a government cant control their own resources. For starters you tax the Companies higher as they take our resources. Maybe you can ease the price at the pumps. Don't lie down and give up because now your giving in and you will be walked all over you. Its human nature

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It wasn't intended to be harsh, but to make people try and come up with a solution rather than just get upset. We've had a long history of trying to get the government to fix problems for us when something is wrong. It isn't always the governments job or responsibility to do so.

By not using fuel wisely we've collectively driven up the price. By shopping big box stores rather than the local merchants we've killed small business.

We've only ourselves to blame for a company that makes obscene profits. Price shifting is inevitable as companies that use fuel eventually have to pass increases along. Several trucking companies have fuel price surcharges already.

As for dropping the tax..do you think it will result in a corresponding drop at the pumps? Our dollar is very strong resulting in lower costs for Canadian oil companies..but this never did result in lower prices.

The one thing this will do is push more competition into the market as profit margins make new ventures more viable. this will bring down prices. Gas costs 1.13 because we will still pay 1.13.

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Last I saw when I went home the price was still at 1.09.7, but I am willing to bet that tomorrow when I head out it will be at least 1.11 or 1.12 And by next Friday up around 1.20. I went out and filled my towing vehicle yeterday and my car and my boat and three 5 gallon jerry cans in anticipation of the big increase for the long weekend. Total cost.......178.00. Next week at 1.20 ouch dont even want to think about it. Oh well I will be :Gonefishing:

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As much as I hate paying these prices , and knowing how much is tax, A guy at work brought up a point the other day.....


how many of us drop into the corner or grocerie store and WITHOUT even thinking pay 1.25 to 2.00 $ for a litre of , in some cases plain old well or tap water thats been run thru a reverse osmosis , or some other type of simple water treatment and slapped into a 2 cent plastic bottle lol...


In some cases, gas you're getting starts in Venezuala etc, supertanked thousands of miles to the refinery process, these being multi billion dollar facilities, then transported to your local station, and it's less in most cases per litre than your local groundwater stuck into a plastic bottle.


I know this doesn't come close to explaining the gouging , but does make me feel a weeeee bit better when i get fired up over a 95$ a tank fillup on my truck hehe =)

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6 ways to lower gas prices

From a big fat tax to more efficiency to boosting production, there are ways to do it - but which really stand a chance?

By Steve Hargreaves, CNNMoney.com staff writer

May 13 2007: 8:03 AM EDT



NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- In a free market economy, there are two basic ways to bring down the price of a product - increase supply or cut demand.


So with the nationwide average price of gasoline over $3 a gallon, and at record highs according to some surveys, what can be done to lessen gas consumption or bring more to market?



Signs like this, seen in the Little Ethiopia section of Los Angeles on Wednesday, have got consumers and lawmakers alike asking what can be done to lower gasoline prices.

Future Green Cars photos



Focusing on the environmentalists' choice, we'll start with demand.


1 - Pass a carbon tax

Economists say the most efficient way to reduce demand for any product is to make it more expensive. In short, a carbon tax. For gasoline, let's say an additional $1 or $2 a gallon.


Now this might not bring prices down at the pump. But it would most likely reduce demand, thus lowering wholesale prices and the profits currently reaped by oil companies and their shareholders. The tax revenue, presumably, would be returned to the public for its own benefit, perhaps in the form of better mass transit, cheaper health insurance or a gasoline tax credit for lower income people.


People representing a wide variety of interests are open to this idea.



John Felmy, chief economist for the oil industry's American Petroleum Institute, called a carbon tax "very efficient," but noted that it hits the poor the hardest and said the concept needed more study.


Jeff Sundstrom, spokesman for the motorist association AAA, said a carbon tax is "a possible approach."


But with fickle politicians believing the American public will never back anything that contains the word "tax," most say the idea has little chance of becoming reality.


"It's seen as a political dead duck," said Kateri Callahan, who heads up the Alliance to Save Energy. "There is no serious proposal for a carbon tax, and that's a pity."


2 - Increase efficiency

Lawmakers are instead focusing on raising vehicle efficiency standards, which have remained basically stagnant for over two decades.


On Wednesday, a Senate committee approved a bill raising Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to 35 miles per gallon by 2020 from the current 27.5 miles per gallon.


It's a move that, all else being equal, could shave 3 million barrels of oil a day off the nation's current 24 million barrel a day habit, said Callahan.


Greenest cars

The auto industry lobbied hard against the bill, saying it would be expensive for business, with domestic manufacturers already being on life support.


And environmentalists are peeved the bill contains wording to lift the mandate if it does indeed prove too expensive.


But Callahan believes this Congress will pass something raising fuel efficiency standards.


3 - Push alternatives

Using more biofuels should also help ease demand for gasoline.


Both President Bush and the Senate are talking about mandating biofuels use that is projected to cut gasoline demand by 20 percent by 2020, although a technological breakthrough in cellulosic ethanol - ethanol made from any plant matter, not just food crops - is needed to hit those targets.


4 - Require oil companies to make more gas

Supply is the other variable in the gasoline equation, and there are ways to increase it being considered.


With record profits at Exxon Mobil (Charts, Fortune 500), Chevron (Charts, Fortune 500), ConocoPhillips (Charts, Fortune 500), BP (Charts) and other oil companies, it's no wonder a lot of Americans think they are getting fleeced by Big Oil.


"I don't think they're meeting somewhere and saying 'oh, let's get the price up another 7 cents this weekend,'" said Judy Dugan, research director at the Center of Taxpayer and Consumer Rights. "But they know very well they can make more money by making less gasoline."


Arguing gasoline is a commodity essential for the public well being, Dugan said the government should require refiners to operate at a certain capacity or, if need be, build more refineries.


But the Petroleum institute's Felmy said requiring refineries to run at increased capacity was "a very dangerous suggestion, for the health and safety of our workers," noting the string of refinery accidents over the past few years that have killed several people.


He said some sections of the country, such as New England, could stand to see another refinery built, but he also doubted whether adding to refining capacity was a smart business decision.


"As a refiner, you're committing a couple of billion dollars, and the government's passing mandates [that are going to] reduce gasoline demand. You're going to be thoughtful of that," he said.


5 - Build a gasoline reserve

In addition, Dugan said establishing a strategic gasoline reserve, similar to the government's 700-million-barrel Strategic Petroleum Reserve, would go a a long way in alleviating the big jumps in gas prices whenever a refinery goes down in California or a hurricane hits the Gulf Coast.


AAA also called for a gasoline reserve as a key way to bring down prices.


But building and maintaining such a thing would be pricey, ultimately driving up the cost of gasoline for everyone, said the Petroleum Institute's Felmy.


6 - Drill more oil

Of course, oil prices significantly below $60 a barrel would sink gasoline prices in a hurry.


To that end, Felmy suggested opening up more of the nation to oil and gas drilling, especially off the country's East and West Coasts, thought to contain massive amounts of hydrocarbons.


But, he added, "people will oppose us expanding oil production anywhere."


Trade-offs and global warming

And he's right. The last Congress tried to expand offshore drilling, but the bill accomplished very little. With the Democrats now in control, that idea faces even steeper obstacles.


What Congress will do is hold a bunch of hearings on energy prices - seven have been announced for the coming weeks.


AAA's Sundstrom urged lawmakers to move beyond sound bites and have a frank discussion about the actual numbers - including how much can the country really expect to get from biofuels, how much can fuel efficiency or conservation really save, and how much additional gasoline production will be needed.


"It's not enough to stand in a corn field and talk about alternative energy," he said. "We need to see the math."

Edited by GbayGiant
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*Ok* My friends a few years back you rember when the (gas) prices shot up i forget then what the price was sorry. My buddy ask me to to go to his trailor park north of *peterborough* called the *Home-Stead* this was in the middle of (Summer) i couldent believe it the (Park) was almost empty . What going to happen now when the (Gas) goes up to $1.25 a litre . Look like no one will be in the parks any more to bad ?????

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Well as predicted our Gas jumped another (4 cents a record breaking 1.21) this morning in time for the long weeknd. I love it, No Katrina, No New middle East Conflict, but fairley stable world gas prices. I guess the other Oil Companies got to keep up with the 34% profit so far. Wait till KYOTA or something similiar kicks in. Hows things in Ontario?

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Drill Alaska---Screw the caribou. :thumbsup_anim: Seriously -has anybody got facts as to how many if any have been harmed?? More supply is needed. More refining capacity is needed. Government makes the most profit on fuel, (tax) as the price go up so does the tax. It is a % Gov't won't lower that %. Oil companies won't lower profits. Shareholders wouldn't allow it. Back to only answer. DRILL ALASKA :clapping::clapping: But I am building a wood burning car. :stretcher::stretcher:

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if you stop buying gas one day for once a week, motnh or year. the goverment will just raise taxes so the price will go up to compensate for it.


lets not blame gas companies for this. the governmnet takes there huge amount of tax on this as well! its funny if you think about it. if the gas companies make a billion $$$$ the government is making how much lol!


the way i look at it is gas prices are a bargain compared to what they will be 10 years from now.



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OR just keep on doing what you are doing . And it will keep going UP AND UP .

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Heard that there was a power outage this week in Nanticoke - so I guess gas will be $1.50 by Friday at 5 pm - May 18 - 2007


Also heard there was a poll by the governement asking if we would pay 50% more for gas to save the enviroment. Dont see how this will save the earth - just ensures that the pigs at the troph keep lining their pockets while the man gets screwed!!!


This is in the back rooms in Ottawa - 50% increase for car gas, heating gasses, electricity - to save the enviroment?????


Time to stand with arms!!!!

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Wow I guess I was wrong! Gas went up 3 times since I started this thread, not two as I predicted. Today I woke up and found it went up from a cent to two cents. Broke the all time Sask record to 1.22. Theres no stopping the increases now. Looks like I wont be fishing this weeknd. With the weather I might as well save my gas for a nice weeknd. yea, Im definately into boycotting any gas company. One day wont work but I bet a week will. Or we can bend down and take it up the

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I think the government is trying to cripple the country can't afford the gas for the boat and truck to pull it. Time to sell everything and sit at home and not spend your money on Gas, boats, trucks, accommodations. ( unemployment big time) Ever try and pull a 18' boat with a Hybrid. Lets all get out on the 400 series hwy and slow down to 5 miles an hour to save gas. We'll all have the time because we won't be working. When was the last time you seen made in CANADA. It gets pretty bad when our government officials go to the corner store in a empty jet liner on our tax money. :wallbash: Gezz, I forgot my blood pressure pill.

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