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I knew the odds were against us but really??


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I was hesitant about going out on Sunday with all the changing weather going on but a coworker really wanted to go out. I said if we boated one fish it would be a great day. North winds were to be at 15k but were really 25 to 30k, big cold front with a high of 5 degrees (compared with the 20+degree temps on Thursday and a hurricane moving towards us might have some affect the fishing. Being the troopers that we are we were out there fishing anyways in hopes of one musky on the end of the line.


We casted for 2-3 of hours without out a follow or a hit and then trolled for another 2-3 hours and had no luck. With a break in the rain we decided to break out a sandwich for lunch as I was plotting our next move while we continued to troll. Some chat about the day and a couple of laughs and Steve offers me another sandwich. The rains were starting up again and was feeling satisfied with just the one tell him "No thanks, I'm fine for now." It was at this time he drops the bomb on me...."How about a banana Will?" I said "Pardon" He says "I've got a couple of bananas Will, would you like one?" Well I felt like I should be pulling out the moves like "The Champ" would and I SNAP! LOSE IT!! OK, not so much but I did inform him the the myths of bananas in the boat.


We trolled for another hour or so. Checked the radar as the rains were pouring down on us and it didn't look promising at all. So we called it a day in the late afternoon. Knowing that those bananas were in the cooler I knew we were wasting our time anyways. So my first skunk of the year is in the books as that white striped fellow saw us leave the lake. A fun day on the water regardless and looking forward to the next time we can get out. However, there will be an inspection of his cooler before the boat is even in the water...lol!




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/unVLoVq43XI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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I still would of faked him with a left ,than a double kidney shot than a pummell to the mid section. Than you could of said we had a great day. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::tease:.Always fun with friends. lol. Maybe next time EH?.:oops:


Don't forget the flurry to the solar plexus. That would have capped off the day quite nicely. :rofl2: I would have taken a 2 pound pike Andrew, where are the pics of those beauties you got?

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I thought the banana superstition was just formed at my work. Now I realize why everyone was giving me such a hard time when I had a picture of a walleye beside my lunch (a banana) this spring. Interesting article here on the superstition of the banana if anyone wants a good read.



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I used to believe the banana thing too (after my dad got screamed at by a guide), but when we were driving home one day we found a weedy section of a river and I decided to give this a shot...


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1148.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fo577%2Fminientrepreneur%2Fmedium.mp4">

Edited by Christopher k
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