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With all the discussions here about better enforcement of the rules, the MNR is reducing again ... not sure how this will affect all the issues regarding better enforcement, but still it makes you wonder why ? the Provincial government flagarantly wastes taxpayers money on things like ORNGE and the Gun registry and meanwhile our natural resources get screwed ...



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the Provincial government flagarantly wastes taxpayers money on things like ORNGE and the Gun registry and meanwhile our natural resources get screwed ...


I share your concern, but the gun registry was federal, and it is/was ORNGE wasting the money they were allotted, not the government, who gave it to them in good faith to provide a much needed service. I'm certain that after the required investigation is completed our air ambulance service will be run properly. Let's keep the focus where it belongs.

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I share your concern, but the gun registry was federal, and it is/was ORNGE wasting the money they were allotted, not the government, who gave it to them in good faith to provide a much needed service. I'm certain that after the required investigation is completed our air ambulance service will be run properly. Let's keep the focus where it belongs.


I stand corrected ... taxpayers money either way you look at it ... everyone thinks that outsourcing is the answer, not so sure about that ...

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I stand corrected ... taxpayers money either way you look at it ... everyone thinks that outsourcing is the answer, not so sure about that ...


My problem with outsourcing is that you are basically getting a mercenary who is willing to take the least amount of money. You need government oversight to ensure that the money is well-spent, something that obviously wasn't done with ORNGE until it was too late. So now you're still paying the government to make sure the job is being done, plus you're paying to have a private contractor do the job. I don't see how it saves a lot, but I may be wrong. Better to cut out the middle man. Plus the government is accountable to the electorate and we can throw them out if they directly screw up, if they are contracting out they can pass the buck and say "wasn't our fault!", and bury the thing under mountains of paperwork and bureaucracy.


In tough economic times like this I have no problem with the government keeping services going and employing people to do the job, the money will circulate and we get the services we need. But everyone screams that they want to see some austerity, which in this case means that we still lose.

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My problem with outsourcing is that you are basically getting a mercenary who is willing to take the least amount of money. You need government oversight to ensure that the money is well-spent, something that obviously wasn't done with ORNGE until it was too late. So now you're still paying the government to make sure the job is being done, plus you're paying to have a private contractor do the job. I don't see how it saves a lot, but I may be wrong. Better to cut out the middle man. Plus the government is accountable to the electorate and we can throw them out if they directly screw up, if they are contracting out they can pass the buck and say "wasn't our fault!", and bury the thing under mountains of paperwork and bureaucracy.


In tough economic times like this I have no problem with the government keeping services going and employing people to do the job, the money will circulate and we get the services we need. But everyone screams that they want to see some austerity, which in this case means that we still lose.



well said, "oversight" and accountability are crucial ....

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I thought that the natives were going to take over resource management from the MNR. They would likely do a better job and we would have more enforcement officers to enforce the game and fish laws. I read this in a forum a couple of years ago,but then nothing more was said. Perhaps they are finally getting around to it now.

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Might be my own conspiracy theory, but I'm sure reduction in costs is just small potatoes to the overall bigger picture of things. It's well documented that regulations over our environment has changed over the years that leads to the exploitation of our own natural environment.


The two things that stick out in my mind are: the Mega Quarry and the XL Pipeline projects. Reduce funding/regulations for the environment translates to easier approval process for these corporations.


Again, it might just be me talking out of the looney bin, but nevertheless, there are questions to be asked with these changes.


Regarding Gov't oversight on things, doesn't matter if you're left, right, or centre, they've all had a long history of mis-spent tax payer dollars. It's so unfortunate and personally, makes me very doubtful in the competency on part of our gov't.

Edited by FrankTheRabbit
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Look for costs to triple when dealing with the MNR.... The last time a Premier cut services in this province the employees with any spine or ability took the buy out. They then became "consultants for hire", so everytime you wanted approval you had to hire one of them, the government responded by hiring one too. Add in the employee who stayed in the ministry also trying to justify their job and price of doing business went through the roof.... In most cases the tax payer got stuck paying for all the costs.


Deja vu all over again....

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Canuck2 has hit the nail on the head. The buyouts of employees that are then rehired as consultants is a very expensive proposition in this province but there is no choice. The insanity of the Liberal government in Ontario, (in fact in any province and on the Federal scene as well) is mind boggling. They are essentially a criminal element that also insists on a political correctness in hiring practices. It's a process that funnels incompetents into the unionized playpen that is now our civil service. We draw from various ethnic, racial, gender and sexual orientations without an over riding emphasis on being able to do the job resulting in an organized cluster of malcontents that can't perform even the most rudimentary functions without outside help from consultants that are often former civil servants themselves. The only solution is to De-certify the union, ditch the current staff and start over with people who want to work now and into the future as well. It won't happen until Ontario achieves "Greek" status when no investors will underwrite the bonds that finance this debacle. At that point insolvency will write the rules and over paid slackers will be out on their ear.

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Canuck2 has hit the nail on the head. The buyouts of employees that are then rehired as consultants is a very expensive proposition in this province but there is no choice. The insanity of the Liberal government in Ontario, (in fact in any province and on the Federal scene as well) is mind boggling. They are essentially a criminal element that also insists on a political correctness in hiring practices. It's a process that funnels incompetents into the unionized playpen that is now our civil service. We draw from various ethnic, racial, gender and sexual orientations without an over riding emphasis on being able to do the job resulting in an organized cluster of malcontents that can't perform even the most rudimentary functions without outside help from consultants that are often former civil servants themselves. The only solution is to De-certify the union, ditch the current staff and start over with people who want to work now and into the future as well. It won't happen until Ontario achieves "Greek" status when no investors will underwrite the bonds that finance this debacle. At that point insolvency will write the rules and over paid slackers will be out on their ear.


Well, this is a well thought out rant of epic proportions. I don't care where ya are. clapping.gifworthy.gifclapping.gifworthy.gifclapping.gifworthy.gif


Nice one Snidley

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More environmental regulatory cutbacks! Is this what people actually want? This is clearly the government unloading and reducing its size to say its "saved money" and hence "stimulate the economy". Its all just a bunch of postering and decicisons based on fear, not reason.

The economy will always go up and down but when the environment crashes we are all screwed.

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i wish i kept a log of all the snidley rants i've read on all the different boards over the years...


90% of them are very valid.


however, the remaining 10% are absolutely insane - and very entertaining!

baaaahahahahah :thumbsup_anim:

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Canuck2 has hit the nail on the head. The buyouts of employees that are then rehired as consultants is a very expensive proposition in this province but there is no choice. The insanity of the Liberal government in Ontario, (in fact in any province and on the Federal scene as well) is mind boggling. They are essentially a criminal element that also insists on a political correctness in hiring practices. It's a process that funnels incompetents into the unionized playpen that is now our civil service. We draw from various ethnic, racial, gender and sexual orientations without an over riding emphasis on being able to do the job resulting in an organized cluster of malcontents that can't perform even the most rudimentary functions without outside help from consultants that are often former civil servants themselves. The only solution is to De-certify the union, ditch the current staff and start over with people who want to work now and into the future as well. It won't happen until Ontario achieves "Greek" status when no investors will underwrite the bonds that finance this debacle. At that point insolvency will write the rules and over paid slackers will be out on their ear.


Actually this time around it is the reverse of the last time. Before it was the Liberals in Ottawa and Conservatives in Toronto. It is a party neutral situation... Government bloats by inertia and then has to be trimmed, or we will be like Greece. I don't ever see an end to it. Harper is spending like a drunken sailor federally just as much as McGinty is here.

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