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Went to Mountsberg with the neighbour today, couldn't bring his boat as the wife needed the truck so we decided to shorefish. Water was quite low but found a spot where the conduit goes from the south to the north part of the lake. I got extremely frustrated, neighbour was catching small pike after small pike with his 6 of diamonds spoon but I couldn't get a bite. Tried, williams gold, siver, mepps #5 gold and anglia, buzz bait, jerk bait, and the only strike I got was on my live target bluegill. I tried Good , bad and ugli, but don't worry Lake Nipissing is just around the corner.



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You were there as well Bill ? I was washing lures from about 11-1 or so ( I was wearing a white Shimano cap). Slow for me as well, pike tossed my crank when he got sight of me but got a decent sized largemouth to make up for it. Think going earlier and a canoe would have upped the count. Lots of vegetation.

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Yes, I was there from around 9:30 am to 12;30 PM with a yellow HP hat on and my fishing shirt and black back pack. That's one thing I upped the neighbour, on , he was hurting carrying his big guide size tacklebox around and I had just put some stuff in a back pack. He may have outfished me but I'm not sore tonight.

I even tried buzz bait and live target frog over top of the vegetation on the north side of the tracks and didn't get a sniff.:dunno: I was hoping to get into some bass.

Edited by oldbassguy
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I must have missed you, but at least you were out enjoying today's gorgeous weather. When I rolled in, couple of guys who were done, got into a mess of pike, common thing was they were in canoes or yaks so next time I go, I'll bring my canoe for the hell of it.


Interesting thing as I was packing up, I was chatting with one of the conservation workers and he holds his hands apart and says, if you catch any pike this size, KEEP EM ! Guess he/they aren't fond of pike, makes it too tough for the other species in the reservoir I 'spose.


Would like to try it again but I'd rather spend my time off somewhere else, like camping on the French or the West Arm (Hi Capt Hooked !)

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I was there last week with the wife and kid to test out the boat for the first time this year. brought my rod to do a bit of fishing.

the water was so low it was hard to launch anything. the further in the water i put the trailer the higher out of the water it got!

had to shove it off onto the water.didnt catch anything but weeds. saw some fish but thats about it.

ill wait for the water to climb back up before returning.

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To Old Bass Guy. Assuming you were fishing by the metal tube that joins both parts of Montsberg where the train passes over, good work as YOU WERE POACHING. The fine there, because of the danger of passing trains, is over $500 per person per offense. Both the MNR and the CP Police enforce the law because this is probably the most abused as well as dangerous poaching spot in the GTA (Bronte Creek being another massively abused spot by hack "anglers"). When I fish Montsberg, from my kickboat, the train tracks are covered with poachers even though trespassing signs are clearly there and even when I point this fact out to these goobers most just continue to fish. Up until recently the game warden used to have a milk run between Montsbergs's train tracks and the bridge at Valens (legal to fish off that Valens bridge IF you have a fishing license AND obey limits/seasons but of course many of these anglers don't bother with regs,)The game wardens usually got the poachers for trespass, no licence and/or limit season violations. The Full Monty of regulation enforcement. The CP cops even set up road blocks to nail poachers at both ends of the tracks as the poachers usually park illegally as well (to save the parking fee at Montsberg Raptor Center or the Dam side). Bottom line, learn the regs where you fish because you deserve a $500 fine and confiscation of fishing gear for your weekend. That would be real "frustration".

Edited by Snidley
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To Old Bass Guy. Assuming you were fishing by the metal tube that joins both parts of Montsberg where the train passes over, good work as YOU WERE POACHING. The fine there, because of the danger of passing trains, is over $500 per person per offense. Both the MNR and the CP Police enforce the law because this is probably the most abused as well as dangerous poaching spot in the GTA (Bronte Creek being another massively abused spot by hack "anglers"). When I fish Montsberg, from my kickboat, the train tracks are covered with poachers even though trespassing signs are clearly there and even when I point this fact out to these goobers most just continue to fish. Up until recently the game warden used to have a milk run between Montsbergs's train tracks and the bridge at Valens (legal to fish off that Valens bridge IF you have a fishing license AND obey limits/seasons but of course many of these anglers don't bother with regs,)The game wardens usually got the poachers for trespass, no licence and/or limit season violations. The Full Monty of regulation enforcement. The CP cops even set up road blocks to nail poachers at both ends of the tracks as the poachers usually park illegally as well (to save the parking fee at Montsberg Raptor Center or the Dam side). Bottom line, learn the regs where you fish because you deserve a $500 fine and confiscation of fishing gear for your weekend. That would be real "frustration".


Actually although mountsberg is full of poachers, the reason you aren't allowed to fish off of the tracks is that is CPR property, poaching doesn't have anything to do with where you are fishing.

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Poaching is definitively fishing/hunting while trespassing. The modern usage of the word has been expanded to include fishing out of season, retaining fish beyond a set legal possession limit, not having or carrying a fishing license (not having you fishing license with you is actually a bigger fine than not having a fishing license altogether), or using illegal bait. Old Bass and his ilk were poaching in the most traditional sense of the word ie. fishing while trespassing on private CPR property. In my experience poachers usually ignore or are ignorant of all fishing regs. Montsberg is one place where this is very apparent. Lots of no speak the English there too.

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(not having you fishing license with you is actually a bigger fine than not having a fishing license altogether)

Care to back that up with some facts? I was fined for not having my fishing license in possession once, for $120, definitely no more than 3 years ago, and would be shocked to learn that not owning a license entirely would be a smaller fine.

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The fine 4 years ago was $100 for no license. I called the MNR office for my area to get up to date info but they were not there. Feel free to call them at 519-773-9241 (for GTA area)but you will probably have to leave a message like I did. I will report this post to them as well since it's fairly bold IMO to post about poaching on an open website and since I legally fish both Montsberg and Bronte I get irritated at the large numbers of poachers to be found at both these sites. It's doubly irritating when they play amateur lawyer to justify their poaching when called on it.

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Montsberg is one place where this is very apparent. Lots of no speak the English there too.


You just turned an otherwise valiant attempt to point out where someone was possibly doing something wrong, into a strictly ignorant comment. It's too bad you stooped to the level of societal ignorance to finish making your point. Next time, try it without bringing up someones perceived ethnic background. I (maybe others) might take what you say a little more seriously.

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I was there this past Saturday and the MNR was there in full force. They seemed quite pleasant...I got checked out in the parking lot...but as they made their way down to the shoreline fishing spots...they allowed folks to go back to their cars to get their licences.


Those without, I don't think were so lucky.


They also confirmed the sign in the Mountsberg parking lot is wrong. The sign says opening season for bass is the "last Saturday in June" but the regulations state "4th Saturday in June". I was going to stick to just Pike fishing that day but they said all was good! They were also going to let the Park know about the sign.






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Funny story. I talked to an enforcement officer at Mountsberg years ago . He was a new recruit and had just gone through sensitivity training. He rightly pointed out that the new Canadians keeping zillions of little panfish/pike were really doing serious bass anglers a favor because these fish predate Bass fry. All true. Same guy several years on. Not so charitable to the various crews found at Montsberg and Valens. I wonder why? I do recognize that racism is a blight and is stupid however at some point aware people must point out that there is a group of new Canadians that are taking advantage and liberal types have to at some point recognize that they are just full on saps for giving them cover. We are at that point here, in the USA, in Europe and I bet in the countries were these folks come from as well. There are lots of goofs out there, many from foreign lands but lots native born too and there's lots of liberals to give them all cover as well. Bottom line poaching is illegal and apprehended perps need to know that there is a fine and possibly confiscation as a result of the transgression even for those who don't speak the language or don't "understand".

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There are just as many canadians poaching as there is other ethnic people. That being said the racist part in you guys just seem to see them doing it and not the others. Open your eyes, you seem to just have a problem and always point out that people from other ethnic backgrounds do it. I seem to hear alot of negative things about people of other ethnic backgrounds and not nearly as harsh comments on our Canadians that are poaching.


Maybe you should all just leave out there ethnicity and just say poachers, because point there backgrounds out is racist.

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I' just like dislike anyone fishing there period. I grew up close by and have fished mountsberg for over 20 years. It was a secret spot Italo told us about back in the day, where big bass lurk in the weeds. I have seen this place deconstruct first hand and would support MNR enforcement. I would even support declarling it a fish santuary with bass stocking program for several to let it regenerate.

Stop the poachers!

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Years ago when I was in Law enforcement there was a lady name Susan Ing and she made her name on the police commission. Her focus was racial profiling for Asians. She insisted that there should be no "Asian Crime Unit" in the OPP or municipal forces. What always gave us a laugh was that The Royal Hong Kong Police force stated that not having an Asian Crime Unit when your jurisdiction was a major destination for Hong Kong Chinese was basically insane since, in their opinion, Hong Kong was the epicenter for Organized Crime IN THE WORLD and, in addition, the victims of this criminal activity were inevitably Asian. They were right on both counts. Identifying the perps and their origins is part of understanding the problem and allows authorities to address it effectively.


I do agree that native born Canadians are also frequently guilty of stupid abuses of our fish. Witness guys who think you can kill females of the fish you like to catch for their eggs (as bait) (which represents almost all shore based steelheaders)and still have a sustainable fishery or guys that kill thousands of the biggest fish of a target species for prize money(which represents almost all Salmon trollers)and expect great returns year upon year. There couldn't be a more whitebread group of "sportsmen" in the province and they are abusing an even more valuable resource IMO but unfortunately their abuse is legal so we can't do anything about it

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