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RR Pre Spawn

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ell, after a long day stuck inside with my daughter, I was itching to get outside and do some fishing. My addiction was made worse for the day since I was finally added to a team for the OFC tournament. By the time my girlfriend got home, I had a sign printed and ready to go. I got the rain gear on and off I went for a shore fish looking for pre-spawn smallies!!!


We had funny weather all day, it went from calm/sunny, to hyyyyuge wind gusts a freezing rain. It seemed to change every half hour throughout the day. So I left in rain gear and fully prepped to deal with cold rain/thunderstorms. When I left, it was about 12 degrees, winds from the west that went calm, to 60km/h wind gusts. Water levels had recently dropped 2 ft, but had held for days at a 7.5ft average. When the water holds, visibility is pretty good, for the river that is, lol. Water temps were 55 degrees.


I had two rods ready to go for changing conditions, and one had a Pot Belly 3/8oz black/silver spinnerbait, the other rod ready for duty with a crankin rap of the crawfish variety.


First cast was aimed at the shoreline in about 4FOW. Usually this is a good way to gauge how aggressive the bass are, if there even there, lol. First cast with the spinner bait and I missed a bite near some wood. Ok, good sign, fish are here where I expect them to be. Second cast, 6ft from the first cast, and another hit.... But another miss! mad.gif Tough to get a good hookset with my glasses covered in rain, lol, I'm relying heavily on the sens of my rod and braided line.


Down goes the spinnerbait, time to hit that spot with a crank bait, something tougher to miss the hook set on... First cast, fish on! Man I love how bass fight! He left from the water 3 times, man he had alot of energy. Got em landed, popped out the bait and back into the water he goes. I woulda liked some pics for my report, but It's just raining too hard.


I fanned out casts, and in the next 10-15 minutes, had landed three more decent smallies. All with loads of aggressive energy. Pliers were needed on all of them. They were just smashing my offerings.


I switched back to the black spinnerbait for a few casts, two more fish! This time one is decent enough for a pic since the rain had settled down. Not a giant, but 17.5" would be the biggest on this day.




After landing even more fish on a variety of crankbaits and the black spinnerbait. I decided to switch it up and rigged up a 5" worm on a shakeyhead. Now I was looking for deeper fish in 18-22FOW. About 5 cast in and BAAAAMMMM! Oh, I know that feeling, thats a pike. Very aggressive and seemingly swimming in circles. Got him to the shore and released quickly, No measurement needed to see this fish is in the slot at about 33" ish. Next cast, same thing. Just a baby, but he's good enough for a quick measurement and a pic for team 4! Released to fight another day.


By this time, the rain had picked back up and clouds looking dangerous. So a quick retreat home for supper sounded like the plan. Got home to some pasta awaiting on the table, so I quickly got into some dry clothing and enjoyed a hot meal.


After eating, that storm, like the others today, had past quickly. I was now clear and earily calm. So, As quick as it it finished, it began once again, lol. Back to the river for a few more bass.


As soon as I arrived I was greeted by the biggest beaver I had ever seen. He gave me a quick look over as he swam by. Man was he huge, looked 5ft long!


I got back to fishing. Picked up a couple quick ones in the 15" range on a spinnerbait. Then I decided to swim that shakeyhead right on the shore, burning it. Lets have some fun as it gets dark!!!! Well that idea payed off quickly!!! Got a few good bites, but missed a few as well. Funny they were even hitting this bait being burned like that. The last bass had swallowed the offering way too far, about 4" down his throat and hooked hard. After some work with the pliers, I suppose I'm keeping this fish for tablefare.




One more shallow cast offered a OOS walleye in about 6" of water. A monstrous 12" was quickly released into the depths of the now black river.


Overall it was alot of fun! Conditions sucked, but hey, thats how it goes... I had a ton of fun today landing about 20 bass in just a few hours, but I did miss about 6-8 good bites. Oh well, till next time (which is about 6 hours away from me writing this, lol).


Hope you enjoy!

Edited by manitoubass2
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Eeek blood! Put a disclaimer on your reports would you?


Just kidding, of course. Hope you enjoyed your meal, thanks for not showing that horrid white flesh to us!


Welcome to the OFC tourney, not looking forward to competing against you haha

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Congrats on your catch but whats with that last picture , I may be wrong here but in my eyes that should not be posted !


As per in my report, it was deep hooked. I kept the fish as I felt it was too damaged to swim off healthy. It will be for lunch today. I don't normally keep bass, but if it deep hooked like that, I'd rather it not go to waste.






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Eeek blood! Put a disclaimer on your reports would you?


Just kidding, of course. Hope you enjoyed your meal, thanks for not showing that horrid white flesh to us!


Welcome to the OFC tourney, not looking forward to competing against you haha


Hahaha Thanks RC. I'm only good for a few species though. Looks like the tourny is off to a strong start this year, gonna be alot of fun!



Why not... He said he kept the fish to eat...



Nice catch...


Thank MM, always appreciated! thumbsup_anim.gif


4x4Bassin, you should probably avoid any whitey reports, lol. I removed the pic as to not offend anyone




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Welcome to the OFC tourney, not looking forward to competing against you haha


Yeah Team 4 scored :thumbsup_anim:


As per in my report, it was deep hooked. I kept the fish as I felt it was too damaged to swim off healthy. It will be for lunch today. I don't normally keep bass, but if it deep hooked like that, I'd rather it not go to waste.



Don't apologise, you did nothing wrong. Great report, and, once again...WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!

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Yeah Team 4 scored :thumbsup_anim:





Don't apologise, you did nothing wrong. Great report, and, once again...WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!


I know, lol. Thanks again for the warm welcome! I think it took me 3 hours to have 2 entries? A good sign of things to come I hope



good lord man! manitou rapids is a long way from hamilton!


Yes, yes it is! Hahaha, I'm way up in NW Ontario, near the Manitoba border




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Got out today for 3.5 hours, brought the kids with and had alot of fun


We had around 30 bass in all, biggest being 18", but the rest were all around 15-17".


Only used one bait all day, black/silver tandem blades, 3/8oz. Pot Belly Strike King SB.


I tried to get some pics of spawning sturgeon as well, but the sun was reflecting off the water in a way that I just couldn't view them through pictures.


Kids had a blast, they caught some real nice smallies! There first ones of 12012, they were pumped!!! They also loved checking out the stugeon, wish I coulda got better pics. Amazing fish!


Same conditions today, but no rain. Towards the end of the day the sun peaked out and the wind died.


A few pics of good times (with no blood) whistling.gif


Still in the soccer gear action shot!



The prize!!!




Another decent fish!!!




My daughters first fish in along time (shes the non angler of the family)




Earlier in the day




Alot of fun catching these on the kiddos rod! 6'2" Shimano Clarus, lol




My oldest girl is an excellent angler, action shot






Every fish has the SB hooked in the same spot!




Hope you all enjoy!!!!

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