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Awesome day to be on the ice


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Plans for a couple of us to hit the hard water was planned for today,but things happen,so it was a solo trip.Get to the lake and no ones there,guess when you arrive at 5:30am,it,sd to be expected. :whistling: Getting back into my keaner ways.LOL


Short drag out with the hut,set up and wait for the bite. It started to get busy around 7ish. :dunno: Sleepers I guess.LOL


Any ways,managed only one wee tiny eye (which was released to grow) for my 6 hour outing.


I poped abunch of hole to make up for not getting the use out of my gas auger last season.Sure glad I brought it as the ice was pretty much 11-12 inches.


Didnt matter though,the weather was perfect and even got a bit of a sun burn on the face.


I do though,need to look into getting a machine. The knees cant take the dragging like they use to.Yayaya I know,getting old.LOL


The forcast for sunday looks like a trip to the river.




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