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good fishing DVDs?


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I have this thing about me where, when I do something, I do it intensely, and it usually comes in cycles. I'll go through a photography phase where that's all I do for a while, trying to get all kinds of cool pics, reading photography books, etc. Then I have a music phase where I'll write and record a bunch of stuff in a row, and a game phase, where I drop like 120 hours on something like Fallout 3. There are other phases, and they all come and go periodically. Since the start of summer, fishing joined the rotation, but hasn't left yet (and won't until the snow starts falling).


I have learned to balance most of my hobbies out a bit better now, but I am so interested in fishing and fish at the moment, I want to watch a bunch of videos about it. Not so much the traditional guy-pulls-in-30-fish-in-30-minutes type of shows, but more like long documentaries, preferably species-specific or area-specific (Ontario, especially Temagami and north of it).


For example, one I saw recently was called The Underwater World of Trout. In that video, they went into detail about trout (mostly brook trout) feeding and habitat, they explained how fast they can move, how they stay still in flowing water, and more. They showed efforts to protect a roadside stream throughout a widening, they talked about stocking, and so on. It was really interesting and in-depth stuff! I want to buy a bunch of videos like this to fuel my fishing fire.


Do any of you guys know any good ones? Species I'm most interested in learning more about are of course the various trout, pike, smallmouth, walleye, and even perch and whitefish. If nobody has any good recommendations, I may just buy a handful that looked good from the title/description, and hope I luck out.



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Thanks all. I'll look around for these and others that seem good. It's so cool to see underwater footage of fish and learn about them. Being above the water all the time, this type of thing helps me appreciate and understand them a lot more. I'm excited to get my hands on more. :)

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I really like these guys:




All free. Enjoy it.


Thanks. I did see them before. I watched a bit of it before, but it seemed to be more of a, "watch other people fish" show than the documentary style that I'm after - less about fishing, more about fish. But it's probably a good resource for when I want to learn new fishing techniques.

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Dana another great doc is "A River Never Sleeps" based on the Roderick Haig Brown book.


Thanks! I'll check it out. Also, I looked up the one you mentioned first, and I couldn't find that exact title, but I found a short 9-10 minute video on YouTube about it, and realized I had already watched it. I want more of that, but like a thousand times longer. :)

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I have briefcase full of VHS dating back when Al Linder was with the informative show called In-Fishermen.

All documentries on pike, location, habitat, seasonal movements and how weather effects them their field of vision etc..

I bought them all as part of my In-Fishermen Video Library. I plan to convert them over to DVD format on DVD's some day when ever I can find a good DVD/ VHS Combo so I can transfer them in their clear quality.


They have been only watched once !! Like to keep them in their perfect condition until I record them on DVD's.


Species on VHS










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