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Asian carp documentary

Marc Thorpe

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I watched a doc,a few weeks ago on them. They were shocking the water to see what the population was in one part of a river. The number was astonding,1/2 mile stretch,1800 or more. Scary .


Dont think I would want to have one jump up and hit me doing 50+ mph.

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YES thats for sure those carp jump up to 4ft in the air at the slightes of noise or being scared there have already been serious injurys in the states from fish hitting people in the face,and yes brian if one hit you in your bass boat doing 50 mph. in the face you would be hurt bad...ive seen several docs on these fish and right now they are 15miles from the chicago shipping canal where they have an electric barrier...if they get through it they have a free passage to lake michigan,we are going to be in big trouble....they decimate everyother species of fish in certain rivers where they had walleyes and bass and pike...they are all gone...some counts have them at 10,000 carp for a square kilometer... it will be the worst disaster the lakes have ever seen...it will they say cost billions...there will be no fishery on the great lakes...oh and they can thrive in cold water and will live through a canadian winter no problem....WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE......WE SHOULD BE ACTING ON THIS RIGHT NOW...THEY SAID EVEN ZEBRA MUSCLES WILL BE NOTHING COMPARED WITH THESE ASIAN CARP....IN 10YRS WE WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING LEFT TO FISH FOR....WE ARE DOOMED ACCORDING TO THE FISHERIES AND OCEANS...THE US MINISTRY OR THE ENVIRONMENT SAYS IT TO...

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Not to defend carp, but these are not the common carp most so called "carpers" are after.


And what I don't understand is, wouldn't fish like pike/muskie/bass be happier to have these readily available fish as food? Maybe release some pike/muskie to control this problem :)

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Not to defend carp, but these are not the common carp most so called "carpers" are after.


And what I don't understand is, wouldn't fish like pike/muskie/bass be happier to have these readily available fish as food? Maybe release some pike/muskie to control this problem :)



Not if the carp eat them when the pike/muskie/bass are fry!!



I think this is going to hit us like a ton of bricks. The government should be more concerned about this problem then VHS. VHS comes and goes these carp won't.


Rob C

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It definitely makes me worry about the future of fishing, that's for sure. I wish the government would start backing the MNR ten fold, they need it, our country needs it. It looks like the governments not even concerned at all with the great lakes, just like everything else it will be a last minute deal when the damage has already been done.

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Only solution is to sterilize the section of the rivers that contain em

I watched the entire video series,the bio is sincere in his quest but I think he's waiting for a miracle

In this case they should embark on sterilization of affected rivers and proceed with re-stocking species which would die off from the sterilization


Since they know where they originated from,I wonder if a class action suit towards the States that originally had em is in order

They have migrated all the way into Ohio,they are moving very fast up the illinois river and mississipi

I think all states affected have no choice but to act before they invade the great lakes

Although they may not agree with my solution,its the only solution

Yes many other species will be affected but in this case,there's no alternative


Most disapointing thing is we see our Natural resources people no matter where you live do nothing


There are no predators that would control these fish

Strerilization the only feasible and viable solution to eradication


They could set up barriers and bassin for affected areas with filtration system,yes its costly but compared to a full blown invasion and destruction,its minute

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Only solution is to sterilize the section of the rivers that contain em

I watched the entire video series,the bio is sincere in his quest but I think he's waiting for a miracle

In this case they should embark on sterilization of affected rivers and proceed with re-stocking species which would die off from the sterilization


Since they know where they originated from,I wonder if a class action suit towards the States that originally had em is in order

They have migrated all the way into Ohio,they are moving very fast up the illinois river and mississipi

I think all states affected have no choice but to act before they invade the great lakes

Although they may not agree with my solution,its the only solution

Yes many other species will be affected but in this case,there's no alternative


Most disapointing thing is we see our Natural resources people no matter where you live do nothing


There are no predators that would control these fish

Strerilization the only feasible and viable solution to eradication


They could set up barriers and bassin for affected areas with filtration system,yes its costly but compared to a full blown invasion and destruction,its minute


Marc u r completly right, never thought of that as a solution, it is very sad what may happen to such a beautiful fishery. And btw marc u ever think of running for Prime Minister or head of the mnr need more ppl with common sense and the brains u have to run this, i would be completly comfortable if i knew u were running the MNR.

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I am sorry fellow fisherman, but after seeing this video I am quite convinced that they are already here. Asia so kindly gave us the rat and the mouse through our wonderful fur trades. England suffered the black plague, which was a result of rat and mice infestation. The bee problem the United states is having right now does not just effect honey supply, it effects pollination and other very important aspects of nature. This is also a doomed species.


I am saddened greatly by this invasion of Asian carp, because there has never in history been positive results from human intervention in the environmental aspect, there is always a downside or cost, And when I say cost I DON'T mean monetary.


Enjoy it now, because tomorrow......................

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So... What happens if and when that electrical barrier at Chicago fails? Are we all going to have to install some kind of impact-resistant fairing on all of our watercraft? And what about those who like to water-ski? Those fish will make the sport more dangerous than Nazcar racing.


With a species that is that resilient, that prolific, and that destructive, it will truly be the death knell for the Great Lakes. Not meaning to be a bearer of bad news but I think it's just a matter of time before they get in and take over those waterways.


If they haven't got into Lake Michigan yet, the only way I can see to stop the carp invasion is to fill in the canal, however far-fetched the solution may be.


Just my 2c worth.

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