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Wabakimi Lake


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It's been awhile since I've said hi to my Canadian friends on this forum. :canadian:

Hi everybody! :blahblah1:


This year I'm doing a little 1 day charter on Devils Lake on my way to Wabakimi.

We will leave Denver at 3:00am on Friday May 31 and drive 880 miles to Devils Lake and we will be staying outta Haybale Heights. Matt Taylor, FLW Walleye Tour pro, will take myself, my brother and my 2 boys out for a chartered day on Devils Lake on Sat. June 1. Can't wait! :Gonefishing:


Sunday, it's back in the rig for another 350 miles to Ft Francis where we meet up with the rest of my crew and then Monday we all fly in to Wabakimi. This year marks my 40th trip to Wabakimi and 45th Canadian adventure.

Yea, I love it! :whistling:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This year, my brother Bob and my 2 boys, Brett and Bradley left Denver at 3:00 am Friday May 31st, for what was a very cool fishing adventure. We arrive at Devils Lake at about 7:00 pm and get checked in at Haybale Hts. They had a very nice trailer/cabin that we stayed in. Cost 175/night. Not bad for 4 guys. I would definately stay there again. The owner, Luke, is very cool and is also very accomplished sportsmen in his own right He has this very cool trophy room where he had dozens of deer mounts as well as his South African safari mounts. Nice fish mounts from Devils as well. The next morning, June 1, we met Matt Taylor at our cabin at 6:30 in the morning. The weather was not promising as the wind was gusting up to 35-40 mph, but we still went anyway. So Matt shows up with his big 250 truck with Matt Taylor prominently displayed on his truck pulling a nice Ranger boat, awesome! We all pile in for a ride to Pelican Cove to put in the boat. Well, as Matt put in the boat, he asked if I would park the rig, extremely cool of him. Of course, with all that wind, the boat ramp was completely empty. We only had to go a mile or so till we got to what Matt said was the only fishable spot on the lake, what with the wind and rain sputters, and we were the only boat there. We were fishing on the protected side of a small low clearance bridge. This bridge was covered with barn swallows nests by the hundreds and was neat to fish so close to them. They sure came in handy a few hours later when we were in the midst of a midge hatch. Even in a more protected area the wind was still an issue so it was verticle jigging with the spot lock on his trolling motor. We caught pike after pike all morning ranging from 23"-28" all very thick, stout fish. Was later in the morning before the walleye bite started. We caught lots of 16"-17" beautiful healthy almost translucent walleye. I wish I took pictures from my time on Devils, but I was too fired up for fishin . Matt Taylor was magnificent and we all truly enjoyed our day spent with him. He even took us by his house on the way back to show us his pet bobcat he has in this very elaborate cage in his side yard. The guy is nothing but a class act and I wish him well this season fishing the torneys. June 2 Left Devils Lake early and began the trek to Ft Francis. Hey, did ya know that speeding tickets are only 20$ in N Dakota? Yup. :wallbash: We crossed with no problems at Baudette and made it in to Ft. Francis mid-afternoon, did our grocery shopping at the Safeway and got 2# of leeches at the Can Op. We joined up with the other 4 guys, Brother-in-law Pat, and his 2 boys, John and Bob and another nephew from Arizona, Matthew. We settled into the Rendezvous Hotel and again had a great meal there for dinner. I ordered the Con Pollo using the Canadian pronunciation. (Con, rhymes with Ron and Pollo rhymes with Rollo) :canadian: eh! This year our conditions were Hot Calm and Pleasant. We were the first party in camp as the prior party's got iced out. Brad, one of our favorite bush pilots spent the day and night prior our arrival setting up camp. I find out that the 3 days prior our arrival a big nasty cold front dumped lots of rain and the night before, was snowing. The lake was as high as I've ever seen it. Large stretches of our dock was under a foot of water. rendering our dock unusable. The fillet table is on the dock. The skeeters hatched on day 3 but weren't bad. June 3 Northern Wilderness Outfitters wanted us at their airbase at 9:00 am for a 10:00 flight. They were able to fly 6 of us on the first flight so I left my 2 boys to go on a 2nd flight that dropped off a party on Bishop Lake. By the time the 2nd flight arrived with most of my gear and provisions, it was around 4:00 by the time we hit the water runnin. The water temperature was 52* and highs were mid 60s. No clouds in sight. We started out at The Corner, I'm with Bradley and we found the fishing tough.. We spent a couple of hours there and only caught 1 fish for dinner. Pat did catch a 35" pike. John a 23" wally and Matthew a 20" which we threw back. Scary. Decided not to risk it anymore so we went to the Narrows close to camp where we caught enough for dinner. We keep 3/boat so we needed 12 fish and caught well more. DSC00846_zps5fbc0b88.jpg DSC00847_zpsfd73e87a.jpg DSC00848_zpsf719896f.jpg The next day Fishing with Bradley, water temps 54* Calm, Still. Went to my favorite morning spot and found the fishing good but not great by any means. We caught several nice walleyes and the highlight was Bradley catchin a 34" pike on the ole walleye trick. Of course it took a good net man. :angel:DSC00843_zps461b97d8.jpg Came in for a fried fish lunch with our special Buck's Baked Beans and Pasta Salad. In the afternoon, we went to Rusty's Back Door and again it was hot and still. The walleyes were not biting that well but Pat catches a nice 36" northern. We then got into Armada Formation for a beverage and a cigar with a little vertical jiggin. My nephew, Bob catches a first ever eelpout this day. DSC00852_zps86fc8945.jpg





DSC00856_zps2fba1867.jpg DSC00849_zps94a19649.jpg For dinner was 1 1/2" thick cut smoked pork chop lightly kissed on the grill, fresh asparagus, hollandaise sauce, sweet potato fries. Brownies for desert. (Not the Pot Brownies either just because I'm in Colorado) :D The next day With Matthew, Hot Still and Calm. Water temps are definitely going up, now 56*. Went to Lower Wabakimi to explore some areas that I wanted to try with minimal success. DSC00867_zpsf846c510.jpg Went to Trappers and The Corner in the afternoon and it was still pretty slow when we got there but that the water was so high on the lake we were able to get "Behind The Corner". Normally very unaccessible water this spot is truly a hidden gem not seen by very many people. High cliffs and stunning waterfalls completely hidden. Dinner was my Flavor Burgers with Blue Cheese and Onion foil pack, salad and Wildberry Pie. I made all the burgers monstrous but the one I made for Matthew was probably a 3 pounder. Gotta look after my boat partner! The next day I get the pleasure of fishing with Pat. We've been going together for 30 years but haven't fished together for any but the first as he's always been runnin his boat as I do mine. Let me tell ya, Pat can flat out fish, and he's got his whole family trained to kick my ass in pitch. :dunno: Hotter Stiller and even more calm. Water temps of 58* DSC00877_zpsf98c3e3c.jpg Slow morning at the fav morn spot. Don't say that very often. I broke out the frozen ciscos with moderate success. Walleye tacos for lunch :good: In the afternoon we went to fish a rarely fished spot on the lake we call Retarded Rabbit and did not do well there so we headed back to The Corner. Hotter than ****! Pat and I are really workin it and not having much success when we look over at John and Matt's boat. Well, John is up on the bank screwin around takin a crap or something and Matts jiggin in a foot of water when, bam, a big pike is on. Matthew fights the fish nicely and John leaps back in the boat and grabs the net and does a masterful job of netting the fish and was lifting her in when the net split and bye bye the pike. Gotta hand it to Matt, he handled the disappointment well. Dinner was great. We prepped this at lunch in no time and was ready for us when we got off the lake other than the mashed taters. Ribs n Kraut. Made bread for this but didn't have anything for a bread pan, so I had my son make one out of a box and foil. DSC00879_zpsb173be1c.jpg DSC00880_zpsbbec8c28.jpg The next day. The last day. Brother Day! DSC00889_zps4e917267.jpg We go to fav. morn. spot, really pleasant day. Water 59* The bite has picked up. We just sat in a vortex and had a blast. DSC00881_zps8f524b73.jpg





Lunch was Walleye Chowder :w00t:DSC00883_zps075b07f6.jpg We finished out the trip up River Bay at the Outlet where my brother and I trolled cranks with moderate success. Bradley caught a good 33". DSC00887_zps42bd1438.jpg Finished the trip out at the Narrows and the bite was good. The last night meal was perhaps the finest meal I've ever had fishcamp or not. Took a whole beef tenderloin and cut it up in giant steaks. John grilled them to perfection. We also had salad, Fettuccine Alfredo and sweet potato. DSC00891_zps70ebca0a.jpg All in all, it was another great trip. Numbers were down a bit and we did have some motor issues but I was proud of my sons who were able to fix the problem and stave off fishing 3 to a boat on brother day. The NWO camp on Wabakimi is almost a magical place with many, many wonderful memories, however, the boats and motors leave something to be desired. DSC00890_zpsb90ab398.jpg DSC00854_zps635d5738.jpg Thanks for watchin!

Edited by Pikeslayer8
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Fantastic man, looks like another great trip! But again, you have GOT to start posting these reports separately LOL!

Naw, I like to have all my trips on my lake on just 1 thread. Otherwise my head might blow up. :tease:


awesome trip. but man if I ate that much everyday for a week I'd need to bring another set of clothes to travel home in. :w00t: "And this year's feature: The Culinary Angler On Wabakimi Lake" :good:

I always thought there should be a Top Chef Campcook edition. :good:


Sounds like you had a awesome trip. Some beauty fish and the food looks tasty as well haha.


Thanks for sharing Bill.


Thanks Chris I thought we nailed each meal and left with only a few eggs and some milk left over from provisions. :rolleyes:

Another great report from you! Thanks for sharing your adventures.

Thanks Roy


great photos and TR ! The photo of your dad will give that cabin a special feel for many other visitors yet to go.


and something tells me your gang LOVES blue cheese ;) didja wash it down with beer or wine ?

Man, You get me! ;) We also mixed in Blue Cheese in the flavorburgers and the foil packs were Vidalia Onions chopped course mixed with Blue Cheese and butter.


Sweet report!! Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks a lot T.J.

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  • 11 months later...

2014 Trip

My brother and I left Denver @ 4:00 am for yet another very cool fishing adventure. We arrive at Devils Lake at about 7:00 pm and get checked in at Woodlands Resort.



The next morning we meet up with our guide for the day Tanner Thomas for an excellent day of fishing.




He started us out slip bobbering with his boat tied to some flooded timber.




We caught a lot of fish, but the technique wasn't really my cup of tea. We limited out (5 ea) in an hour and a half so we went out casting cranks and finished the day with some vertical jigging.




Tanner Thomas was a lot of fun and is just starting out being a full time guide. That night we had a great meal and the pleasure to have the company of Tanner and his mentor, the legendary Pete Harsh. What an awesome man, I could listen to this most accomplished angler tell stories all night.




Devils Lake was great. This lake is just teaming with walleye, pike, perch and white bass.

It is nice to be surrounded by the most awesome demographic in all the land, the fisherman! We had a blast.


June 1

We left Devils Lake and finished our trek to Ft Francis, but first we picked up the other 2 guys from Colorado that my brother invited at the International Falls airport as Denis has his own plane.




Another border crossing without incident, but we did have to pay some extra duty. We had lunch at the Harborage restaurant and the pierogies were great. Finished it off with their desert specialty "butter tarts". I had 2. Extra yummy!

Picked up my leeches/ciscos & Cuban cigars at Rainy Lake Sports as I always do and then bought my perishables goods at Safeway. Dinner at the Rondesvoux was a bit of a let down this year.


June 2

We get to the Northern Wilderness Outfitters at 7:30 but it starts raining heavily and the ceiling dropped. We got delayed by 3 or 4 hours but made it in to Wabakimi about 3:00 pm. Got to hand it to Brad our pilot and the NWO staff, they did everything possible to get us in. As it turned out, Brad couldn't even make it back to base and got weathered in for the night at Savant.



We got on the water about 5:00 pm after a lunch of bratwursts.

Fishing with Denis, we found fishing tough this first afternoon. Water temps were ranging from 46-54 and it was cold and stormy. We decided not to try a fish fry in the rain and instead opted for Walleye Chowder and fresh baked bread.








John did catch a couple of nice pike of 35" & 37".


June 3

Again fishing with Denis,


and again we were dealing with the cold front. Air temps were high of 50 and water temps were ranging from 48-54. Started off this morning with my brother's scrambled egg dish we fondly call Bob's Eggs.



Stayed close to camp and fished the Narrows. Pat with a nice pike



Fish fry for lunch consisting of Buck's Baked Beans and Pasta Salad (I made large batch of each for sides for the rest of the week) and our fish breading we feel is perfected.





Fished Rusty's Back Door after lunch and the weather started changing for the better as did the fishing. Came back through the Chute via some tainted area.



We had dinner prepped at lunch and in the oven so when we come draggin off the lake, we had Country Ribs & Kraut with mashed potatoes waiting. Great on a cold rainy day.






June 4

Breakfast of Corned Beef Hash and eggs.




Today I'm fishing with Snakehound Eddy. Weather continued to get better. High temps of upper 60's and water temps rising to upper 50's. Winds light 5-10 mph. Went to the West End for a spectacular morning of fishing topped off with a great Shore Lunch. Great way for John to celebrate his 31st birthday! He also catches a 41" pike and is the first of us to ever catch a big ass sucker though I'm not sure how good that is.










In the afternoon, we went chasing pike at Bill's Bay. Caught several but nothing of any real size. Finished the day at the Corner and Behind the Corner. Denis caught a 27" walleye on his fly rod with a pike fly.


Dinner was Flavor Burgers, Fettucine Alfredo and Blue Cheese Onion Foil Packs with a Blueberry pie for desert.




June 5


Breakfast of fruits and yogurt. We are starting to finally get full, time to go lighter. Weather was ever changing. Started with a light wind out of South switching to SE then blowing hard from the East @ 30-35 mph. Water temps up to 62.

Fishing with my brother Bob at the West End. Fishing was decent in the morning. I lost a descent pike when it bolted under the boat and my brothers lure catches my line.








We ended up getting blown off the lake for some of the afternoon.


Walleye Tacos for lunch.




Smoked Pork Chop with fresh asparagus and hollandaise sauce with sweet potato fries with Brownies for desert.




June 6


Again breakfast of fruit and yogurt and again fishing with Bob.




Nicest weather day of the trip, high of mid 60's, winds light outta West, water 62-64.

Caught the pike I lost the day before and got my jig back. Looked like this medium sized pike just returned from the piercing and tattoo parlor with a jig in each corner of his mouth. Lol






Fishing was great this day as often happens on the last day of a trip. Our new bait was very successful. (More on this in another thread upcoming)

Lunch was Blue Cheese Linguine with Buffalo Walleye.




Final night's dinner was giant Beef Tenderloin Steaks with Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Apple Pie.






Ended the day pulling up the camp boats to empty our gear and to thoroughly wash them out..



This year was hard on me as I could not take my boys with me. One had school that he could not miss and the other got himself in some trouble that couldn't be rewarded with a fishing trip. I somewhat felt like I lost my mojo without my boys and I vow it never happen again if I can help it.


This year with the late ice-out, the walleyes were in full blown POST SPAWN statis. We caught loads of 16", 17" males but the big gals were not very cooperative. The ones we did catch were lethargic and recently spawned out.


The skeeters were not bad at all and were just coming out mid-week. I never used any bug dope and got out with just one bite. I guess they don't like the taste of caffeine and nicotine. Lol


OPP plane landed on the lake close to where we were fishing. They were setting out a buoy in the deepest part of the lake anchored to the bottom and had water temperature sensors at about 8 ft. spacing's.


Again, I can't sing the praises of our outfitter, "Northern Wilderness Outfitters" enough. They got us into camp as best they could and had to bring in an additional overflow flight with most of our beer which they put into there coolers and iced it all down. Class move! We signed up for next years same week in which the outfitter announces that there no longer will be a prior group. We will now be the first group in camp. Owner Vic Davis said that if we wish, we can now fly-in the afternoon prior to our scheduled trip date, in essence giving us a free day. Hooray!



Well. I guess that about sums it up. The NWO camp on Wabakimi is a rustic mystical magical place that we love dearly.


Thanks for watching and drooling over my camp chow food porn. Can't wait for next year!








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No replies to this great report? C'mon people! (a separate report wouldn't be a bad idea though)


Just returned myself from White River, very glad to see you had another great trip! I've said it before, but you're the king when it comes to eating on a fly in trip. :)

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Yes another great report although they always seem to make me hungry for some reason. Yes when boys grow up their busy lives get in the way of father/son time I guess thats why you cherish the memories and look forward to any time you can get away with them.

Edited by Musky or Specks
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No replies to this great report? C'mon people! (a separate report wouldn't be a bad idea though)


Just returned myself from White River, very glad to see you had another great trip! I've said it before, but you're the king when it comes to eating on a fly in trip. :)

Thanks Mike!

Yea, maybe this report belongs on a Ontario food network forum as opposed to a fishing forum. Thanks for noticing. :o


Can't wait to see your report on White River!

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Yes another great report although they always seem to make me hungry for some reason. Yes when boys grow up their busy lives get in the way of father/son time I guess thats why you cherish the memories and look forward to any time you can get away with them.


I find it astonishing that you can read through all my bullcrap and find the most pertinent point of the report. :dunno: Now that I'm back home and everyone who asks me about my trip. I missed my boys and they missed being there. :wub:

Yah, I didn't realize just how much it would detract from my trip.


Thanks for noticing.

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Amazing report!! Amazing eats, rivalled only by the fishing!

Thank you!


Talking with my outfitter, says that their are openings available in August if they don't just decide to close it up early. Shame, used to be a long waiting list to get in der. :blink:

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Were the Alabama Rigs effective on your father son trip?

Lol. Jeeze, that was like 3 years ago. I think I got it hung up in like 5 minutes fishing over a reef. :oops: Was like fishing with a brick at the end of my line. Call me a sucker for the newest greatest...... :lol:

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Given the vast amount of time I spend here how is it this is the first I've seen of this 4 year trip report? :dunno::wallbash:


Now going back to 2011 to read it more thoroughly.

Thanks Frog, I do like to keep my Wabakimi memories collected together. It's really not like I'm gonna go somewheres else. :wub:


A part of my soul resides on lake Wabakimi.

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Well, what to say? The story about the trapper's cabin I remember, but none of the fish trips or photos look familiar. Must be getting old.


Great to have a traditions like that.


Not sure about your brother's choice of shoes, but that's a nit that shouldn't be picked.

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Well, what to say? The story about the trapper's cabin I remember, but none of the fish trips or photos look familiar. Must be getting old.


Great to have a traditions like that.


Not sure about your brother's choice of shoes, but that's a nit that shouldn't be picked.

Oh, believe me, those purple crocs have been discussed at length! :blush:

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