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A trust account in the name of Melissa Styles, widow of Const. Styles, has been set up at the Police Credit Union, located at 18025 Yonge St. in Newmarket. The account number is 2000014 York Branch. The transit number is 63612


OK, sorry, I guess it isn't public knowledge yet or something. Angie at York newmarket didn't know about it. Thanks for the update!

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Sad situation, I read that the driver is suffering from paralisys right now. He may get a life sentence of some sort after all. A life is gone, children never getting to know their father,and a group of young teens that think they know it all about to learn consequences I hope. Sad for everyone all around.

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Sad situation, I read that the driver is suffering from paralisys right now. He may get a life sentence of some sort after all. A life is gone, children never getting to know their father,and a group of young teens that think they know it all about to learn consequences I hope. Sad for everyone all around.


There are no winners in a situation like this!

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Definitely not but I hope the parents of this boy are held accountable at some level.



But with saying that I'm sure if we all look back at some of the things we have done we could have been a problem child in the eyes of others at times.


I hope the whole group get what's coming to them because this was not the action of one 15 year old taking a van, stealing it and then calling his friends and saying 'I got a ride and I'll pick you up in 5 min' or was it? :unsure:

Edited by GBW
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A trust account in the name of Melissa Styles, widow of Const. Styles, has been set up at the Police Credit Union, located at 18025 Yonge St. in Newmarket. The account number is 2000014 York Branch. The transit number is 63612


Thank you!




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CTV reports that the boy driving the car is now paralyzed from the neck down.

and that right there is a life sentence for doing what was done. sad but someone I guess figured this was as close as you can get for 'an eye for an eye' I guess.

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Definitely not but I hope the parents of this boy are held accountable at some level.


Trust me, this is going to cost them plenty! Probably destroy the rest of their lives as a family and we don't even know anything about them yet. Are they anymore guilty than my friends whose 15 year old daughter stole their car keys and went for a joy ride? I think I'd rather do what I can to help than point any fingers right now. They might be law abiding, god fearing people that have done everything they could to try to raise their kids properly. I would think they are very tramitized by the whole situation right now too. I can only imagine how I would feel if I were in their shoes right now.

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Trust me, this is going to cost them plenty! Probably destroy the rest of their lives as a family and we don't even know anything about them yet. Are they anymore guilty than my friends whose 15 year old daughter stole their car keys and went for a joy ride? I think I'd rather do what I can to help than point any fingers right now. They might be law abiding, god fearing people that have done everything they could to try to raise their kids properly. I would think they are very tramitized by the whole situation right now too. I can only imagine how I would feel if I were in their shoes right now.


I know where my kids are every night Cliff, every responsible parent should. IMHO

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Cliff, reading that post you are talking about is why I said this.


I hope the whole group get what's coming to them because this was not the action of one 15 year old taking a van, stealing it and then calling his friends and saying 'I got a ride and I'll pick you up in 5 min' or was it?


the 15-yr old's folks I bet are in shock and cannot understand what is going on right now to them and the son.


I wish that all involved get grilled by the COPs and the truth be found and those "leaders" of this action be held accountable for.

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I know where my kids are every night Cliff, every responsible parent should. IMHO


Not arguing that my friend, I too knew where my kids were every night (or at least think I did). I just know some people that in spite of their best efforts (or lack of experience) weren't as lucky as we were.

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Definitely not but I hope the parents of this boy are held accountable at some level.


Maybe the boys parents are incredible people. None of the mistakes any of us made were because our parents wanted us to make them.


The kids parents are probably destitute right now thinking "why the hell did he do this?".


Or maybe they are crappy parents who do not give a crap, but I doubt it.


This is truly an awful situation. My sympathies lie with the officers family. It is absolutely awful that those young children will grow up with out a father and his wife has to raise them with out his love and support. His parents must be completely distraught.


I just have a hard time thinking that when I was young and let's say I get caught doing something wrong and they drag my mom and dad off to the can. Does not make sense. None. Sometimes people make really stupid decisions no matter what their parents taught them. Why would you make those people pay? If this was me my mother and father would be distraught. It goes against everything they had ever taught me. Now they have to pay? I do not get the reasoning.

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Not arguing that my friend, I too knew where my kids were every night (or at least think I did). I just know some people that in spite of their best efforts (or lack of experience) weren't as lucky as we were.






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Unfortunately the kid's father is (from what I've heard from friends) a great guy....very pro police and runs a diner where styles and the rest of his shift went for breakfast. I'm sure he's destroyed over this


Which just goes to prove that in spite of our best efforts, our kids don't always make the smartest decisions. Some of us are just luckyer than others I guess. My heart goes out to all involved! Like I said," there are no winners"!

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