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Jigging For Deep Water Musky VIDEO


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I actually hadn't used it for stills until earlier today. I brought with me when I went to my mom's for a swim and just set it to automatically take a photo every 2 seconds. I'll post a couple of the shots below. And not only can you have it automatically shoot every 2/5/10/30/60 seconds, but you can also use a self timer or triple shot mode.

Here's 2 shots from earlier today so you can be the judge



Swimming with my GoPro by bbroderick86, on Flickr




Poolside with Canon and my GoPro by bbroderick86, on Flickr


And here's what a still that's taken from a GoPro video looks like



Musky Video Still by bbroderick86, on Flickr

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Wow Brandon and Jon if that dont get your musky mojo going your likely dead, Very informative and thanx for including the essential release tools required for musky fishing, The best video ive ever seen, hands down, and thanx Bradon for your secrets to great photography and the tools or camera used in the making of the vidclapping.gif

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For all the guys wondering about the gopro - I have also been looking into getting one but was really unimpressed with the image quality underwater. That would be the main reason for the purchase for me, so I was a little upset. I found this video that shows how to fix the problem.


- If you read the description it links you to the work that was done.


This camera seems like a beast for things above water, but if you're like me and looking for some below water action just keep this in mind!

Edited by Diltsy
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there are some interesting things out there for fixes for underwater I guess if i get one I will have to see how it works for me underwater before I buy the extra fixes or make one.


I thought it would be cool to put the head set on when some one or myself is fighting a musky then when its time to land the fish you get my view of things then I would hope to set the camera down up front on the boat so I can get some video of the fish as we take it out for pictures.


I want to also try underwater videos but might hold off at first.

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I can't believe I forgot to mention the terrible underwater quality. But like others have said there's options out there to fix the problem. I just ordered 2 of these off ebay to allow me to shoot underwater - http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260797363588&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_1119wt_1141

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That was totally cool Brandon.


(And I gotta apologize for not introducing myself at the Barrie Facts of Fishing, I thought that was you


Bill ,I was talking to SteveR at the spring show, and didnt even regonize Brandon til he handed me his card. :whistling:

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Once again thanks to everyone who's watched the video....over 3400 views now!!

and Mike, A cheaper yet still very capable editing program is Final Cut Express. It retails for around $199. It was the stepping stone program I used while making the jump from imovie to Premiere and I liked it a lot.

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