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A little help with trout


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Hi Guys and Gals, I am just wondering if someone could help me with finding a creek or river or somewhere that I will have a good chance finding some trout. I was down at Grimsby Pier today and the water was like chocolate milk I know that it will be this way with the rain but maybe there is something a bit better with some more luck. I'm not asking for any hot spots just some help to guide me in the right direction I don't want to go to Niagara river because I am bringing my daughter and just don't need to take any chances near a pier. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Chris.

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One more quick question do you guys think that this weather will effect the trout fishing tomorrow. I would like to get out and as I said before I don't know anything about trout fishing really. Any help would be great. Thanks.





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No offense, but youre probably better to take your daughter to a trout pond maybe, if youre unfamiliar with trout fishing. Your daughter will have a better chance at catching a fish. Them stream steelhead are a fish like no other....hard to catch. Best bet is maybe head to the local tackle shop and they can get you set up with supplies. As for where, any river or creek that goes into a great lake is likely to have trout in it. Just stay out of the sanctuaries and be sure to the know the regs.

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Thanks and I am the one fishing I just bring my daughter with me and she is only a year old and likes to run wild sometime that is why I don't want to take her Queenston or something like that because I don't want to take a chance at her falling in. And as for the tackle I have floats and all my leaders made for them thanks to the help of the guys at Grimsby Tackle, I take back what I said about Adrian when I was there last time he was great and helped me greatly. I was just wondering about the weather if it will effect the bite tomorrow morning. I am going to try some creeks and for myself I would rather catch a trout from a creek rather then a stocked pond.


Thanks Chris.

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Thanks and I am the one fishing I just bring my daughter with me and she is only a year old and likes to run wild sometime that is why I don't want to take her Queenston or something like that because I don't want to take a chance at her falling in. And as for the tackle I have floats and all my leaders made for them thanks to the help of the guys at Grimsby Tackle, I take back what I said about Adrian when I was there last time he was great and helped me greatly. I was just wondering about the weather if it will effect the bite tomorrow morning. I am going to try some creeks and for myself I would rather catch a trout from a creek rather then a stocked pond.


Thanks Chris.

go to humber river... under old mills station. lots of steelheads, some browns. but unfortunaly, you will have to know what you doing, they do not jump into your net. anyways, not sure what you will catch with all this rain/wind this week. man, having ONE year old kids running around while you fishing, is not the greatest idea.

i prefer having those 40 lb dogs running around, who aperantly do not bite, piss on your takle boxes, and jumping into the water, scaring all the fish. one of the main reasons i try to stick to boat fishing.

Edited by shurik
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Got to agree with Shurik on this one. High water and youngsters don't go together well.With fast currents and slippery banks its hard enough for us seasoned steelheaders to keep a good footing and stay dry at times.

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I am not going to be alone with her my wife will be there to keep her away from the water but with the Niagara it's a bit different the wall has no railing or anything, I am not one of those parents that lets there kid just run around like wild animal, I care for my daughter more then anything. I do appreciate the thoughts and I just don't want you folks to think I'm careless I just enjoy having the family beside me I know at a creek I can keep her away and she won't be able or want to really go near unstable ground as she can't walk the best but on a pier I am sure she would try and get as close to look over. I do understnad where you are coming from and again I wouldn't be bringing her alone with just me but even with my wife there I would feel more comfortable where she can't get that close to the water.

Edited by Live2fish85
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I am not going to be alone with her my wife will be there to keep her away from the water but with the Niagara it's a bit different the wall has no railing or anything, I am not one of those parents that lets there kid just run around like wild animal, I care for my daughter more then anything. I do appreciate the thoughts and I just don't want you folks to think I'm careless I just enjoy having the family beside me I know at a creek I can keep her away and she won't be able or want to really go near unstable ground as she can't walk the best but on a pier I am sure she would try and get as close to look over. I do understnad where you are coming from and again I wouldn't be bringing her alone with just me but even with my wife there I would feel more comfortable where she can't get that close to the water.


Sorry if we may have interpreted this in a unbecoming way but now it makes more sense. All we have is what we read so its important to give us all the details ;)


Hope you and your family find a great spot to wet your lines


Cheers !!

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I think a trout pond is probably a safer bet with a toddler. I have 1 year old and I can't fathom having her anywhere near moving water at this time of year, let alone while I try to fish. The water is very cold and hypothermia can happen very quickly.


If you must take your daughter near the water I would recommend you have her in a life jacket.


Sorry if I sound judgmental.

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Thanks ChrisK and I do understand where you are coming from. I didn't really explain myself to well and torco read the other post before commenting I cleary stated that she will be watched very good regardless where she is and yes she will have a life jacket on I am not a moron I grew up on a lake and she is at that house all the time she knows better to go near water but when ever she is out side she has her PDF on.

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There's a Trout pond in Stouffville. (BURD's i believe) that you can take your family. I agree with everyone that even with your wife there it only takes a split second for something terrible to happen to your daughter. I would recommend a PFD for the little one is a MUST even if she's not close to the water. The Fish will always be there but your daughter is irreplaceable. Be safe.

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She always has her PDF on when shes near any sort of water. She has been going to the lake since she was born and same with me I grew up on the lake, I take every caution when going out or near the water I have seen in my 25 years more peoples lifes takin just on Lake Erie alone and not just from being out on the water but from shore beleive me I have more respect for mother nature then alot I won't say anyone but I'm not an idiot I take her to the beach and she doesn't bother going near the water so her being near a creek will be the same thing the reason I didn't want to take her to Queenston was there is a wall there that may give her some reason to see what is on the other side. I see where you are coming from but I would never let anything happen to my daughter and I mean nothing accidents do happen but if I am with my daughter they won't I will not let anything happen that I can prevent. Again I see where you guys are coming from but I have alot of experience on the water and I don't take any dumb chances.

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Everyone has their own beliefs about safety. It's not my place as some random on the internet to pass judgment on the choices you make as a parent. I was riding motorcycles with my brother before I was 8. Just be careful out there and put safety first.


I will, however, comment on the etiquette of taking a toddler to a river where other people will be targeting steelhead. It's sort of like taking a baby to a movie. You can't reasonably explain to a baby, "You aren't allowed to cry here, please stop". All you can do is leave the theatre or not bring them in the first place. If I was fishing a pool, and someone showed up with a toddler, I would be pretty upset. Same thing goes for dogs that aren't well trained.


I understand you want to share the experience of fishing with your little one, but if it's about the fish, start with a pond. Kids don't care where they see their Dad catch fish. I'm sure your little one would be thrilled to see Dad catch fish from a pond.

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Thanks ctranter I do see where you are coming from with the crying and being loud. I am one of them as well I don't like it when she is being loud and usually when she does get like that we leave because I do want to respect the other fisherman around there. I know I wouldn't want to listen to other children cry. I had her down at Grimsby Pier when I was fishing the creek and there were a few others fishing and when got like that we left right away because from what I have read in my studies to learn more about trout is that they are very sensitive to sounds. I know I don't like listening to my own child crying when I'm fishing kinda takes the relaxing out of the day lol. I have taken her down to 50 point where they have the stocked pond there. But for myself I would rather try my luck in a creek where I can catch fish a little bigger I got a few down there with the float fishing and as it was still great to be fishing it wasn't the same for me to be catching them where they aren't stocked and at ease of catching. But thanks I do agree with you a %100 nobody wants to fish with a kid crying. As for the safety it is no doubt the most important thing I don't play around when it comes to water.



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I think we can drop all the talk about his daughter, especially now that he has addressed the fact that his wife will be there and that the kid will be wearing a lifejacket.


The point of post was him asking for suggestions on which rivers to fish.


Steelie Hunter pointed out rivers attached to any of the Great Lakes. Live2Fish85, this is the best place to start. No one here will give you specifics, except maybe through PM. Get onto Google Maps, follow the Lake O or Lake Huron shorelines and pick a bunch to explore. A lot of the Eastern Lake O tribs are fairly close together, so you can try a few in one day, which will give your wife and daughter some change of scenery.

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Thanks alot ADB I appreciate your help that was the most help I have gotten so far it will help me alot hopefully I will get something and I can post a report. Again I do understand where everyone else was coming from but I assure you first thing before catching a fish is my daughters safety. I hope to get out tomorrow and do some fishing for trout it is supposed to be a really nice day so the daughter can enjoy the weather as she's been stuck inside all week with me due to the weather. Again thanks everyone. I don't mean to sound rude but I don't like writing a hunder times about my daughters safety I truely do know safety first when being around water. If anyone knows Rock Point I used to work there when I was in school and that is where I seen alot of lifes takin just due to not respecting the powers of mother nature. I know it looks fun sometime but when there are signs all around thats a good idea to respect them.

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Thanks ChrisK and I do understand where you are coming from. I didn't really explain myself to well and torco read the other post before commenting I cleary stated that she will be watched very good regardless where she is and yes she will have a life jacket on I am not a moron I grew up on a lake and she is at that house all the time she knows better to go near water but when ever she is out side she has her PDF on.


You are correct I didn't see the other posts as I was writing my reply. Likely cause I had OFC open while at work and didn't refresh before replying. Understand now were you are coming from with your wife present and wearing a life jacket. Sorry for coming off like I was treating you like an idiot I didn't have all the details.

Therefore I questioned it because you just never know some people don't think. We see instances of people being unsafe around water all the time.

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Thanks alot guys for the help an torco I understand I didn't mean to be rude I just don't like feeling like a bad parent or a careless parent I know exactly what you mean though about people being to careless with the children in places that they shouldn't be. Rock Point was a good lesson for me when I was a young teen I seen 2 people lose there life in one summer god bless them but there parents were letting them go swiming and we had put a chain saying Undertoe Cautions on the stairs it's very unfortunate but it was enough to really make me realize I seen more as I got older to and growing up on the water taught me alot. No hard feelings I didn't mean to be rude just want you folks to know I am more anal retentive when it comes to my childs safety.



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Thanks alot guys for the help an torco I understand I didn't mean to be rude I just don't like feeling like a bad parent or a careless parent I know exactly what you mean though about people being to careless with the children in places that they shouldn't be. Rock Point was a good lesson for me when I was a young teen I seen 2 people lose there life in one summer god bless them but there parents were letting them go swiming and we had put a chain saying Undertoe Cautions on the stairs it's very unfortunate but it was enough to really make me realize I seen more as I got older to and growing up on the water taught me alot. No hard feelings I didn't mean to be rude just want you folks to know I am more anal retentive when it comes to my childs safety.




No worries, I shouldn't have been quick to jump to conclusions. I saw your reports looks like a nice fat brownie, well done.

Edited by torco
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