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Finally got to visit Jack (Nanook) today...


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He has been home for 10 days now but I was laid up with a gout attack and couldn't get my shoe on over my swollen foot mad.gif...today I just wore my slippers...laugh.gif


He and Jackie are tickled pink to be home and teddy (the puppy) appreciates it also...Jack was sitting up in his big chair this morning but was propped up in the hospital bed they have for him this afternoon...It is opposite the sliding glass doors in the middle of their living room so he sees the outside...Jackie has their Christmas tree up and decorated already and a few other decorations around so the room is very bright and cheery...Jack was in good spirits and I was amazed how much use he has of his left hand already..."Gotta get it in shape to reel in a carp" he said...good.gif


He hasn't started physical therapy for his legs yet...the therapist lady was coming next Tuesday but Jackie has to have Jack at the hospital in P'boro for his check-up that day...He can't walk on his own at present so Jackie has to assist him...


One of his wood carving pals dropped by with some books and patterns for wood burning so that is his next project I guess...smile.gif


After two hours Jack was getting tired so Maribeth and I said our good-byes til next time...


Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming folks...his recovery will need them along with our good wishes and e-mails...he can't answer them himself yet but Jackie can for him...


[email protected]

Edited by Beans
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Glad you had a visit with Jack & Jackie, Beansie and thx for the update.


Jack if you happens to be on here to see this...Debbe and I are as always sending our best your way.


Beansie and I will have Carp Point all set up for you come spring. Just get things working again and you can reel in as many carp as you want :clapping:

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