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10_11_19-21 Perfect Vue, too - pt. 2


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Anyways... (continued from pt. 1)


The weather's saving grace was that it wasn't miserable cold, and it wasn't pissin' rain.



Desperation was stinkin' up our boat a little bit and we had heard tell of the jiggers killin' it off Thompson's. So, we went over there.



It didn't take much of sitting at anchor for me to get antsy and make the call to get back to covering water for sows - just as the sun was setting and a big moon was rising.



As we trolled back in, I finally started to see what I'd wanted to see all day! A screen scattered with marks n arcs! Although, we weren't hot into fish...



And then, Donny hit again! Curse smashed now! Donny was happy, and I was happy because that fish came on a bait I modified heavily. It's pretty gratifying to see a self-custom bait pop fish.


- Nice fish 6.6lbs!


By this time it's flat-out dark, the screen is still arc'ed up and the wind has finally died down right down.10_11_19-21BOQG2G112.jpg Full (or close to full) moon, and a clear night, too. I was getting excited. Things felt right! I was ready to fish straight through til first light! (I'm a poet, did you know it?!)


Not too much longer, and my rod goes off...a 9.2lb-er that should have been heavier. She was skinnyish.




Whilst I was getting hyper, Don had had enough. He'd been knocked-down sick the past few days, on top of knee problems. And we're talkin' about a guy who's taken two sick days in the last hundred years. So we dropped him off, and turned around to go back out!


We got set back up on our trolling run, and my rod was the hot stick again. Six and a half pound pike boated! Came on the same bait that Donnie had just caught his second wally on! *Cheshire grin*


(SIDENOTE: Some of these pix make me wish I had braved bringin' out my big cams...my little Olympus sucks for flash photography...)


It was such a nice calm night... great to be out there!





Perfect weather, markin' fish, catchin' fish... but it was late and Donny had waited long enough to come pick up his boat. Good of him let John & I have our romantic little outting.


Not gonna lie, I was tired and HUNGRY anyway. And didn't Big D have some burgers cooked up for us?! Nice.


So we were havin' a drink and enjoying a soft, still chair, when there was an incident with some fresh squab...





And that's all I have to say about that.




Two drinks, a burg, a game of crib, fear of the blue-air-cabin shenanigans, and Marshmallow Four was OUT. Thankfully, Young One was once again, so gentle he didn't wake me. Ah, that delicate Asian touch. ...Sad he never let me fly the Asian Helicopter...but I would have had to pay up front.




Sunday mornin', 5am came early. Too early. So six was a bit better to initiate the breakfast moan process.


Donny wanted to pack it in at eleven, and be home for 5 so we wanted to hit the water early. And John still had a skunk to get off his back, and the cherry of his new rod n reel combo to pop.


Note about the weather: not QUITE as windy as the day before and comin' from the complete opposite direction. Luckily, MUCH colder. Ice forming on things. Balls.


Back out on the blue, and right to where the fish were yesterday. And. They. Were. Gone. Damn fish.



Well, not ALL gone...




We made the call to follow the wind out, hopin to find them again - we trolled out and back, and the day was done. BUT I STILL WANTED MORE TIME ON THE WATER!!! tongue.gif


I had been acting as shipmate the whole weekend, with John Pro-Pilot at the helm, and Donnie restin' up ridin' shotgun. As such, and given that John was still stinkin' of skunk, his was the last line I brought in. And wouldn't ya know it?! Just as the buzzer went, a nice size eater-pike for Johnboy. Capper!







All-in-all it had been a GREAT weekend. A good party with a fun bunch of guys. Donny broke his curse and found out just how well his boat can handle some bigger, heavier water. We all caught fish (well, in cabin 3, anyway :0 ;P). John popped the cherry on his new combo and got some meat to take home. I was really happy that all the research and prep I did paid off a little bit. I had tweaked all my set-ups from rod, reel, line, terminal, planer board, and baits down to boat control and electronics usage. I wanna thank Lloyd for a couple of last minute ideas that he doesn't even know he gave me. wink.gif Another thank you to Big Will for a proper introduction to trollin' up Quinte Gold (and what an intro it was!) Cheers to Donnie & John for haulin' ass & boat down from Barrie, and to the boys for just a generally great time. GT's f'sheez! Special thanks to Dann for the Chili, Joe for the fish whistles and VodyShoddys and Geoff for providing entertainment and rescuing my Bombay Sapphire from certain doom.


Cheers, gents.




Edited by LincolnG
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I think the smoke was worse on Saturday night, Wayne. Managed to avoid the bingo hall!


Thanks Will - I believe it came with the boat. He bought it used earlier this season. Whether or not that owner had it made, I do not know. But I know I'll be lookin' for that next year when I'm shoppin' for a boat!

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