Headhunter Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 I know I may be sticking myt neck out here, but I couldn't resist posting this to see what opinions you folks may have. Here's an article I found - don't lambaste me... I didn't write it! Also, I have not expressed an opinion on this publically, just looking for your thoughts! Debunking global warming myths By LICIA CORBELLA CALGARY SUN The British documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle is, well ... great. The program, which aired last Thursday in the U.K. to much buzz, has since been watched by hundreds of thousands of others around the world via the Internet. It exposes numerous lies and myths presented as fact by those who believe in the unproven hypothesis that human-created carbon dioxide (CO2) is the driver of the Earth's warming climate. The same broadcaster -- Channel 4 in the U.K. -- that recently exposed the extremist ideology being preached in Britain's supposedly "moderate" mosques has now similarly helped to tear away the veil of lies and religious zeal surrounding the global warming industry. The film features an impressive group of experts in the fields of climatology, oceanography, biogeography, meteorology, and paleoclimatology from reputable institutions such as NASA, MIT, The International Arctic Research Centre, the Pasteur Institut in Paris, the Danish National Space Center and the Universities of Winnipeg, Ottawa, London, Jerusalem, Alabama and Virginia. That should help top the claims there is a consensus of scientists who believe in man-made global warming. Expert after expert in this film blasts craters into the theory that CO2 -- which only makes up 0.054% of the earth's atmosphere -- has ever driven climate. Ice core records, in fact, prove the opposite, that CO2 lags warming by as much as 800 years. The main cause of warming is, not surprisingly, the sun. "The analogy I use," says Dr. Tim Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg, "is my car's not running very well, so I'm going to ignore the engine, which is the sun, and I'm going to ignore the transmission, which is the water vapour and I'm going to look at one nut on the right rear wheel which is the human produced CO2. The science is that bad." The film starts off covering indisputable facts. There was a Medieval Warm Period that was warmer than today -- that led to incredible wealth in Europe when the bulk of the continent's great cathedrals were built and when Britain had thriving vineyards. Then came the Little Ice Age that started in the 17th century and was so cold London's Thames River would freeze so solidly festivals were held on it. About 10,000 years ago, during a time known as the Holocene Maximum, it was much warmer even than the Medieval times. Dr. Ian Clark, Prof. of Isotope Hydrogeology and Paleoclimatology at the U of Ottawa, notes polar bears (which have become the poster-animal of the global warming industry) survived that sustained warm cycle and that volcanoes produce more CO2 every year than all human activity. What's more, prior to 1940 temperatures on Earth were rising long before industrialization took place. Then, when carbon dioxide emissions rose markedly in the post-war economic boom period, temperatures fell for the next three decades, again, in direct contravention of the theory being espoused and believed by so many. Ironically, in the 1970s, just as scientists started predicting another climate catastrophe -- an impending ice age -- the planet started warming again. The documentary ends with a quote from Dr. Fred Singer of the U of Virginia. "There will still be people who believe this is the end of the world, particularly when you have, for example, the chief scientist of the U.K. telling people that by the end of the century the only habitable place on the Earth with be the Antarctic and humanity may survive thanks to some breeding couples who move to the Antarctic. I mean, this is hilarious," he says with a chuckle. "It would be hilarious, actually, if it weren't so sad." See the film at: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog?entry=24760&only HH
TennesseeGuy Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 I took a nasty hit from one of our OFC brothers for posting some of what you wrote. We'll see how you do. I hope your treatment is better than mine.
ecmilley Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 as long as i can fish i don't really care who's right, facts and figures can be bent to come to any desired conclulsion
ccmtcanada Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 What I cant figure out was where all those people in the 70s and early 80s went saying we were headed for the next ice age? Hmmmmmmmmmm...............
TennesseeGuy Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Weather happens. First one way and then the other way. Always has, always will.
keram Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Global warming and/or global cooling. I call it just GLOBAL Bull
dsn Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Well look at this pic and tell me what you think? It was taken today. I looked further towards the skyline and this was what I saw when I zoomed in... Smog already? and Its only March!! If its this bad now whats it going to be like in the summer? dsn
huey graphite Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Clampet said: The Earth is displaying symptoms akin to a child being reared on fast food. What a great analogy. There will be believers and non-believers. Some will change there mind some never will. Smog days, milder winters, less snow, shrinking polar ice caps...I don't need any more convincing.
solopaddler Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 If true, the most telling fact IMO, is that volcanoes produce more CO2 than all human activity.... From my end I'm fairly convinced that everything's cyclical. In my position at the weather office I have access to historical data going back over 100 years and you'd be amazed at repeating weather patterns. All that said, man MAY not be responsible for global warming, but no one can deny mankind is poisoning our planet and harming the environment.
holdfast Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Hey Headhunter, should of warned the readers to Read, Discuss, Argue (If you are the minority that doesn't believe in this panic) to go behind closed doors and turn the lights out. Kind of reminds me of communism in the 50s. This is a serious issue though. Just a few points. The Liberals are making it their #1 Agenda, can you imagine them getting elected again just on that Agenda. I can. There is a sucker born every minute. Third/Poor World Nations will never get the chance to prosper as they cannot afford the green taxes. Our excellent economy will take a dive paying for green taxes. Our greatest resource, the tar-sands will shut down as it cannot meet Kyota type conditions. America will be forever under the gun of OPEC. You think gas is expensive now, JUST WAIT. Only wealthy companys will get government grants to curb so called global warming. And personally, I do not want to pay more for Transportation, Heating, Refridgeration, etc. And I don't want my taxes being given away to other Countries, Rich Companys, and more grants to fund studys. Oh yea, lets be the world example when no matter what we do, it will NOT make a difference. As far as the peaceniks are concerned, find some thing else to cry about. We should be able to see the other side of things. For example Scientific study and not Academy documentrys that is now being shown to everyschool in America based on Theory. No wonder David Susuki and Al Gore are like rockstars to the tree huggers. All I'm saying is check out the other side of things before panicing and judgeing before we go into an economic catastraphy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6IPHmJWmDk
OhioFisherman Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 There is a sucker born every minute.? LOL No clue really, experts? ya but who hires them? WMDs? Osama? experts can`t locate them either, we are still paying for it either way! Better to error on the side of caution? Yes volcanos spew stuff into the atmosphere, volcanos + humans? might be too much? LOL day after tomorrow? it`s a farther drive for Canadians to Mexico! Experts testified in front of congress tha smoking wasn`t harmful? Congress believed them? LOL follow the money!
Guest Johnny Bass Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 I agree with Ohio. There is absolutely no doubt, pollution is greatly contributing to global warming. You got most of the top global and UN scientists saying that we are the major cause. Then you have the other half saying its a cycle. Yet the ones saying its a cycle are on Exxon Mobile's payroll. How convienient. They just want to keep poisoning us so they can get richer. Maybe after they poison all our waters and there is no more fish to fish for, will people see the real danger. Its a no brainer. You have the population growing. You have economies of China and India booming, which means more industrialization. More cars which equals more pollution. The ocean temps are rising. The ice caps are melting, water levels are rising, record temperaters being broken globally. You have increased storm activity. Global warming is a fact and we are the major cause.
OhioFisherman Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 LOL dang Johnny bass where have you been hiding? Welcome back!
TennesseeGuy Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 Generation Investment Management is a company that sells carbon credits and invests the take. Do a search to find out who founded the company and who is chairman of the firm. Determine if the person has a connection with the global warming scare. He makes purchases, not in carbon credits, but in Generation Investment Management stocks. Chairman will make tons of money as global warming fears spread. The mystery chairman is............................................................. Anybody guess the right answer?
TennesseeGuy Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 A cigar to the guy with the airplane. But I urge you to read it for yourself.
bigfish1965 Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 There are still undisputable facts.. The polar ice caps are melting...deserts are shifting, rain forests are disappearing, the average temperature of the earth has changed more rapidly now then at any other time in history... Closer to home...Lake Superior is at an all time low, winters are much milder than any other times in history, the last ten years have been the warmest ever. Now, take all of those facts and tell me how it isn't something to be worried about? And if we use money as an excuse to not do anything, we truly need to all be sterilized so we don't leave the next generation a polluted and dying planet. I remember people scoffing at the idea that we were poisoning Lake Erie. Soon after it was a giant cesspool. You couldn't swim in it, or eat what little fish were left. Suddenly people kinda woke up and started to treat the lake with more respect. Within a decade the lake turned around and (thanks in part to the zebra mussels) is a great display of how making minor changes can have a huge impact. The shoreline town cried that they couldn't afford to treat their sewage and had to dump it right into the lake. We all shudder at that idea now. I'm surprised that anglers who constantly complain about seeing coffee cups on the shorelines think theres nothing wrong with continuing to pollute the air and waters at a much larger and global scale. Look at all the lakes we lost to Acid Rain...remember the naysayers who were using the exact same verbiage of the deniers of today. Funny how when we stopped pumping all the sulphur into the air the lakes got better. The UN has the best scientists in the world. Even the US government has acknowledged Global Warming as a serious concern. I can find you a scientist who will deny the existance of light...it doesn't mean everyone else is imagining it. There will be even more giant hurricanes and tornadoes this year. Where do they get their energy from? Heat. Heat in the water and heat in the air. Are these clues starting to make the dots connect?
Bob Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 (edited) It's estimated that when Pinatubo blew it's top in '91, it tossed more CO2 into the atmosphere than all of mankind during the entire 20th century. One volcano. It cooled things down for a couple of years. CO2 is food for plant life so it should improve crop yields. The IPCC put together a whole bunch of scientists under a UN mandate to study the whole global warming thing. They came to the conclusion that man was causing global warming. There were however, a lot of these scientists that didn't agree but were ignored by IPCC. Their names were left on the list though, I guess to make it seem like more were in agreement. Some have sued the IPCC to get their names removed. In 1970 or thereabouts, the Russians developed a method of drilling ultra deep wells and pulling oil right out of the basement basalt suggesting that crude oil is manufactured right in the mantle of the earth. Not a fossile fuel? It's estimated that Alberta has as much oil or more than Saudi Arabia. It's estimated that the Green River oil shale formation in the north western states has more oil than the entire middle east. Some estimates put the oil supply under the Gulf of Mexico as more by 1/3 than man has used in his history. Peak oil? I believe that these scams combined are just to keep people quiet while the powers that be keep jacking up the prices. Oil does drive global economy. Just as a point of interest: The World Health Organisation states that smoking does NOT cause lung cancer. Edited March 15, 2007 by Bob
Bob Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 (edited) Some other things worth mention. Mars is also losing it's polar caps but I guess the sun couldn't have anything to do with that. Other planets are also warming somewhat but..? The global average temperature is up by 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last hundred years. Doesn't sound too catastrophic to me. I remember the headlines from the 60s and early 70s that predicted that the northern hemisphere was going to be locked up in another ice age and there would be global famine and millions would starve (get this) by the year 2000. The cause? Yup , CO2 and other pollutants. Meteorologists and climatologists have trouble predicting tomorrow within a couple of degrees. What gives them the arrogance to think they can do better over a hundred years? Must be a scientist thing I guess. These guys get locked into a status quo and anytime one of them comes up with something progressive that's outside mainstream thought, the rest are on him like a ton of bricks. Remember how Gallileo was some kind of heretic? It's still happening. Hey Rick, no offense but they predicted more and bigger hurricanes last summer than the one before and it kinda fizzled. Edited March 15, 2007 by Bob
TennesseeGuy Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 After Katrina there were predictions that 2006 would be one of the worst ever for strong hurricanes hitting the U.S., with global warming as the cause. During the Atlantic hurricane season (June 1, 2006 through November 30, 2006) NO hurricane made landfall in the United States. It was a season welcomed by insurance companies that had taken such a big hit the previous year. A rapidly forming El Nino event smiled upon us.
blairwill Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 global warming equals global wealth confiscation.think about it . will the Indians and the Chinese lower their emissions don't be swindled .bw
Golfisher Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 For those who might be interested, here is a somewhat lengthy but fascinating story on this whole debate and its politics: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6052301305.html
bigfish1965 Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 Bob said: Some other things worth mention. Mars is also losing it's polar caps but I guess the sun couldn't have anything to do with that. Other planets are also warming somewhat but..? The global average temperature is up by 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last hundred years. Doesn't sound too catastrophic to me. I remember the headlines from the 60s and early 70s that predicted that the northern hemisphere was going to be locked up in another ice age and there would be global famine and millions would starve (get this) by the year 2000. The cause? Yup , CO2 and other pollutants. Meteorologists and climatologists have trouble predicting tomorrow within a couple of degrees. What gives them the arrogance to think they can do better over a hundred years? Must be a scientist thing I guess. These guys get locked into a status quo and anytime one of them comes up with something progressive that's outside mainstream thought, the rest are on him like a ton of bricks. Remember how Gallileo was some kind of heretic? It's still happening. Hey Rick, no offense but they predicted more and bigger hurricanes last summer than the one before and it kinda fizzled. First..Mars' mean surface temperature is -63° C. The polar ice caps are primarily made of frozen carbon dioxide which makes up 95% of its atmosphere. The seasonal changes to Mars temperatures allow some freezing and thawing to occur. It is never warm enough to melt water ice. The average temperature of the earth has risen 1.44°F over the last 100 years and 1.08° over the last 30 years. (Source:NASA) Sure, one and a half degrees sounds like nothing until you try and figure out the amounto of energy that would take. The top five warmest years in the last 125 years have all been in the last decade. Global warming is predicted to cause more EVENTS...not just of the warm variety. It provides the energy for bigger and badder storms. The top years for hurricanes and tornadoes have all been in the last decade. The US saw more tornadoes last year than any time in its recorded history. tornadoes need storms with energy...energy equals heat. Last years hurricanes fizzled because of El Nino countering the trade winds and driving the storms out to sea. To dismiss Global Warming is foolhardy at best. To believe itis the end of mankind is also foolish. But, there can be no dispute we are warmer than ever before.
TennesseeGuy Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 I appreciate being a member of this message board where we can disagree on a topic without anyone becoming disagreeable. I'm not aiming at any poster on this board, but when someone in a position of authority offers me information on any subject, I want to know the person's credentials for discussing the matter and who is providing funding.
snag Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 Rick OBanion said: First..Mars' mean surface temperature is -63° C. The polar ice caps are primarily made of frozen carbon dioxide which makes up 95% of its atmosphere. The seasonal changes to Mars temperatures allow some freezing and thawing to occur. It is never warm enough to melt water ice.The average temperature of the earth has risen 1.44°F over the last 100 years and 1.08° over the last 30 years. (Source:NASA) Sure, one and a half degrees sounds like nothing until you try and figure out the amounto of energy that would take. The top five warmest years in the last 125 years have all been in the last decade. Global warming is predicted to cause more EVENTS...not just of the warm variety. It provides the energy for bigger and badder storms. The top years for hurricanes and tornadoes have all been in the last decade. The US saw more tornadoes last year than any time in its recorded history. tornadoes need storms with energy...energy equals heat. Last years hurricanes fizzled because of El Nino countering the trade winds and driving the storms out to sea. To dismiss Global Warming is foolhardy at best. To believe itis the end of mankind is also foolish. But, there can be no dispute we are warmer than ever before. Intellegent Informed Objective
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