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Some Mid-Week River Bass Action


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Some more river bass for you folks!


I've started finding my niche and my "home" in fishing and it's wading rivers and fishing for Bass and Trout.


In my mind nothing beats it and it presents challenges that other kinds of fishing seem to lack - dealing with currents, bringing big bass across currents from 60 yards away and managing a proper hook set, and dealing with the ever-inconsistent-depths are all different aspects of river-fishing. Add in the invariables like water levels and water clarity and you've often got yourself a worthy challenge. It takes awhile to adapt to, but is well worth it when you start consistently landing fish in areas that are "less-traveled" than others.


The Report - this is an "average" day.


Date: 5pm - 8pm August 10th

Conditions: 27 degrees, humid, sunny, perfect water levels.

Lure Selection: Varying ;)

Location: One of my fishing holes ;)


I'll start with the bitter-sweet: The big one that got away!


This is something that happens in river fishing, but this one was particularly frustrating. I had been catching bass consistently for the first hour and it had started to slow. I cast all the way across the river and hooked into a LUNKER. As soon as I set the hook, the fish jumps - ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE RIVER, making a huge splash. (This is what us river fisherman dream of - catching a big bass, 50 yards away, across heavy current.) I think to myself "there is absolutely no way I'm going to land this fish." I keep the rod down, trying to keep him under (which is considerably tougher when you're waist deep in a river, as opposed to on a raised boat deck) and I get him into the main current. I wade fast down stream to try and get a one-up on the current. The fish comes across the main current with no jumps. I get him to my side of the river and just outside of the main current he starts jumping despite my best efforts. One splash! Two Splashes. I get him to my feet. 4 pounds - not that long but very fat. I switch the rod to my left hand and start bringing him up for the lip grab - SPLASH. He jumps two feet away from me, loses the hook, and soaks me in the process.


I fought the fish all the way across the current, ran the river, controlled the jumps, and lost him at my feet. It was the best fight I've had this season and I'm not really sure if it could have ended any better (but I would have loved a picture)! Here's the water I was dealing with:




In comparison, the rest of these guys didn't seem that great, and many were released without photographs, but every fish is a good one in it's own way.


Healthy, Strong, River Bass - Mixed with the current, a fish this size can feel like a monster and take line:




The only other fisherman I ever see (he brings his girlfriend sometimes):




A couple of smaller guys that were eager to attack (note the black spots on the second fish - these are indicative of a fish living on the bottom, amongst the rocks)






A Very Healthy, Gorgeous River Bass:




In closing, I also had a chance to stop by a fishing hole this morning, and noticed a few things that are worth mentioning.


1) 2/4 fish I caught in the hour I was there had fresh marks from being previously caught. This is great to see people protecting the fishery and releasing their catch. Kudos to that angler.


2) For one of the first times in my life, I witnessed bass jumping CLEAR of the water. They were SMB, and they were doing it consistently. They would clear the water by two feet, and some were doing it right in front of me (within 2 feet). If someone can offer an explanation of what they're doing here, I'd be grateful!


Hope you enjoyed!


If any of you ever want to hit the rivers and are looking for a fellow wader to join you, send me a PM (but there's a few things I'm a stickler about ;) ).

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A terrific report and some terrific pics Bill. That was a pretty nice evening of fishing, eh? I sure feel bad about the one that got away from ya but, if they didn't get away occassionally, it wouldn't be a sport that holds us breathless during the fight.


You really do well out there. Congratulations!

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Nice report man!!


I'm tellin ya, you should try for some of those on the fly!




Hey Dave,


Yeah, I'm kind of torn there - I have caught two smallies on the fly, but I just don't want to "waste" the rest of the dwindling season fly-fishing and not having as good results. With that said, I do take the fly rod often and put in some practice to get the muscle memory down.

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Good job Ryan. I have yet to get out for some river bassin this year. Now I'm going to have to.You've got me itchin


Anytime you want to meet up let me know, provided you're still young enough to wade ;) You probably know the one spot just be the picture anyways!


Well done Ryan, another good report. Hopefully we'll get another trip in before the season ends.


We'll manage to arrange something before the end of the seasons, if it's not bass, perhaps some September Browns - I'm itching for some trout before the season ends.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Great report. Looks like a nice stretch of water you got there. I too lost a big one the other day and know how you feel. My friend couldn't figure out why I was so upset! Trying to fight a fish in current while avoiding smashing into a shaol(working the tiller with the other hand) with a rental was brutal!! Just makes you want to go back! Go get her!!!

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Hey Dave,


Yeah, I'm kind of torn there - I have caught two smallies on the fly, but I just don't want to "waste" the rest of the dwindling season fly-fishing and not having as good results. With that said, I do take the fly rod often and put in some practice to get the muscle memory down.


Well, we could always try to get out together for a couple of hours. I might be able to help you pick up on a few things!


Still lots of time in the season too! Heck, the FF season doesn't really end! Come mid to late september its chrome time, right through until may. Of course, there are always a couple of weeks that the rivers are too slushy, but thats what ice fishing is for!!

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2) For one of the first times in my life, I witnessed bass jumping CLEAR of the water. They were SMB, and they were doing it consistently. They would clear the water by two feet, and some were doing it right in front of me (within 2 feet). If someone can offer an explanation of what they're doing here, I'd be grateful!


They were attempting to escape the monster that lurks those waters, it has a particular taste for human legs. You were lucky... THIS TIME! MuuuuWHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

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Either catching insects or minnows? some times the charge takes them out of the water. Actually had one jump clear of the water for a tube I had cast once. One of the 60 fish days, they were very aggressive, but none over 2 1/2 pounds, still fun though.


Large schools of emerald shiners will gather around the break walls on Lake Erie here in October, sometimes you can watch the smallies and steel head rolling on them or jumping through to catch them.

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