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Bassin to Salmon


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After a couple of years of talking about it, Headhunter and I finally put our plan into action. Joe, along with his buddy Rubin arrived at my place in the wee hours of the morning. We loaded up and were off in search of some smallies on Lake Ontario.


Once on the water we cruised the area looking for something that might hold some fish. We just couldn't find a good stretch with some nice weed/rock mix. So we just started to drift and see what we could find. Started tight to shore and drifted out to 30ft. If anyone is looking for a Gobies hot spot I can set you up. Up to 5-6" in length!! Trophies I tell you! rolleyes.gif But no bass to be found. Rubin is the Goby King if you are looking for some tips on what hot baits to use.good.gif


After a few hours of exploring, we decided it was a write off for the day. So to try and make up for it we headed out for some deeper water hoping for a salmon or trout to salvage the day. We head out to 100ft of water and start dropping lines. Once we were set, something didn't look right. Reel in a line to find all 3 lines tangled together, looked like a nightmare. However, after a few minutes it was sorted and we were back in business.


Joe and I we talking about my earlier trip this year with Lloyd and decided to give him a call. Had a few laughs about lemons and found out we might be too shallow. We were heading for deeper water but had a long way to go before we would reach those depths. The winds were picking up but kept going in hopes of one fish to make the day.


We trolled for about another hour and were just about to call it a day when a rod goes off!! Joe grabs it and I tell him to keep going when he is wanting to pass off the rod. First fish of the day was a 15 pound Chinook. We were thinking of calling it a day just before this happened but you can`t stop at the point in time. So the rod gets set up and I start to make the turn to troll back to shore when another rod starts screaming. And then......nothing. We figure we should check the line, snapped off.


Get re-rigged and set up then bang! Another fish on! Rubin is up and brings in a small salmon. After setting up and trolling for a very short time, a rod goes off again and I`m up. Well behind the boat we see this fish come shooting out of the water, rainbow on! I`m not sure how many times this fish jumped and peeled off line but what a blast! Finally, our 3rd fish of the day is boated.


For my first time out there doing this, I`d say we did pretty well. Special thanks to Remo and Lloyd for the info share during the time we spent on the water recently and years gone past. It certainly is a great place here (OFC) for meeting some great people and learning a few tips and tricks.


Tackle recap - No riggers on the boat so 2 rods with lead core on planer boards and one dipsy rod straight behind the boat. Spoons with green seem to work best for us yesterday. Here`s a few pics of the day.



Joe and his stunning shirt with the 15 pounder.





Rubin and his fish.




Me and my bow.





Had a great day guys, TONS O' LAUGHS!!!! Let's do it again soon!






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Good shoot'n Bud.


I agree with the others on the Coho, no doubt about it.


I also believe Rubin's fish is a Rainbow.


Glad you salvaged the outing and for not having riggers you done well.


But what I really want to say is"NICE SHIRT JOE!" w00t.gif

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Had a blast Will... not surprising really, we always find a way to laugh all day!

Not everybody can get away with wearing a shirt like that one, eh Chris! LMAO

Definately a blast catching those fish and I traded off with Rubin and I kept the small one, he took home to 15 lber.

I had almost forgotten that we were having dinner guests Saturday night, they were at my place when we got home... luckily, I had some steaks in the freezer and the ladies were really excited about having fish for supper so, the smaller one hit the BBQ, with some Teriaki sausce, some garlic and ginger... the girls were happy.

Too bad about the smallies, but atleast we can feel confident that we gave it the old college try!

Anytime you want to head out again Will, you know my number!


Edited by Headhunter
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Had a blast Will... not surprising really, we always find a way to laugh all day!

Not everybody can get away with wearing a shirt like that one, eh Chris! LMAO

Definately a blast catching those fish and I traded off with Rubin and I kept the small one, he took home to 15 lber.

I had almost forgotten that we were having dinner guests Saturday night, they were at my place when we got home... luckily, I had some steaks in the freezer and the ladies were really excited about having fish for supper so, the smaller one hit the BBQ, with some Teriaki sausce, some garlic and ginger... the girls were happy.

Too bad about the smallies, but atleast we can feel confident that we gave it the old college try!

Anytime you want to head out again Will, you know my number!



True Joe, not everyone could, but you pull it off with style. :D


Having sampled some of your culinary skills I've no doubt the BBQ'd fish was outstanding. thumbsup_anim.gif




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