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An awesome day with Fishhunter

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Finally got my "pics" ready to go, so I can elaborate on Vinnimon's original quick post. Vince, Spincast (Rick), myself and Juli (the better half, apparently the "luckier" one too!!) headed out with Lloyd for a day of salmon/trout yesterday. What a day it was!!!!!!

Juli and I had arrived in Port Hope/Welcome at around 9:15 Friday night, after fighting through some slightly heavy Toronto traffic. Hit the sack around 11 pm with the cell phone alarms set for 4:10 am. The plan was we would all get there early and head out around 4:45 am for the "glow in the dark" bite. Head hit the pillow I was gone, next thing I knew the alarm was going off...finally our first day out on Lake O!! I've been out on Huron a few times, but, have never fished open water salmonids on the big O.

We hit "Timmies" and arrived at the dock first. Lloyd was already there (of course!!!, Lloyd o'clock comes early, lol) getting things ready. We settled in to wait for Spincast and Vinnimon.

Lloyd waiting patiently????



At about quarter to five Rick showed up, asked where Vince was (he was leaving the Hammer early, and, was going to be tossing a line in the Ganny waiting for us) no sign of him so far. Rick checked his cell, sure enough a message from Vinnimon...running late at 3:48. We knew we had a bit of a wait ahead of us, fortunately at that time of morning traffic wouldn't be heavy. As long as Vince's Cherokee didn't die on the way :lol: . We settled in for the wait.




Fortunately, he made decent time. We started loading up the boat with his bit of gear when I heard a splash. Think my words were "what was that". A couple choice words were uttered by Vince as he said "my keys"...pretty sure everyone felt that sinking feeling in their stomachs. Lloyd grabbed a rod and started trying to fish them out, couldn't quite get them. It came down to Vince stripping down and hopping in...



Less than a minute, he had them...time to head out!!!!!!!!!




Lloyd setting up rods...




Since he had booked first we figured Vinnimon should get first fish (after some good-natured ribbing from the rest of us, poor guy felt terrible about everything). Didn't take long he was into a bow...




Quickly thereafter Juli was up. First Chinook of the day, nice scrap, and, she was excited!




I was up next and got a beauty 10.2 lb rainbow, jumped at least 7 times.




Rick was up last and rounded out the first round with a bow as well. Followed by Vince with a good salmon.





Pic of Juli waiting for her next fish...




Wasn't too long of a wait, her first Lake Ontario rainbow...




Rick with another bow, and Juli with a stocked bow that went into the box for us...





In between all this action I had released a bow, then hit my one salmon for the day...not overly large, but, a really scrappy fish...going into the brine, then on the smoker later today.




Here's a release shot of one of my other bows (caught 4, only kept the 10.2 lber)




Kept hitting fish throughout the morning, a few more lost, missed hits, Juli had one break off (first time Lloyd ever saw lead core break on a fish)...beautiful weather, some nice rollers, but, not too windy. Finally on her fifth time around Juli had a bit of a screamer on. We settled in to enjoy the fight...lots of laughing, woo-hooing, and, a holy bleep from Juli!!!!!!!!




After a good battle Lloyd did the honors and scooped up this beautiful 21 lb "Chinnie". Not only her biggest salmon ever, but, her biggest fish ever landed. Yeah, ask, Vince, Rick or Lloyd...she was just a bit excited.




She caught that beauty, trolling back towards port, I followed it up with another bow release and Rick caught the smallest Chinook I've ever seen, other than in pics or tv. Less than two pounds a quickly released.

When all was said and done, we had each landed five fish, lost at least five, and, missed about five or six hits. Over thirty hits for the morning/early afternoon...while avoiding the pack of boats!! I've said it before, Lloyd knows his stuff. He fishes with the same philosphy I usually use, avoid the crowds and have a more enjoyable fishing experience. Rick or Vince might be able to add a few more pics of some of the fish landed, I was steering the boat during some of those battles.

Here's a shot of the four of us, (never did get a group shot with Juli, bummer) waiting in the fish cleaning station...




Lloyd cleaning one of our keepers...I still have Texas Chainsaw Massacre visions everytime he puts that apron on :lol::lol:




What more can I say. A spectacular day on the big water with Lloyd, nailed all of our fish on spoons...watermelon was one of our great producers...don't want to give away all of Lloyd's secrets. Riggers, dipsy and planer boards all produced fish.

It was great to meet Vinnimon and Spincast. Vince, man, I think you've suffered enough on showing up late and the "key incident"...things happen for a reason, and, look at the awesome day of fishing we had. Juli figures all of it happened to lead up to her PB salmon.


Like to end this lengthy report with a special thanks to Fishhunter (Lloyd)!! I said it after going out for walleye with him, a class act all the way. Offering charters for operating costs to people on this board is pretty special, don't hesitate to take advantage of it if you get the opportunity.

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Great reportclapping.gifAnd a bigclapping.gif for lloyd as well,a class act all the way.

Dont miss an oppurtunity with lloyd, if its available!

This is one trip i will surely never forget!

one thing you forgot to mention frankie65,lloyd and the horn!w00t.gif Sure woke them up on the sailboat on auto pilot.They must of soiled their shorts!rofl2.gif




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Great reportclapping.gifAnd a bigclapping.gif for lloyd as well,a class act all the way.

Dont miss an oppurtunity with lloyd, if its available!

This is one trip i will surely never forget!

one thing you forgot to mention frankie65,lloyd and the horn!w00t.gif Sure woke them up on the sailboat on auto pilot.They must of soiled their shorts!rofl2.gif


Oh, yeah...the sailboat was on autopilot, looked like they were sleeping on board...heading right towards us, Lloyd had them just miss our planer boards, then blasted the air horn...I jumped, Juli jumped...and the sleepers on the sailboat probably did need a change of undies, LOL. Blows me away how people can be that unsafe.

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Oh, yeah...the sailboat was on autopilot, looked like they were sleeping on board...heading right towards us, Lloyd had them just miss our planer boards, then blasted the air horn...I jumped, Juli jumped...and the sleepers on the sailboat probably did need a change of undies, LOL. Blows me away how people can be that unsafe.

rofl2.gif Is julies ears still ringing?Here is a pic of the sailboat after it past us.

fishunters charter.jpg

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Oh, yeah...the sailboat was on autopilot, looked like they were sleeping on board...heading right towards us, Lloyd had them just miss our planer boards, then blasted the air horn...I jumped, Juli jumped...and the sleepers on the sailboat probably did need a change of undies, LOL. Blows me away how people can be that unsafe.


Some people think its a private lake :dunno:

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I was a blast putting you on fish. I'm glad I got to make some new friends. Nothing better then a day on the water making friends and enjoying what the lake has to offer.

Thanks, it was a blast catching them!! Sometimes it is just nice getting out in someone elses boat, and kicking back and relaxing, enjoying the water, weather and fish stories.

Almost ready to light up the smoker, trying them without skin this time (as per your advice)...doing half with the extra maple syrup glaze, half with my usual brine of soy, brown sugar, maple syrup and kosher salt. Also doing up some rainbow trout and chips for supper...stomach is growling already, just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks, it was a blast catching them!! Sometimes it is just nice getting out in someone elses boat, and kicking back and relaxing, enjoying the water, weather and fish stories.

Almost ready to light up the smoker, trying them without skin this time (as per your advice)...doing half with the extra maple syrup glaze, half with my usual brine of soy, brown sugar, maple syrup and kosher salt. Also doing up some rainbow trout and chips for supper...stomach is growling already, just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, not much I an add to that - it was great trip. thumbsup_anim.gif Lloyd - awesome day on the water - I'll be back.clapping.gif

Julie you had the fishing Gods at your knees yesterday. Pennies from Heaven get you 21 lb Chinnies; my 75 cents got me the smallest Chinnie on record wallbash.gif . Never should have dedicated the offering to someone in government - even if I was using sarcasm.gif .

A couple views from my camera:


the fishing queen


perfect fillet on the BBQ size


franks fat bow


alltogether now.


and then there's one for the team


just in case you ouldn't read the tape in the first one...



thanks Guys - let me know when the next one is on.


BTW - anyone looking to go on a charter with LLoyd - I stayed at the Comfort Inn. Told them I was on a harter and they gave me an almost $50.00 discount - and they had a help yourself breakfast out at 4:00 am with coffee muffins, fruit make your own waffles , danish,and more,,thumbsup_anim.gif

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Here's a few shots of the "fruits of our fishing labours" :thumbsup_anim::D


Pre-smoking salmon...








Done, oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Had Juli do the blind taste test, and, Lloyd your tip is a winner, that little extra maple syrup glaze just gives it that mouth watering sweetness. I've always used it in my brine, but, I will definitely try this technique again.

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Those are great pics, I've been waiting to see them.


That smoker looks cool, where did you buy it? Any brine tips?




Thanks, Joey!! It is a Brinkman smoker, just the "cheapie" model, bought it at Lowes in Brantford three years ago for $50...they have the same or similiar at BPS and I've seen them at a few other places as well. Sometimes it is a bugger to get going, ask Juli (she hears me curse it and say I'm getting a better one) but for the money it does a fine job. Once you start eating the finished product you don't want to stop!

The brine I usually use -- quantities vary depending on amout of fish, but, for the shots in this post I used -- four cups of water

-- 1/2 cup kosher salt

-- 1/4 cup soy sauce

-- 1/3 cup brown sugar

-- 1/4 cup maple sugar (the real stuff!!)

Stir/whisk everything until completely dissolved, then submerge the fish in it for at least two hours. Remove and let air dry until the glaze forms, then (this is the tip Lloyd told me) brush with a little more maple syrup. The sweet mixed with the salt/soy is amazing.

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Thanks, Joey!! It is a Brinkman smoker, just the "cheapie" model, bought it at Lowes in Brantford three years ago for $50...they have the same or similiar at BPS and I've seen them at a few other places as well. Sometimes it is a bugger to get going, ask Juli (she hears me curse it and say I'm getting a better one) but for the money it does a fine job. Once you start eating the finished product you don't want to stop!

The brine I usually use -- quantities vary depending on amout of fish, but, for the shots in this post I used -- four cups of water

-- 1/2 cup kosher salt

-- 1/4 cup soy sauce

-- 1/3 cup brown sugar

-- 1/4 cup maple sugar (the real stuff!!)

Stir/whisk everything until completely dissolved, then submerge the fish in it for at least two hours. Remove and let air dry until the glaze forms, then (this is the tip Lloyd told me) brush with a little more maple syrup. The sweet mixed with the salt/soy is amazing.


Great, I'm gonna give that a go then. I had the big smoker from LeBaron, but it died a few years ago and I've missed that smoked salmon taste. Seeing those pics just made me realize what I was missing, thanks!!!



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