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Fishing wth U & ME


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Lloyd had no charter this weekend, so he offered OFC members the chance to go fishing with him for the cost of splitting expenses...you can't beat that


Wayne decided that working 7 days a week had to come to an end, at lest for this weekend.

I said I would go

Will said he was in even if Wayne was going to step on his toe every now and then . a war injury


Wayne told us his father out-law was coming too, he could always throw him over board if needed..



So Friday afternoon my Chauffeur arrived and off we went.......the 401 east bound was slower then slow.....

but we arrived about the time Lloyd got home from work

Lloyd said he had a good restaurant in mind and my chicken and ribs were great


got back in time to watch the hockey game....Lloyd went to bed

I found a quiet place to crash......after the second period as I know Lloyd o'clock comes early



and it did come early I think it was a pot or pan that was the alarm clock


we packed up meet Will at the dock and off we go..I left my hat and sunglasses at Lloyds, but he has been doing charters for a long time and was ready with extras on-board



we all got fish had lots off laughs..all th etalk on the radio pointed to every boat having a slow day but we were happy with the 6 we got

we took no photos holding fish cause we let them all go at the side of the boat




here are a few photos and a video

I am sure others will add to the story and pictures


I am hoping to see how Wayne's camera did


















<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid25.photobucket.com/albums/c52/Mrbeee1954/DSCF3793.flv">


We had a great time as always....and I learnt a lot as I do each time I go fishing with Lloyd.U & ME Charters



thanks guys for a great time


OH and it's too bad Dano couldn't make it, I didn't hear that whole conversation about him but he couldn't make it because he was busy growing a garden or was planting something

I had never heard of this plant before but it sounded like he was working hard at growing it

so good luck growing that vagina Dano


Edited by Terry
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Thanks for getting it going, Terry.. the thread that is. Haven't had time to upload still pics, but I did get some Raw video uploaded by early this morning (after being awake since Lloyd o'clock!)... Oh and me and the old guy stayed up and watched the end of that hockey game, with a couple extra beverages, after tucking in the youngsters! :sarcasm:


Had a great time as always with this motley crew... and you know the f-in-law actually behaved himself!


Videos are full HD 1080 if you want the detail. This was the test run for my new GoPro HD Motorsports Hero that I'm going to mount to the outside surfaces of my airplane this summer. Loaded them here in 1080... too jerky for some video cards, so I'm going to go back and get the new imbed codes for 640 screen size and you can turn it up and the HD on if you like from there! Even jerky on my computer if playing in the thread.. but I can watch it smooth in 1080 HD directly on You Tube.


I had the water proof case on.. so you have to turn the volume up full on your speakers.. but be sure to turn it back when you see me reaching for the camera power button!! :w00t:


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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> Edited by irishfield
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It certainly was a great day on the water Terry, thanks for the report. Nice to see the walking of water shot of Lloyd's boat turned out.

Very impressive.whistling.gif A few fish caught, tons of laughs and great company, great to see you all again and to meet Wayne's out-law.biggrin.gif Learned lots again with Lloyd, he certainly is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the big water. Looking forward to seeing the pics from Wayne's new camera as well but here are a couple shots I took of Terry fighting his fish. I figured that know one would believe us so I better snap a few shots. tongue.gif


Thanks for a great day gentlemen!!










One more thing, I caught me a Troll!!!! rofl2.gifrofl2.gifrofl2.gif





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Wayne that camera is great..


and yes I did walk out on the water to take the shot of the boat..my father taught me how to do it


thanks for add to the post Will



did you catch the troll in the closet

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did you catch the troll in the closet


Wayne that camera is great..



Man I never laughed so hard on that one..... "Mommy I've got a troll locked in the closet.. " :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


Only thing I need to check out on the camera Terry.. the two shots where I had it mounted at the back.. that Gieger ticking sound. Not sure if it was a boat vibration or something in the camera echoing in the case, as it wasn't there when I had it stuck on the console. So I'll shoot some today to see..

Edited by irishfield
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Cool camera Wayne! I just have to remember where it is and I'll keep my fatasshat.gif out of the shot. biggrin.gif With all the mounts that came with it, is there a railing type mount that might clamp onto the bimini or rod holders that were up high? Would be a nicer perspective I think. biggrin.gif


Terry - I hope to meet your father some day, just not anytime too soon. I've got a lot of fishing still to do. The troll is in the closest but what do I do with it now?!laugh.gif



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Yes Will... you can buy an option "handle bar" mount that would work perfect on a top tube. It's only $20 for the extra mount. Wished you'd mentioned that before I ordered the camera! lol



Edited by irishfield
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Stills from the day....


..now back to the hangar for me! :wallbash:




This one is off the GoPro..




Will's teenage King.




My father-in-law. Does he look keen to what's going on or what. Was like a kid.. "when do we go.. where are we going.. are we there yet.. how long can we stay... is their any Barcardi left... ! LOL




His Rainbow..




Terry's bonus of the day..




Will fighting another nice Rainbow..




Will's Rainbow




F-in-law on another Rainbow




The quick release!




The temptation..



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Good stuff guys!! Looks like fun!


How deep were ya's fishin? How far down?? Any kind of pattern for the day? Divers or riggers?? I just rigged all my bigwater gear, and I'm itching to get out there. Last week I hit one bow 30 down over 144 on a fruit loop spoon. Only hit in 4 hours trolling. Should only get better.......



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Like always, great to have a group of OFC guys out. Wayne it was nice to have your wifes dad out with us. He can be our forth for fall walleye any time. I love that cam and will be ordering one as soon as you send me the link. I look forward to fishing with you guys and soon. Love a day on the water where friendship and fun is first with fish as a bonus. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

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Holy papparazzi! Those fish must thought that Paris Hilton was swimmin along side them as I've never seen so many guys rushing the side of the boat to get a pic! LMAO! Was it a fishin trip or were you all working for the best shot to sell to the tabloids! LMAO!

Like I said before Lloyd, your a Saint!


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