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Limp in Mode (NF) (rant!)


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So I'm on my way down to Dalrymple to visit some old friends just after lunch today. Coming down from Washago way and heading across Monck Rd., cruise on at 85 kph & enjoying the ride. All of a sudden, car drops out of cruise, speedo goes to zero. Step on the gas and seems to be ok. Slowed down to turn onto 6 at Sebright, & won't upshift after the turn. I've experienced Limp In mode before with a Grand Caravan, so I pulled over to try something. Of course, it ain't anything near the same under the hood of the two. Tapped on anything looking like a relay, then tried again, no joy. Drove from Sebright to Uptergrove in about 45 minutes (seemed like hours!), flashers on & all but on the shoulder the whole way. Got home, phoned all the local tranny shops - CLOSED! Figured they would be but one can hope!

So, now I have to hope the car rental has one available at 7:30 in the morning so I can get to work this weekend, they're closed today too.

When it happened on the caravan, cost me 25.00 to repair. Mechanic pulled the relay, cleaned & lubed, stuck it back in and voila! But that was in Trenton or I'd be in his parking lot now.

I just bought this car in October because it was cherry - now this! Timing couldn't be worse, along with the unplanned expense!



Michael (praying for good news from Lotto Max tonight!)

Edited by cheaptackle
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So I'm on my way down to Dalrymple to visit some old friends just after lunch today. Coming down from Washago way and heading across Monck Rd., cruise on at 85 kph & enjoying the ride. All of a sudden, car drops out of cruise, speedo goes to zero. Step on the gas and seems to be ok. Slowed down to turn onto 6 at Sebright, & won't upshift after the turn. I've experienced Limp In mode before with a Grand Caravan, so I pulled over to try something. Of course, it ain't anything near the same under the hood of the two. Tapped on anything looking like a relay, then tried again, no joy. Drove from Sebright to Uptergrove in about 45 minutes (seemed like hours!), flashers on & all but on the shoulder the whole way. Got home, phoned all the local tranny shops - CLOSED! Figured they would be but one can hope!

So, now I have to hope the car rental has one available at 7:30 in the morning so I can get to work this weekend, they're closed today too.

When it happened on the caravan, cost me 25.00 to repair. Mechanic pulled the relay, cleaned & lubed, stuck it back in and voila! But that was in Trenton or I'd be in his parking lot now.

I just bought this car in October because it was cherry - now this! Timing couldn't be worse, along with the unplanned expense!



Michael (praying for good news from Lotto Max tonight!)


If it helps you can find rental cars online...i book them all the time for enterprise rent a car. Its not always accurate (whether there are vehicles or not) but pretty close.

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I only deal with the local Discount (have an "in" there), but I did try their site. Only offered one model at huge bucks. They've always got lots of cars on the lot - it's their trucks that are not always easy to get. I'm sure they'll look after me, I rent trucks from them a lot. Thanks for the tip, though, I am so upset that I didn't think of trying elsewheres just yet. Just incredibly bad timing for me right now, in the middle of moving, business concerns & now this! It's only been a couple hours since I got home & I'm fighting to keep control - any more bad news I just couldn't take right now.


I'll try to stop ranting now :)



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If your speedometer dropped to 0 when you were still rolling it most likely a speed sensor.

This also should have turned on your check engine light.

The speed sensor is mounted in the transmission.


Edited by Bernie
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Bernie it did so!

Couldn't get it to flash a code by turning the ignition on & off though (probably 'cause I was so stressed). I figured a relay or sensor of some sort based on the experience with the caravan, especially since the speedo went to zero first (never happened that way with the caravan). Even though it will be going to a mechanic (too bad you ain't closer brother!) because I just don't have the time to backyard mechanic right now, it makes sense to me if the output speed sensor quits, speedo stops reading so the computer throws it into limp in mode & alerts via the check engine light to have it checked over. Just had the oil changed about a week ago, tranny fluid was right on & clean as a whistle. Checked it again when I pulled over and once more when I got home, still right on the money and super clean.

Hopefully it won't be super big bucks to fix. A couple hundred won't break me (it'll sting!) right now, but a couple grand re-build says I'll be looking for a cheap motorcycle for a while!

Armed with your advice I'm sure I won't get ripped at least. Mr. Transmission is about the only game in limp in range right now, got some indirect connection with the operators. Sadly, it may be Tuesday before I can get to them unless I can get someone to take the car in tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip and the schematic, wish I could be in a position to try the repair myself right now, that's a very clear drawing!

Much appreciated (and feeling a litte less stressed now!) Bernie, big THANK YOU!



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They are easy to change and somewhat common to fail.

I can't remember on the Cirrus if you need to remove much to access it.

It will be on the transmission behind the radiator on the left side.

Once you get looking at it you will recognize it from the diagram.

It just threads out and to replace....thread it back in.

Make sure you use the same type of washer/spacer as came out of the old sensor.

The depth is critical for the proper spacing.

Any good parts supplier should have this one in stock.

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Irish - I will! I'll be very happy if it is that simple. I'm not where the car is right now (I'm at a friends) but I will try it before I leave for the car rental in the morning - hope you're right & I can go right to work instead.

Bernie - If it ain't the plug falling off, it's off to the shop - Like Wayne says, used to just need a pocket knife. I gave up on a lot of backyard mechanics when fuel injection came into vogue. Just didn't have time for anything beyond brakes, belts, bulbs etc. I'd try this if I were in town or had rides I could count on, but I don't.

Found a US site that says the part was about 26.00 and the labour flat rate was .5 hrs. I'll be happy with 50.00 for the part & 1.0 hrs minimum charge if that turns out to be the case. I have to work tomorrow & sunday, so don't have the chance to get the part myself & try it. Tuesday I have a truck booked to pick up a load & bring it back, so that day's shot, might get the car into the shop at least. Like I said before, lousy timing all the way around and my situation is about as fragile as it gets right now.

Two weeks from now I'll be moved, car will be fixed, and I'll be overlooking Lake St. John in my new home (see my Happy Happy post), if I make it till then!


Hugest thanks to both of you! I was just ranting, didn't expect this kind of help and it's been valuable!




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That was one suggestion on a forum I checked. Problem is getting at the battery - behind (actually in front of) the drivers side wheel liner! I appreciate the suggestion but I think I'm still going to take it in and have a code reader plugged in. Almost 100% of the answers I found (here first and on repair forums) all describe the exact conditions I experienced, and all point to the output speed sensor. There is other symptoms but the exact sequence of speedo dropping out, followed by limp in mode engaging when the vehicle slows down enough and the engine light coming on is frequent and always the same part - output sensor. Couple of posts reported your suggestion worked - for a bit, never permanently and never for very long (very few kilometers/miles), ultimately the sensor had to be changed.

Thanks for helping out Skeeter, like I said earlier I was just ranting, not begging for help but am pleased and appreciative of the input. If I had a bit more time to deal with it I'd try the sensor myself, but just find myself backed against the wall the next few days (ain't it always the case!). Now that there's been this much input, I'll just run it in to my regular mechanic (with Bernie's diagram and all the responses) & he'll snap it all together post haste!


Thanks again all, I'm no longer all stressed out!



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Like I said earlier, I tried getting it to code flash by turning the ignition on & off several times, but figured I was so stressed out I just couldn't get it right. Off to the car rental for 7:30, don't think I can get the sensor today but I will try. At least I'll be able to drive by the parts places to see if they'll be open Monday (doubt it). At the very least I will be able to pick one up in the rental truck on Tuesday. Just praying that it's only this sensor (pretty sure it is from what I've learned!)

I'll be checking the connections before I leave for the rental in about 40 minutes.



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UPDATE- Mechanic called at noon while I was on the road today. Car's all fixed & working good. Output speed sensor was in fact the problem. $110.40 for part, labor & taxes. Didn't get back in time to pick it up but at least I know it's done right (I trust this guy!).


Thanks once again to all who offered advice - he appreciated it too!



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The only way Bernie could have been more on the money would have been to guide my mechanic in the repair! Sure did take a load off my mind.




A guy has to get lucky once in a while. ;)


Just wish it was more often. :P

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Crawl under quick Michael and see if the plug fell off the sensor!


Man.. things use to be so simple, when all you needed to get your '69 running again was a pocket knife...




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Better than half the cars I've owned have been Mopars, and I have changed a few. But (not sure) I think that part was eliminated some time ago. Now that I've said it, I'll find out I do have one and it'll be the NEXT thing to go when I'm out in the boonies :angry: (time to google it!) :rofl2:



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