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Groundhog Day??


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I'd be surprised if I totalled all the snow I've had here this winter that it would be over 4 inches. First snowblower in the garage and used it once to clear the end of the driveway when we got about 2-3 inches and the plow put enough to actually use it at the road. 59 winters under my belt and this is the least by far for snow.

Bring it on, can handle 6 more like this. :unsure:

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Been the same here in Toronto Dave, I think I've dusted off the driveway twice this year and we have absolutely no snow on the ground.


I just got in from my morning hike in the woods with the pooch a few minutes ago and it sure is nice to wander the trails in running shoes in February.

Edited by lew
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You've got that one right Lew. Snowblower has been tucked away in the garage all winter. Hope I haven't spoken too soon!



Been the same here in Toronto Dave, I think I've dusted off the driveway twice this year and we have absolutely no snow on the ground.


I just got in from my morning hike in the woods with the pooch a few minutes ago and it sure is nice to wander the trails in running shoes in February.

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I'd be surprised if I totalled all the snow I've had here this winter that it would be over 4 inches. First snowblower in the garage and used it once to clear the end of the driveway when we got about 2-3 inches and the plow put enough to actually use it at the road. 59 winters under my belt and this is the least by far for snow.

Bring it on, can handle 6 more like this. :unsure:


Ideally, we only buy blowers as insurance.



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You can thank me. 3 winters ago I bought a blower after a ginormous deluge of snow. It snowed again enough to need it just once that season. $1400/ snowfall. Last season it got used a lot as I spent no money preparing for winter. This fall I spent a G-note on winter tires for the wife's vehicle. So of course it's going to be the least snowfall ever. Next year I'll buy winter tires for my truck and give us another snow free winter. You all can thank me by sending cash. All that wasted money adds up! :)

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well we have enough snow up here ... ill supply and load it for free ....just pay for shipping and its all yours....


groundhog day happens every year and i get confused EVERY year as to what it means when he sees his shadow...im going to guess if he sees it ...its a good thing ...6 weeks of winter left...and if he doesnt its a bad thing ...8 weeks left?


P3TA has their nose bent out of shape over groundhog day....i wonder who is going to be getting a pie in the face :lol:

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I hate snow just as much as the next guy, maybe even more. I hate shoveling and blowing it, seems like a waste of time when its only gonna melt eventually anyway. What I hate even more is all the bad drivers out there. But I guess it teaches us to be patient and also get some stuff done around the house and maybe get on here a bit more often!


Although a lack of snow may seem beneficial to us individually, but I am concerned what it means for mother nature. Isn't snow cover important for insulatng the ground? Further I know for sure that no snow on the ground means little to no spring run off which we all know is important for the cycle fo life in all streams and rivers.

Edited by MuskyGreenHorn
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The first 2 weeks in January I was out every other day trying to keep up. Then we had the "thaw & rain", gave me a 2 week reprieve. Since then I've used the snowblower last Thursday, yesterday and again today. Would have been out on the weekend but had to work so no time for it then. This place is huge, takes an average of 4 hours per outing to clear all the snow. It's almost as if the snow only hits here! True fact is the drifting is what causes the problems, farmers fields all around us and it all ends up exactly (to the millimeter) blowing into our huge driveway.

Even with all that, I'd still like to see winter continue, lots of great catches being reported and I want to get in on it too!

As for P3TA, I'll be glad when they grow up and find a real cause to waste their (and my) time on! What'll they complain about next? How about the inhumane treatment of minnows used as baitfish? (they haven't done that yet and I missed it did they...? oops, don't wanna give 'em any ideas!)


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