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Anyone see the Sabres V Sens?


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watched part of it, i grew up with Peters and he's always been "odd" like that, and emery just looked like he was having tonnes of fun... imo GREAT for the game... but the Sens have more tough guys then the Sabres (Neil and Mcgratton- healthy scratch, but like the announcer said his 9 game healthy scratch streak will come to an end), i think it would be a pity if Peters or anyone else gets suspended before tomorrow nights game, they want to introduce old time rivalries here's the start of one!!

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Guest Trophymuskie

I think Ruff needs to be suspended for sure, sending out his tough guys vs Ottawa's #1 line. LOL like it really takes a tough guy to go after Spezza or Heatly.


If Ruff doesn't get a bunch of games for this barbaric action I'll be really surprised.


Now my money is on McGratton to dress on Saturday and for some reason I don't think he's going to be going after Briere. Ottawa has some class, look for those 3 goons to get spanked.


And all this got started after a great clean open ice hit. The guy got cut when he hit the ice.


I'll definitely be watching the game Saturday night.

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Couldn't happen to two more deserving teams...

Lindy Ruff is a whining weasel. He sees a hit on one of his players and cries the blues. Everytime. It wasn't a dirty hit but it didn't have to be as punishing. Chris Neal is an opportunist, potential for injury is an afterthought with him. It's too bad, as much as I dislike him he has solid skills and doesn't have to be a dink to be effective... no-class weasel.

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I saw it and think Ruff, Peters and Mair should all get suspended. Chris Neil lays a good shoulder check on Chris Drury, exactly one second after he released the puck (forward momentum). In my books that was not a late hit or a dirty hit. It was unfortunate that Drury got hurt/cut when he hit the ice. :stretcher:


He had his chin strap undone, so his helmet came off when Neil came in with the clean shoulder check. What Ruf did was completely unacceptable. He tells his 3x goons to go out and run their skill players. Peters and Mair go after Heatly and Spezza (def non fighters). Emery and Biron go at it and Emery takes him down quickly. Then you have the goon Peters looking to fight someone else, so he comes at Emery who was about to go at it with Biron again. Real tough guy that goon is. He's got his helmet on still (all nice and protected), and Emery at least is smart enough to not start hitting this goons Helmet. If you are gonna fight, take off you damn helmet wimp. I'd like to see how well Peters would do against Emery, with goalie equipment on.


As far as the rematch goes? I think the NHL will send a warning to both teams, in an effort to head off another Ott vs Flyers brawl. I'm sure we all remember that one.


Here's the video of last nights brawl.


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWR93n-OIQ"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWR93n-OIQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWR93n-OIQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>


Here's the Ott vs Flyers Brawl.


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>





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Good clean shoulder hit no different that Scott Stevens used to throw on a regular basis. Listen to Don on saturday and I'm sure he'll say the same thing.


As for Ruff he's never had any class and again proved it last night by sending in the goons. Going to be a different story on the rematch when Mcgratton gets ahold of Peters. As fishinonthebrain said lets put Peters in goalie gear and see if he can fight. Emery was loving every minute of that last night, not bad for a guy that only played Junior C hockey.


I'm sure the NHL will be all over the game on the weekend, not sure which way it will go but either way it will draw some attention.

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be curious to know what Murray would do if it was Alfredsson who took that hit, you and i both know Neil and or Mcgratton would be out next shift, last line change or not and a message would be sent... every coach, hell every fan, KNOWS exactly what's going to happen when your teams bruiser takes out the opposing teams leading scorer and Murray knew it was coming, he put the Spezza line out in hopes that nothing would happen or maybe he had to 'cause he had no one else to send out there? Neil gonna take everyone on by himself?... and atleast this year the Sens have zero excuse for not being tough enough, they're probably as tough and physical as any other team in the league


And for a team full of "goons" they sure do seem to be doing okay for themselves, don't they? first place overall i believe...


BTW- was a nice clean hit imo on Drury, no problems with that and no problems with Ruff's decision to send out his tough guys to let the Sens know it ain't gonna happen again and it sure as heck ain't gonna be happening in their house.... and yes Ruff is a whiny little, you get the idea

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Want an honest opinion from a Diehard Sabres fan? The hit, Ruff was ridiculous to say that it was an elbow......Ill admit that. But like some feel in this thread, it didnt matter wether he elbowed or not.........that wasnt the issue i had with the hit at all......it was the fact (and ive watched the replay several times) that Neil saw drury shoot the puck, and as the puck left the stick, he changed direction and headed directly for Drury, and as someone said "Blindsided" him. Knowing he was in a vulnerable , defenseless position. Thats as cheap as it gets. Alot are saying......no elbow and Drury didnt even get injured by neil, he hit his head on the ice. LOL.........YEAH, because NEIL put him on the ice.?!?!?! Sorry, i have no remorse for a hit from the side of a player, behind, anywhere where a player is unable to defend himself or avoid the hit. And yes, that includes open ice hits when a guys heads down. And yes that includes the Campbell Umberger hit. (just to show im not one for double standards lol) Yeah they are legal hits, but , i dunno, lets use the word disrespectful. Its disrespectful to try and end someones career who spent there whole lives trying to make it into this league. Anyway, Im tangenting. The hit was classless, i lbelieve that term was used many times in this thread to describe Buffalos actions......or at least Ruff...but lest we forget that it all started from an Ottowa player hitting a star forward in a cheap fashion.


I dunno, ill give ottowa the fact that it wasnt an elbow, and I will also say that id rather see someone find neil the next shift and take care of him personally instead of going eye for an eye with the wingers . But i will also say that i LOVE a good brawl on the ice LOL!!! Ill also ay that i thought Peters move was assanine grabbing a goaltender like that, clearly Emery didnt want anything to do with pummeling Biron. Hes done some stupid things. The golf swing on the ice last year during the playoffs aimed at the losing opponent was amongst one of his stupider moves lol.

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Now thats hockey. What a bushleague move by Ruff sending out the toughguys to go after the #1 line for the sens. Emer might be one of the most underrated tough guys in the league I saw him do the asme thing many times in the OHL. I hope CBC bumps the leaf game on saturday so we can see a rematch.

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Well I have 30+ yrs teaching in minor hockey and this year minor hockey adopted the same rules emphasis that the NHL embraced 2 yrs ago. The DVD's I was given to explain the new rules emphasis were produced by the NHL. The rule is you can only finish the check if you are within a stick length of the player period. As already pointed out he changed direction to make the hit and he was a good 3 to 4 stick lengths away = dirty hit elbow or not, and he isn't protesting the call. Now will the NHL add games who knows? Problem is a few thousand 14 and 15 yr olds watched this hit and the subsequent brawls etc. gonna be a long weekend for me as a convenor. My biggest prob with it all, watch the tape of the 2 coaches arguing and note the young kids standing behind the glass. disgusting!

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Hahaha... CBC bump the Leafs game??!! The CBC are leaf homers. They're a national channel and publicly funded, but Toronto is the coast to coast game every Saturday. Not gonna happen.


But on to the hit.. Ruff may be a whiner (I agree with the poster who said Quinn was worse), but seeing that hit as it happened, from the bench, behind the play it probably did look like an elbow. If you were the coach what would you have done? Tight playoff race, division rival, you already have injury problems and one of your top players gets taken out (and from your vantage point it looks like a late cheap shot to the head)... "Oh, well. Hey big tough guys who's job it is to enforce, intimidate, protect and generally be a physical presence on the ice.. hit the showers. We'll get'em next game." :whistling: Yeah right!!!

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Neil's an idiot. It was "clean" technically but he raised his shoulder to pop him in the head. He could have kept his shoulder down and it wouldn't have killed the guy. One of these days, Neil is going to get what's coming to him. Intent to injure, irregardless of whether the hit was clean or not is more how I look at it. And bottom line, Neil was intending to knock him out. Good on Ruff for sending the tough guys out there. You want to play that way, send a message. That's what hockey has been missing. Too many of these intent to injure shots go un punished because it's "clean", so you have to take care if it yourself. Peters was an idiot for fighting Emery. That shouldn't have happened.

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Good on Ruff for sending the tough guys out there. You want to play that way, send a message. That's what hockey has been missing. Too many of these intent to injure shots go un punished because it's "clean", so you have to take care if it yourself.


Exactly. That's the reason it looks like the instigator rule will be revised for next season.


Everyone was all over it when Koivu got nailed a few games ago. The hit was "legal" but he was totally blindsided. Souray (not a goon or a pylon by any means) dropped the gloves to take care of business and got ejected. Every hockey talk radio program was discussing whether or not Souray did the "right thing" the next day, but if nobody stepped up, what would that show other teams? What does that say for team character? If your captain gets nailed on a questionable hit and nobody takes action, you have no team, IMO.

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I hear ya fish for fun, i got a nephew that im real close playin Mite Hockey and its a tough call when im watchin a game with him and have to pretend Im not all fired up and lovin a scene like last night in Buffalo LOL!! I just tell him when he grows up and makes it in the league, to emulate guys like Briere who are sitting on the bench watching the fisticuffs lol. Seriously though, i totally get your point of view, its funny what we as adults are allowed to enjoy, but would never want our kids (or nephews) taking part in or rooting for.


I dont think youll see much tomorrow night either. I think the coaches have calmed down and will probably instruct to walk away and try and draw stupid penalties to win the game. I also bet Drury is out of the line-up for saturday wether hes able to go or not, just to enhance the possibility of the League punishing Neil. (and im not sayin hes not hurt by the way)

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Ruff should get suspended for a few games at the least ... the hit was clean and for a coach to send his goons out the next shift to fight the skill players is completely unacceptable ... send your tough guy out against another tough guy ... I hope the Sens kick the sabres $#$&$^ on Sat ..

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as a former goalie that used to like the fighting I thought it was awesome. Its rare to see a tough guy and a goalie go at it. The chest protector on emery sure does slow the punches down. I used to pull my arm out so i could throw punches better and faster to make it a little more even.


As for the hit it was late for sure but it was a shoulder and he was lining him up before he got rid of the puck so it could be argued either way i guess.


I dont really care for lindy but i blame murry for putting on his skilled players. how could you? he should have been expecting it!!!!!!


Good old time hockey though loved watching it!



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