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I blame Cliff!


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Out the door at 4:30 am, rods, tackle, clothing, food, beverages everything ready the night before (Saturday night)

Arrive at FishnSled's house 5 minutes early and start loading the truck and boat. Two minutes later, Cliff arrives and we are on the road to Quinte by 5:15am.

On the water and lines down by 7:30am, Hay Bay is our target. We are running baits high, mid and deep, seeing plenty of great marks on the finder....

A little background for yah....

Two weeks ago, in the same place, with the same baits and the same marks on our graph, Bitsmith and I took 5 Pickereyes in one day with one fish breaking into the double digit group.

Last week, FishnSled out for the day managed to boat two Pickereyes, both over twelve pounds....

So yesterday, we had high expectations... until about half way through the day, no bites, no nibbles, no lost fish, nadda, nothing!

So, in doing a post mortum on the day, I have no other position to take on this other than to say, it's that damn Cliff!

We should have brought Carol!


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Out the door at 4:30 am, rods, tackle, clothing, food, beverages everything ready the night before (Saturday night)

Arrive at FishnSled's house 5 minutes early and start loading the truck and boat. Two minutes later, Cliff arrives and we are on the road to Quinte by 5:15am.

On the water and lines down by 7:30am, Hay Bay is our target. We are running baits high, mid and deep, seeing plenty of great marks on the finder....

A little background for yah....

Two weeks ago, in the same place, with the same baits and the same marks on our graph, Bitsmith and I took 5 Pickereyes in one day with one fish breaking into the double digit group.

Last week, FishnSled out for the day managed to boat two Pickereyes, both over twelve pounds....

So yesterday, we had high expectations... until about half way through the day, no bites, no nibbles, no lost fish, nadda, nothing!

So, in doing a post mortum on the day, I have no other position to take on this other than to say, it's that damn Cliff!

We should have brought Carol!



I'm not so sure, Joe. Every report I've ever seen from Cliff has always had fish in them. This one doesn't have a single fish....

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Roy, I'm looking at it this way, last time out I got fish and so did FishnSled, the only variable I could come up with, would be the Cliff factor... and believe me, he heard about it on the boat yesterday! LMAO

All kidding aside, we shared some laughs, got out of this blasted city and did our best to try and find a fish or two... but it was not meant to be...



Darn Cliff! LMAO :P



gonna have to pm Carol!

Edited by Headhunter
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DouG... it would have been a tough bite, had we had even one!!!!!LOL

Terry... no sheapies were harmed in this report, so I don't think you can use this post for your own ill gotten gains!

That Darn Cliff! Still Lmao!







Carol! Carol!

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I blame Cliff for a lot of things, almost everything actually!... but not for my inability to catch fish or put other people on fish!!! :P


Joe, you and Will should know that just because you caught fish in a certain area last year, last month, last week, or even yesterday.. doesn't mean you'll catch them there today or tomorrow. :lol:


Given Cliffs track record for the year, I'm sure he could have caught a Pike anytime he wanted to... but just didn't want to embarrass you and Will! :w00t:


Y'all should have tried Bernies Wonder Jigs @ Thompsons Point... I'm sure Cliff would've stomped a mudhole in y'alls butts there... and loaded the boat with Pike!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:

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Funny you say that Dog! Cliff was muttering about "at least catching a pike" after a few hours of non action!

The Bernie wonder jigs were all tied up and the bait was in the boat... we just didn't want to chase small pickereyes when we could easily see trophy fish on the graph...

plus, Cliff didn't think we could catch a pike on a jig!

That darned Cliff!




Yelling in my best Ozzy voice...

Carol! Carol!

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Ok...first of all, HH has it all wrong. I have no idea how I can be blamed for anything?


Will asked if I could back the boat down the ramp, so I obliged. I went to park the truck and by the time I got back this is what I saw....




They were waving and thanking me for launching the boat. They then took off without me. :dunno:


So there I was...not even a fishing rod left behind for me. No wonder I didn't catch anything!!!


HH had to use the outhouse that is by the launch, so I hid behind some bushes as they came in around 1230 in the afternoon. After completing his business, I ran out from my hiding place and jumped on the boat just as it pulled away. HH kept saying to me it's all Will's fault when Will wasn't listening...



We trolled for an hour and didn't catch anything...so I'm having a hard time understanding why it's all my fault. Just as I figured the bite would turn on, Joe had to go home....at 130 in the afternoon!!!


I have to say Will and Joe...thanks for letting me troll for that last hour. You think maybe next year you'll let me use a lure that dives more than 3 feet and has some hooks on it? I know I'm new at Quinte and reading fishfinders, but I could have sworn all those hooks were at the 15 to 20 foot mark?

Edited by ccmt
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Funny you say that Dog! Cliff was muttering about "at least catching a pike" after a few hours of non action!

The Bernie wonder jigs were all tied up and the bait was in the boat... we just didn't want to chase small pickereyes when we could easily see trophy fish on the graph...

plus, Cliff didn't think we could catch a pike on a jig!

That darned Cliff!




Yelling in my best Ozzy voice...

Carol! Carol!


there's your problem right there... you need to forget the bait in the fridge..

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You guys kill me! :lol: A great day on the water even without the fish. I do have to correct you Joe, It was only a pair of 10+pound eyes and one just shy of 12, report will come. Just been very busy with work and other stuff. Thanks for the report Joe but Cliff's section had pictures. :P

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