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Ottawa Sens Game this Thursday

Dave Mercer

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Hey Gang,

Not sure how many Ottawa folks we have on the board but. The Ottawa Senators have asked me to be there special guest at the game this Thursday night. So I guess they will be putting my mug up on the big screen a few times and stuff but I wanted to have some fun with it. So if you find me and the Subway team at the game we will have a box of fishing prizes and all you have to do is say hi to get some cool stuff. So if you are going to be there say hi and if not spread the word about this to your friends from Ottawa. The whole story about what we are doing is bellow please help me spread The Fishing Fever!




Press Release


Facts of Fishing Fever Tour: Stop #1 (Ottawa Senators Game, Thursday, November 26th, 2009)


November 24th, 2009

Port Perry, ON


Canada's fishing funny man and host of television's Facts of Fishing has done some off-the-wall things. I mean, this is the same guy who threw out the first CAST in Major League Baseball at a Toronto Blue Jays game, ate a worm on national television, jammed a hook in his hand just to see how to get it out and pulled his truck and boat up on the curb in downtown Toronto's financial district to conduct an impromptu fishing seminar! All of these crazy off-the-wall things Dave Mercer has done for one reason - to spread his love of the sport of fishing.


Over 8 million Canadians fish and if this off-the-wall pro angler has anything to do with it, the number will be growing in the future. According to Dave Mercer, the only way to grow this sport and spread the joy of fishing is to bring it to people that have never experienced it in the past. "Hey, everyone that has fished loves it! And I kind of feel that its my job to tell other people about it!", says Dave.


Dave and his Facts of Fishing events team will be making top secret Facts of Fishing Fever stops that, in many cases, have absolutely nothing to do with fishing. These events will happen in places you least expect it. It could be your local sporting event, a concert, heck, who knows with this guy - he may just start knocking on people's doors! If you spot Dave dudded out in his signature jersey at one of these stops, say hi and you'll walk away with a Facts of Fishing Fever prize. It could be a lure, it could be a free lunch, who knows?! Maybe he'll even give you his favourite rod and reel!


Stop #1 will be the Ottawa Senators Game on Thursday, November 26th, 2009. Keep an eye out for Dave to cash in on your prizes and help spread fishing fever!


Edited by Dave Mercer
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Sounds like a real crowd pleaser, Dave. ummmm "we will have a box of fishing prizes" How big is the box Dave? I'm thinking VMAX SHO Yammy.

Have a good time with this....it sounds as though everyone else will.

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No you have to see me in person to get the prize! But I am sure what we are doing will not make the TV stuff but it will be fun for those of you that are there.


Ahhhhh shoot.... can't blame a guy for trying ;)

I guess you'll be the intermission intertainment and that is why we won't see it on TV.

Good luck with that and have fun Dave :thumbsup_anim:B)


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