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obviously this is canada play some rep hockey. but with regards to french lessons you have to be so devoted i was trying really hard to billingual and reached a point where it was probably 2 years away when i was taught a complete different way of writing french grammer wise which made everyhting you learned before that wrong at this point i got fed up and quit. dont waste your money on lessons try to find free community ones to see if your son likes it first. also as for playing musical instruments saxophone theres 4 different saxes you can play just by learning one and can go from playing rock to jazz to classical

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They say that if you learn music on piano, other instruments are easier to grasp. Maybe a good place to start....he will probably want to strap on a guitar as he gets a bit older.


Very sage advice.

Under the age of 11 or 12, most kids wrist' aren't strong enough to press down on the guitar strings properly, resulting in a frustrating learning experience. Piano is a great (if not the best) instrument to build musical talent with, and it leaves lots of options for other instruments in the future.


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Lacrosse.This sport will give the true meaning of self worth.It can only be played as a team.

Their is no super stars. One man can not get the job done,but it needs a leader.

It's also a great chance of getting a scholarship.

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Team sports are awesome. Aside from hockey -- if you have a rugby club nearby you might check to see if there's a kids level (some do, albeit few). Rugby is one of the best camaraderie sports i know....and a true team sport. Moreso than most.

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My son loves his tennis. He also enjoys curling, martial arts, and swimming. He enjoyed soccer for a couple of years but lost interest in that. We had him in piano, but he has now switched to guitar. I am not sure where you live but the Rouge canoe club in east end offers canoe camps during the summer. He also likes chess, the Pickering library has a free chess club for kids; he used to go there but now he doesn't have time.

Edited by JohnBacon
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Everyone is wired a bit differently, what you want your kid to do just may not make a connection to him-her. Be involved, give and let them make their own guided choices. Rather have mine be do`ers than watchers as long as it`s constructive.


LOL Trombone and Clarinet, mom want me to play an instrument, like that happened. I could use a baitcaster at 5 though.

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  • 2 months later...
Kid, this is Canada... That boy needs to be on the ice :)


I played hockey in the winter and ball in the summer all the way up until I was 19... Some of the best times for sure!


your right.. this is Canada.. so why not play lacrosse?


growing up always wanted to play hockey.. but didnt have the chance.. then my parents stuck me in soccer.. it was fun the first year.. but after that it got LAME! and well I hate baseball (no offence) so i begged my parents to let me play lacrosse.. and well have been playing ever since so for your answer..

Hockey for sure in the winter, and Lacrosse in the summer, keeps you in great shape. its a blast to play.. plus it kept me out of trouble..

other then that your best bet would be the great out doors !

looking back on my child hood that would be my favorite part was to go out hiking, camping or fishing.. !


sorry for the late post..

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My parents put me in Hockey and baseball and boy scouts and ... and ... till I was Twelve and I found out I could get on my bike and go do whatever the heck I wanted without a bunch of coaches and leaders barking orders at me ... best times of my life !

If I have a choice .. I choose free will ......... being able to make my own decisions has been a very important factor in my life ! !

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Agree with guitar. What you have so far are 3 structured group/team activities. Let your boy get creative on his own, and in the future if he sticks with it, see if he takes the initiative to join or form a group on his own.


Otherwise, agree with something like martial arts or just letting the boy play.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i started classical guitar at the age of 10. by the age of 16 i was in bands, by the age of 18 had appeared on national tv - both live and as an audio backing track...


now as an adult, guitar is something i can do quietly by myself when my son sleeps, and it relaxes me in much the same ways being in the great outdoors does... i don't have time for the band thing, but i still play all the time, and once and a while still do solo gigs for friends...

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