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weekend report!

pike slayer

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So friday after work my buddy and i loaded up the truck and we were off to pick up a buddy that was on the way out of town. We picked him up and we were off. I was driving down 4th line and this seagul is on the ground and starts taking off so i speed up and i freaking smoke the thing and it goes rolling over my hood haha!! i tried sooo many times to hit birds and squirrels on the ground but never seem to be successful hahaha!! i was like well boys first kill of the weekend and we havent even left town yet! turn out my buddys mom was driving the other way and she seen me hit it and said it walked away. So we drive to the end of the ranger lake road and then up hwy 129 about 15km. then its another 15km through a rough bush road with lots of rocks and mud. We make it to the lake and get camp set up. We were staying in a tent and we are hoping it doesnt get to cold and it didnt thankfully. The next morning we get up and we head out onto the lake and my motor is running like a bag of crap and all i can smell is gas, like i blew a gas line or something. so i turn around and head back to shore. we looked over the motor and couldnt find a thing wrong with it, so we said screw it go out there anyways and if it quits we got my minn kota and paddles to save your butts, we dont want a fishing trip completely flopped cause of a motor(been there done that). i get back out on the lake and the thing runs perfect!! we didnt do a thing to it! i figure the float in the carb got stuck and hand bombing it around loosened whatever it was up. So we get out fishing and we fished for the day. We boated well over 40 pike, we actually lost count. The largest pike of the day was a 9lber. we also got a few 6-7lbers, and a bunch of 3-5lbers. i went trolling over this one rock drop off and i hook into a 7lber. im stopped unhooking the fish while my buddy is casting and he hooks into a 6lber and theres a 7-8lber trying to steal the crankbait from the other pike. i never seen this with pike before, only bass. after i get mine unhooked i start casting again and second cast i get the 9lber! what a great fight and she even jumped in the air! that pike completely swallowed my thunderstick, while i was dealing with that my other buddy gets a 4lber and my other buddy hooks a 5lber getting a double header. while they are dealing with those fish i throw on another lure and i cast out and this massive 15-20lber just slowly follows my crankbait in and when it sees the boat it slowly swims away like it doesnt even have a care in the world, that fish will haunt me haha!! It was probably the most 20min of intense fishing ever. We ran into 2 other guys fishing there, only other boat on the lake and they only got one 12" pike the whole day hahaha!! The next morning i got up and went for a little walk along a footpath that runs along part of the lake, i get about 50feet from the tent and i see a partridge standing there and i blasted him, and got a clean head shot, that definitely was a good wake up call to my 2 other buddies that were still sleeping haha!! That remington wingmaster 20g worked great! not a pellet in the breast! That was only bird of the weekend, also missing 3birds on the way out cause of the truck and dealing/fighting with 2 other idiots in the truck fighting over whos gonna shoot what hahaha! ahhh well, i'll get out again and get a few more and hopefully be a little more organized! Theres some pics of the 9lber and one decent pike eater pike. (i had to keep the 9lber, it swallowed my 3 treble hook crank) and theres a pic of the storm thunderstick that the pic couldnt get enough off, lots of battles scars for one day of fishing haha! hope you enjoyed my little report!





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I was driving down 4th line and this seagul is on the ground and starts taking off so i speed up and i freaking smoke the thing and it goes rolling over my hood haha!! i tried sooo many times to hit birds and squirrels on the ground but never seem to be successful hahaha!! i was like well boys first kill of the weekend and we havent even left town yet!


Seriously...you want to post stuff like that?

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and this seagul is on the ground and starts taking off so i speed up and i freaking smoke the thing and it goes rolling over my hood haha!! i tried sooo many times to hit birds and squirrels on the ground but never seem to be successful hahaha!! i was like well boys first kill of the weekend and we havent even left town yet!


I'm not a hunter, but I by no means am anti-hunting or anything like that. If I lived in a more remote or wilderness type location I'd probably hunt for food myself.


However, what is it about running over seagulls and squirrels that is in any way remotely sporting or have anything to do with hunting? :dunno:

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Guest Johnny Bass

Sounds like a great day! I had a day like that also. But it was on buzzbaits. Nailed countless pike and lost quite a few and many misses. I take it the name of the lake was Ranger?lol

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you cant tell you havent tried this, i always do, thinking i never would actually hit one, and well i did, it was a first ever so mehhh


Actually, no. Never intentionally, on the highway when veering around them or slamming on the brakes is not a possibility i hit a couple, but never on purpose, nor have i even thought of bragging about it.

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Worm dangler, posting illegal activities complete with your pic and IP number available is incredibly stupid. It's scary that you were even able to pass your driver's license test. What's scarier is that you might even be able to have children. This is not going to be a long read at all.

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