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This wooden piece has got to be my favorite of all the ones I created. I was inspired in producing this one after I had caught my nickel (5Lbs 6oz largemouth bass) this past August on a simple but productive lure, the Jitterbug..... the lure I caught it on, belonged to my dad before he gave me his tackle box when I was a teenager and never got to use very often...... guess he was watching over me that morning B)

Thank you POP! I love you :canadian:


I still can't believe this brute got suckered into engulfing my surface lure and I remember, crystal clear the event that insued.


For those that didn't see it..... here is the pic of my nickel




So I really got thinking about creating it after I had checked my report but wasn't sure on how to even start..... The following reply got me intrigued and I just could not pass the opportunity.


hey jacques you should try doing a jitter bug! laugh.gif


Had an idea and got busy..... This piece is in two part, the body is almost 3" inches long (give and take a 1/4") and the big lip at the front was quite a challenge to cut on the bandsaw. Needless to say, I was able to accomplish the cutting on the saw and finish the assembly, after a nice paint job and a couple of varnish coates..... here is the results




another angle




It is almost a copycat of the original one and couldn't be more happier with the results.

Hope you enjoy!



Great job man, like your big bass I still remember everything from that morning, the sound of the fish fighting and busting water, my heart pounding, every jump it did. Great job on the lure, perhaps a short field test video?


Thanks for sharing that beauty again!


  Leechman said:


I think you may want to relocate the line eye to get a proper angle of attack, the way it looks now is more likely to submarine instead of keeping it's head up.


Looking good though.


That there may work just fine. One suggestion. You might get better action with the line tied to a ring on the front of the blade. Having the line tied to the nose of the lure, the retrieve might dig the nose into the water?

  Mike The Bass Fisher said:
Great job man, like your big bass I still remember everything from that morning, the sound of the fish fighting and busting water, my heart pounding, every jump it did. Great job on the lure, perhaps a short field test video?

Thanks for sharing that beauty again!



Thanks Mike!!! Yes the fight I remember clearly and what a fight.... at boat side Paul tried to net it and missed and it went under the boat :w00t: I thought at this point the line would snapped but was able to get it back " man 10Lbs Trilene XL " is one tough line. Once in the net.... the rest was history!!!


  CLofchik said:
I think you may want to relocate the line eye to get a proper angle of attack, the way it looks now is more likely to submarine instead of keeping it's head up.

Looking good though.


Thanks CLofchik!!! I just tried in the bath tub and it would not sink in.... was the opposite.... it sway left and right and kept to the surface..... If the weather cooperates tomorrow, will give it a try in the river.


  Dabluz said:
Great job but wouldn't it have been easier to just buy another Jitter Bug?


Thanks Dabluz!!! I have another brand new one that I never tried yet.... just the thrilled of making it and may be catch a fish is what is all about.


  johnnyb said:
SUPER impressive, Jacques! Lookin' forward to a report on that!


Thanks johnnyb!!! As soon as I can get to the water.... will give it a try and report the results.


  bigugli said:
That there may work just fine. One suggestion. You might get better action with the line tied to a ring on the front of the blade. Having the line tied to the nose of the lure, the retrieve might dig the nose into the water?


Thanks Bruce!!! Like I said in the above replies.... the test in the tub was positive.... pulling on the line to move it across the tub was awesome..... once tied to a rod will be the true test. I'll report back when I do.


  Dutchy said:
Looks real nice leechman.


Thanks Dutchy!!!


Looks Great Leechman


Is the lip made of wood?


I'm wonder'n if the metal lip cupped on original may give the popping action--being the metal also is thinner---one way to find out


Looks great



  splashhopper said:
Looks like a SIX POUNDER to me B)


Thanks splashhopper!!!


  GCD said:
I have a problem with this!!... my problem is, why isn't this lure in the water and catching fish???... are we going to talk aboot it all night or are we going to catch fish??? ;)B):w00t:


Well G just got back from testing it.... and...... read my other report to find out :P;)


  limeyangler said:
Good work again Jaques.....now design me a pack for my portable fishfinder.... ;)


Thanks Simon!!! No problem, just send me the dimensions ;)


  bushart said:
Looks Great Leechman

Is the lip made of wood?

I'm wonder'n if the metal lip cupped on original may give the popping action--being the metal also is thinner---one way to find out

Looks great



Thanks Bushart!!! Yes the lip is made out of wood.... It definitely makes a lower popping noise being wood but still works great


  OhioFisherman said:
Nice job! Nothing like the sound of a Jitterbug talking as it gurgles across still waters. Caught a lot of fish on them.


Thanks OhioFisherman!!!


  tibbs said:
Nice Job!

Hope you catch a bigger one with the homemade one.


Thanks Tibbs!!! Me too :thumbsup_anim:


  Rizzo said:
looks good, as long as it can make that sound like a jitterbug - glub glub glub - you should be golden. No sound means spend some $ and buy the real deal


Thanks Rizzo!!!


  jaydub said:
Looks good Jacques! :clapping: I look forward to hearing about the test results!


Thanks Jay!!!


I just got back from testing it and will be putting another report shortly..... uploading the pics and videos


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