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whats good here is that everyone has decent opinions and at least make an effort to follow whats going on.


I really hate those voters who dont follow anything and will always vote one way,just because of something that happened 40 years ago.

i know for fact alot of voters,italians etc in my area only vote liberal because thats who let them into the country 30 yrs ago and have NO idea whats going on at all. i hate those type of voters. and they are always the first ones to have that giant liberal sign on there front lawn.

and the GTA seem full of these types


You just described my town, except its the union steel mill workers and the NDP candidate that volunteered at the soup kitchen 30 years ago. He was MPP and got a pension, now he is MP and got a pension. He has not brought one dime to this town, but he still gets voted in every time.

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I really hate those voters who dont follow anything and will always vote one way,just because of something that happened 40 years ago.


the conservatives dont want to steal firearms from law abiding firearms owners....thats a good enough reason for me B)



as to the wst needing to get over the paranoia of toronto...


i live 1 hour west of toronto and even i dont like that stink hole along with most of the people living there. the thing is, EVERYONE outside of toronto wants to see that city sink :lol:

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There has got to be something wrong when an area like Toronto votes Liberal almost exclusively, i don't give a damn what anyone has to say about it, but if you honestly believe that the liberals are always the best option then something is wrong with you, or your being bought off. There is more to life than what can be offered inside suburbia or the concrete jungle, maybe just maybe the opinions of other people in the country, say on the gun registry, actually matters, and maybe just maybe the prevailing opinions of city folks is wrong, imagine that. But no matter, the whole country is held hostage by leftists in T.O.., seems unfair to me. O and some of you are right :rolleyes: of course, harper should have let duceppe, layton, and dion take over the government...what the hell is wrong with your head.

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Hopefully I dont get in trouble for this. Where you have Immigrants, you have Liberal voters. Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver. Maybe you can also say in the same breath that Big cities Love Liberals if you dont believe the Immigrant Theory. However, I do think the Liberals knowingly know this, consequently the Immigrant Paranoia towards the Conservatives IE Harpers a Racist. However, correct me if I'm wrong, because there is allot of untrue and exaggerated stories in the news. Are the Liberals thinking of allowing our new Canadians to be to vote before they are actually citizens. I'm sure I heard that on the radio, however it could be false.

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Hopefully I dont get in trouble for this. Where you have Immigrants, you have Liberal voters. Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver. Maybe you can also say in the same breath that Big cities Love Liberals if you dont believe the Immigrant Theory.


As an immigrant I have heard this theory myself a number of times, and I would assume it is correct to a degree. I would not vote conservative, but not because I am an immigrant, because I am not a conservative. I didn't vote that way in Britain, and won't likely here. :P But it is a moot point until I get my citizenship next july. So I cannot vote. I have lived in Canada for 6.5 years, paid ALOT in taxes, but cannot vote. So I don't know if that answers the above question. Citizenship at the moment is required to vote.


On the topic of "I vote Tory cause my dad did and his dad did", it happens in Britain and in the States. Its nothing unusual, yes it is annoying, but that is the way some people are. If I am being truthful, in Britain right now if I lived there I may vote Tory cause Brown is a disaster and Cameron seems like a decent leader, but it would amount to nothing. I grew up on the river clyde, a ship-building area destroyed by Thatcher and staunchly labour bound. It will never change.


IMO Canada does not need another election. Not right now. There is nothing to be gained and I think if one were held you would get a conservative majority. Which might settle things down politically which would not be a bad thing unless you are a liberal. To my mind all politicians are the same. The major decisions would be made largely the same way whoever was in power, what they screw around with is the smaller things, not less important before anyone hammers me, just smaller issues. $300 million is alot to waste on doing this whole thing all over again. BUT you may get a majority.

Edited by Dutchy
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As an immigrant I have heard this theory myself a number of times, and I would assume it is correct to a degree. I would not vote conservative, but not because I am an immigrant, because I am not a conservative. I didn't vote that way in Britain, and won't likely here. :P But it is a moot point until I get my citizenship next july. So I cannot vote. I have lived in Canada for 6.5 years, paid ALOT in taxes, but cannot vote. So I don't know if that answers the above question. Citizenship at the moment is required to vote.


On the topic of "I vote Tory cause my dad did and his dad did", it happens in Britain and in the States. Its nothing unusual, yes it is annoying, but that is the way some people are. If I am being truthful, in Britain right now if I lived there I may vote Tory cause Brown is a disaster and Cameron seems like a decent leader, but it would amount to nothing. I grew up on the river clyde, a ship-building area destroyed by Thatcher and staunchly labour bound. It will never change.


IMO Canada does not need another election. Not right now. There is nothing to be gained and I think if one were held you would get a conservative majority. Which might settle things down politically which would not be a bad thing unless you are a liberal. To my mind all politicians are the same. The major decisions would be made largely the same way whoever was in power, what they screw around with is the smaller things, not less important before anyone hammers me, just smaller issues. $300 million is alot to waste on doing this whole thing all over again. BUT you may get a majority.

Just curious here. I believe it may of been late 70s or Early 80s. I remember our news was always broadcasting news from Britain, Civil Unrest, The whole Country just about Striking, and the Country almost or was Broke. When was that, What Party was Responsible, How did they get out of it. Just Briefly, sorry if you were too young.

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Just curious here. I believe it may of been late 70s or Early 80s. I remember our news was always broadcasting news from Britain, Civil Unrest, The whole Country just about Striking, and the Country almost or was Broke. When was that, What Party was Responsible, How did they get out of it. Just Briefly, sorry if you were too young.


It was the Conservatives. Margaret Thatcher got in eventually and then in the 80's broke the unions. Coal, ship buiding, steel industry. Basically outsourced to asia and killed all the industries. Where I grew up went from dozens of shipyards to one. Loads of people on unemployment, housing benefits. You still cannot mention her name to my dad, he just walks out the room. No-one in the Clyde valley will ever forget her or forgive her. In the shipyards, people went into at 16 years of age, it is all the knew how to do, so when it all went teats up they had no other training to do anything. Who needs a 45 year old welder for example? It cost millions she never factored on, the cost of benefits becuase no-one had a job.


Down in England there were alot of riots in the 80's as well, don't remember exactly what they were about.

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This talk about politics reminds me that I've never understood why the Liberals are called liberal, and the Conservatives conservative, like right and left in American politics. I don't think of myself as particularly stupid or unaware but it seems to me the major parties regularly diverge from their respective left/right liberal/conservative tracks, and the minor parties dance to whatever tune might get them some voice by association. For the moment the Green Party may be the one closest to my heart for their sincerity, but sending them to gov't would be like the Maple Leafs signing a 10 year old blueliner (which may be next btw). There have been times when the Liberals seemed far more conservative than the liberal Conservatives, and vice versa.


Strikes me partisan politics has devolved to a simple "if it's good for him then it's no good for me" state, and damn the consequences to the electorate and the country. It's now all about getting elected or re-elected, and what party's in power. The campaigning starts the second the election is over, if not sooner. Would that there was as much political energy expended on the state of the country as there is on the state of the party.


Dunno what the solution is though. Honest men and women want no part of rolling in the political manure pile so the political jobs are left to those unfettered by honesty and ethics, or even simple national pride. The parties protect their own and there's little chance of a non-party line aspirant even making it to the ballot under any of the rainbow of party flags let alone being elected. And if by some ridiculous twist of fate they should get to win an election they're either undermined, shouted down and neutralized by all the party faithful, or they just drink the koolaid and break faith with their supporters.


Yours in apathetic beleaguerment


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