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Botbot brought her friend fishing on Father's day(w/pics)


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I finally got around to uploading some pics from Father's day on to www.photobucket.com .


My daughter, Botbot, wanted to bring her friend fishing with us.

I was a bit hesitant at first, as I wanted to have the day for just the two of us.


My daughter has a "certain way" about her when it comes to getting me to do stuff for her that I may not want to do... can any of you other dad's appreciate that...lol B)


So, off to Walmart to buy another spinning reel/rod combo for her friend..


Botbot tells me: "make sure she will catch a fish dad, it's her first time out".


Um, yeah honey,,, no problem :huh:


Off we go to a little carp spot that I am pretty sure we will get some action.

After a five to ten minute "lesson" on how to hold the pole(rod tip up) and us chumming the hole with some DelMonte corn, we were "ready".


They got set up on the rocks and "started fishing"



A few minutes later and Botbot is into one..



Another 10- 15 minutes later and her friend catches her FIRST FISH EVER( check out the smile)



Botbot soon learns that it takes patience teaching a person how to fish for the first time and needed to fish by herself for a few minutes :P



I got a call from my friend who was fishing for perch along the Lake Erie shore and we decided to go meet him and try for some perch ourselves.

Botbot likes fishing with him as he is a very gentle fishing coach and she knows that he is the one who gave me my board name here ;)

We meet up with him just in time for him to be releasing a sheephead



By this time, I am getting "just a little" frustrated with the whole "teaching a kid how to fish thing" and my friend takes over.

I get a chance to throw the line in and relaaaax...

I like meditating when I am fishing alone and this was one of those "moments with my Higher Power" that I will NEVER forget.

I felt like He had made my friend call me that day to give me a reminder in GRATITUDE...

My Higher Power gave me one of "His nudges" and planted this thought in my head:

" why are you being so impatient this morning?

don't you think your friend would give ANY THING to have one more day of fishing with his son?"..

(My friend's son was murdered a few years ago, and here I am in a prissy little mood about not having Botbot to myself on Father's day.)


I got "THE message"....


I took my friend aside and gave him a father's day hug.. we both choked back a few tears...


Then, as the fishing god's would have it, Botbot yells out:

"FISH ON DADDY and it's BIG daddy !"


She and her friend are squealing with excitement and I know, I am a blessed man... ;)


Botbot pulls this one up and asks for the OFC sign



A few minutes later...... Botbot yells at her friend to yank on her pole... ( her friend was starting to doze off on the rocks in the heat)



Her friend is startled but has an auto re-flex.. and hooks this one :)



Thanks OFC community for helping my daughter and I with our fishing questions...

and Thank You to my Higher Power for reminding me what's really important on Father's day...


Splashhopper and Botbot

Edited by splashhopper
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What a wonderful post Splashhopper!

Makes us all want to stop for a minute or so and think.

The first picture with Botbot and her friend with her first fish is priceless and brings a huge smile to my face as well!!!

That is one photo they will want to reflect back on in years to come.

Thanks for posting the report.

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Great report and taking the kids out fishing.

Looks like one of the OFC teams added some inches on this day.

Thanks for sharing.


I don't think we can add Sheephead to the tally... but hey.. if we could, I know where there are a ton of those buggers B)

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I don't think we can add Sheephead to the tally... but hey.. if we could, I know where there are a ton of those buggers B)


Thankyou for sharing the photos and story. I know that there are many of us out there who would love to have one more time on the water with those we love!

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I don't think we can add Sheephead to the tally... but hey.. if we could, I know where there are a ton of those buggers B)


Thankyou for sharing the photos and story. I know that there are many of us out there who would love to have one more time on the water with those we love!

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