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Dunnville Walleye Hunt


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So one day last week HometownHandyman & I got to go out to play on Garry2rr's bassboat in Dunnville. We dropped the boat in at Fishmaster's ramp and headed out to troll for the morning. Garry, being the great host he is, drove the boat and read the fishfinder for us. HTHM & I washed an assortment of lures as we ran upstream and down. He caught a really nice tree branch and I snagged some scales that had evidently been attached to a fish recently, but sadly, no fish.


We broke for lunch at a marina restaurant up some side creek and then started back to trolling. The best action we had trolling was me losing a Shad Rap, but the ongoing tutorial from Garry made it more than worthwhile. You old hands at this fishing game may not appreciate having a walking encyclopedia of angling with you but for a neophyte like me it's better than having a Google search engine on hand. There's no better way to fast track to really enjoying fishing than on the job training from someone like Garry - and he's great company to boot.


Well, Garry's a great teacher and raconteur, but it turns out he ain't so hot at keeping track of the gas. On one of our downstream (fortunately) passes he says something like "Uhoh - what's up with the motor?" just as it sputters, shakes and dies. "Probably the tank's empty." says he as he ambles rearwards (sternwards?) and begins messing about in the motor well. "Seems to me I remember filling this other tank a while back. Sure hope I'm right." More subdued clattering and slidey noises, then "Oops!"


I turn and look downriver and can just barely make out Fishmaster's off in the distance - a helluva long way to paddle a bassboat, even downstream. Garry, ever the optimist says "We got a full battery anyway." and off we went, buzzing right along at max MinnKota speed. We swung into Fishmaster's harbour and tried jigging for Crappie to no avail so we drifted back out onto the river and started working the shoreline casting an assortment of lures. Garry was the one who caught the first fish, a nice Walleye on a lipless crankbait. Must be something to this presentation nonsense cuz I was using exackly the same lure and casting to the same places but catching bupkis, not even scales. HTHM apparently figgered that Dunnville Walleye were kinda effete as he was tossing a hot pink Rapala. Guess he was wrong cuz he got just as much as me. Shortly after the Walleye Garry brags "Fish on" and hauls in a nice Sheephead. I'd have a picture for you but it off the hook and over the side too quick, almost like Garry was ashamed of it.




The boats around us were all pulling in an assortment of Walleye and Sheepheads but not exactly at a torrid pace. Perhaps the rain and hail on the weekend and the turbid water had had their effect on the fishies. In any case we'd had a long day and it was getting chilly so Garry gave us the last lesson of the day - how to load a boat with only a MinnKota bowmount for power.


So despite not getting many fish it was still a pleasant day, and another great learning experience for me. For those of you who are intimidated or frustrated in using a baitcaster, get Garry or someone like him to show you the technique. It's easy when done right, and fun.


Thanks for the great day boys.



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Glad you guys had a great time! Yes, Garry does have an encyclopedic mind when it comes to fishing. He's also a funny dude and when spoken to nicely will even sing you a few Willie Nelson tunes.


Garry I don't want you to take this the wrong way but us older folks need reminders sometimes. Go get gassed up BEFORE you take the boat out again and don't forget the spare tank. You might want to plug in the onboard charger for the bowmount as well. :D

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Great morning read John. It would be difficult not to have a great day considering the company you had. :)


I've found that to be typical of all my experiences with OFNers. Must be something about the internet culture that attracts good folks. Had the same experience with my online scuba pals.



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My Ranger has two large built-in tanks. On Saturday I fished all day and ran one dry. I intended to refuel before going out on Monday, but was short of time and figured that with a full tank in reserve I could go water skiing for the day and not run short...

I guess that when you troll with a 150 Horse V6 you burn a LOT of fuel, because as John stated, I ran dry...I won't make that mistake again!

However the trolling was a bust, and casting was paying off for other boats and besides, it gave me a chance to fish too...hahaha

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I feel that I need to correct John. As I recall we were about 50 meters from the harbour when the motor decided that it had had enough of this controlled explosion nonsense and quit.

As well, I did have a hit on the hot pink rapala with evidence to prove it as the feathery tail was shortened by 50% when I reeled it in. That being said, Garry was and is still by FAR the better fisherman in that boat! What a sweet ride...when it has fuel!

And thank you once agin Garry and John for some great company on a moany Monday.

PS: John how was your trip this weekend?

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I was out with this guy and his 30 went kaputs on opener weekend and here we go trying to paddle this guy boat with the wind against us..tried the 9hp motor was moving at a snails~pace and oooh yea the shoreline on rice lake all looked the same ...thank goodness he got the 30 hp motor back up and going!!!! Word to the wise..compass and map and line of direction..especially rice lake hehe could mean alot especially with the sun going down!

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Nice to see someone post a Walleye report tons of guys fishing a few catching Walleye but no reports ...sorry I missed you guys I must have been out doing the dirty job weed eating ...


The boat wasn't in so we figured you were on a charter.



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I feel that I need to correct John. As I recall we were about 50 meters from the harbour when the motor decided that it had had enough of this controlled explosion nonsense and quit.

As well, I did have a hit on the hot pink rapala with evidence to prove it as the feathery tail was shortened by 50% when I reeled it in. That being said, Garry was and is still by FAR the better fisherman in that boat! What a sweet ride...when it has fuel!

And thank you once agin Garry and John for some great company on a moany Monday.

PS: John how was your trip this weekend?


Artistic license.


Cleveland was the same as ever. I visited Dick's and Gander Mtn and loaded up on supplies. After learning what to do with some of the lures (from you guys) I picked up about 30 of them - Rapala, Storm & Cotton Cordell. X-Rap, DT, Shad Rap, CD, lipless, Big-O, some shallow for my creek, some deep for the next time I get to big water. Also got a Rebel Bumblebee that I saw some guy catching a lot of bass with on WFN. The hooks sure look small for bass though. I checked for Musky rods for you but they don't seem to be carrying much in the way of decent rod/reel products. Seems to me they used to have better stuff but mebbe my standards have just changed.



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Well done John, glad to see you managed to get out.


Out again yesterday to a local pond looking for pike. No pike to be found so we ended up jigging for sunfish under bobbers. Hey, it's still fishing. Doesn't matter that I have stickbaits bigger than the sunfish we caught.



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