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Chromaholics Anonymous


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My name is Mike, and I have a problem. It was 5 days, 9hrs and 27 minutes since my last drift for steelhead.


My carp fishing buddies seeing that I was on the ‘wrong’ path to enlightenment held an intervention to discuss my addiction to steelhead and all things steelhead – There was a big banner that read “friends don’t let friends check river levels hourly”. There were hugs, tears and promises involved.


The last few days I’ve been faltering – you know…Playing with the centrepin in front of the TV while watching playoff hockey, reading message board threads on steelheading and tying a few roe bags ‘for this coming fall.’ I had a jar (almost like a swear jar) where I’d put my loose change in every time I did one of these things…I had $4.75 worth of pennies and nickles which I ended up spending on a pack of pink worms.


My friend’s incredibly hot sister tied me to a bed and did horrendous and disgusting things to me as a form of shock treatment to make me forget all about steelhead (actually fishing in general) – OK maybe I dreamt that but gore-tex breathable hip waders and spey fly earings were part of that fantasy.


I hate to admit that I’m a sucker for ‘pier’ pressure…Had a bunch of people message me on MSN asking me if I’d like to hit a few rivers with them...At first I declined…But after conversations involving statements like “we’ve been hammering them” and “Just give it one more shot” or “Just look at yourself, look at what you've become!”…Plain and simple, I caved on Wednesday


Perhaps my new favourite pic – My last steelhead till fall (for real this time) :D



In 3hrs worth of fishing, I went 3/3 on bows (3-12lbs) and 15/15 on chinny smolts all of which were caught on pink worms, white worms, live trout worms and brown woolly buggers. I’m not proud of what I did – I feel a little ashamed. I know placing the blame on Canadian Copper & Silverstreak's posts or Kelfun (whom I actually did meet at the river) won’t solve anything. If anything, I place the blame on Silvio who's float rod I'm in the process of partially building and I have to see it everyday when I wake up...No I can't do that either.


Are there any organizations out there that could provide support? Something like a CA (Chromaholics Anonymous) or AAA (Anadromous Addiction Aid)? Right now I have 35lbs of corn boiled for carp and I’m even toying with the idea of going out and catching my very first brook trout with the ultra-lite outfit I didn’t even know I owned…It just rained and the conditions will be prime…I don’t know what to do.


I know OFC has always been there for me and this community was the first place I turned to :thumbsup_anim:


Hope you enjoyed

Edited by MJL
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to be honest, i wasn't surprised when i saw you on the river the other day..i KNEW you cant just put the float rod down and start fishing for carp :D



by the way...

i went to the doctors today and he said i have the STDs...salmon trout disease :D:D

Edited by KelfuN
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Listen both of you,


After over 40 years of chasing chrome, specks and browns, the cure to this is simple..... and now listen carefully staying single and healthy are a must.

Single for the plaine and simple rule you go when you want come back when you want if you say to the sugnificant other that you will be back at x hour and you show up at x hour + 5 min. you are in the dog house.

Now staying healthy does help, again I am speaking from experience, it sucks chasing bows with a blown knee.


The only thing that makes things worse is really knowing that the fishing is good and not being able to partake. :rolleyes:

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Listen both of you,


After over 40 years of chasing chrome, specks and browns, the cure to this is simple..... and now listen carefully staying single and healthy are a must.

Single for the plaine and simple rule you go when you want come back when you want if you say to the sugnificant other that you will be back at x hour and you show up at x hour + 5 min. you are in the dog house.

Now staying healthy does help, again I am speaking from experience, it sucks chasing bows with a blown knee.


The only thing that makes things worse is really knowing that the fishing is good and not being able to partake. :rolleyes:




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Welcome to AAA, Mike.


But honestly, speaking from the heart, married or unmarried, healthy or unhealthy, sober or drunk, hungry, thirsty, hot or cold, there's no hope for us.


Once the Steel is in your blood, you can never get it out.


Great post & pic :)



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Listen both of you,


After over 40 years of chasing chrome, specks and browns, the cure to this is simple..... and now listen carefully staying single and healthy are a must.

Single for the plaine and simple rule you go when you want come back when you want if you say to the sugnificant other that you will be back at x hour and you show up at x hour + 5 min. you are in the dog house.

Now staying healthy does help, again I am speaking from experience, it sucks chasing bows with a blown knee.


The only thing that makes things worse is really knowing that the fishing is good and not being able to partake. :rolleyes:


Truer words have never been spoken. Being married with a 1 year old definitely makes it very tough to be a chromaholic!

Edited by wallacio
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STOP doing this.


I pulled the line off my pin, I gave it up. I stopped posting and reading for two weeks...and now im putting line back on my pin.


I have a problem.


none of this is a lie

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i went to the doctors today and he said i have the STDs...salmon trout disease :D:D


Kelfun, I’m not so sure the STD you have stands for that. Did you wear protection during the spawn?…You know, gore-tex waders reinforced with 5 layers along with wrap-around polarized glasses for eye protection from errant flying hooks :thumbsup_anim:


On another note, do you like fish-sticks? :lol:


It’s been 4 days, 4hrs and 42 minutes since my last drift for steel…I think I’m making progress. I visited the tackle shop today and didn’t fondle the shiny new centrepin I’ve wanted since last fall. I also picked up some ingredients for my uber-top-secret carp bait and a couple more lures for brookies. Thank goodness there aren’t any recent steelheading posts…I don’t know what I’d do if I read another one. Anybody want to be my go-to buddy when I think I need help?


Thank you OFC for your encouragement on helping me quit my addiction – Except for you BBNotty…That was terrible!


I’m off to hunt down a beauty hen now…Of the human variety of course :lol: …That should solve my addiction for good, right?

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Kelfun, I’m not so sure the STD you have stands for that. Did you wear protection during the spawn?…You know, gore-tex waders reinforced with 5 layers along with wrap-around polarized glasses for eye protection from errant flying hooks :thumbsup_anim:


On another note, do you like fish-sticks? :lol:


It’s been 4 days, 4hrs and 42 minutes since my last drift for steel…I think I’m making progress. I visited the tackle shop today and didn’t fondle the shiny new centrepin I’ve wanted since last fall. I also picked up some ingredients for my uber-top-secret carp bait and a couple more lures for brookies. Thank goodness there aren’t any recent steelheading posts…I don’t know what I’d do if I read another one. Anybody want to be my go-to buddy when I think I need help?


Thank you OFC for your encouragement on helping me quit my addiction – Except for you BBNotty…That was terrible!


I’m off to hunt down a beauty hen now…Of the human variety of course :lol: …That should solve my addiction for good, right?



So I SHOULDNT post the report of slamming them the last two days?


You did this to me, I was clear, line off the pin and everything. Now im right back it it. Covered in mud, crawling thru the trees and turning rocks over to match the hatch.


MJL, im not sure if I hate you or love you

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Somehow I don't believe this to be your last drift LOL

This decease of yours is quite normal behavior and not contagious at all LOL

Wish I had tribs up here that hold chromes.... might have ended up in the same condition you are in... Poor old Mike LOL Just joking :w00t:


Great report and pics my friend :thumbsup_anim:

Thanks for sharing


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You definitely have a problem, and with yer whole life ahead of you, you should deal with it now, before it drags you down into the fishing sewer with all these other guys. You're bright and articulate, with a future too promising to be wasted on a bunch of smelly fish, and even smellier fisherpersons.


The only way to properly nip this in the bud is to push away from the table, so to speak, cast off all the trappings of fishing that will tempt you back into that sewer. The safest plan is to send all the trappings (the gear) that might lure you back far far away, at least as far as Stratford, for instance.


That, coincidentally is where I live, but it's only a coincidence. But that gives me a great idea. I'd be willing to let you dump all that gear at my house and I'll risk the temptation of it myself. Hopefully it might go unnoticed in amongst all the other smelly crap I've accumulated.


I'd be willing to do that to save yer immortal soul, just cuz I'm a helluva guy, and modest about it.


Assuming of course that you concur with the wisdom of my magnanimous gesture, is there anyone out there willing to teach me the ins and outs of float fishing, and carping, and how to use all the other fun - make that seriously debilitatingly soul stealing - toys of which he'll soon be divesting himself?



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