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Stress Fracture in Foot...

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I have had crushing pain in the outside of my right foot since a raquetball game a couple of weeks ago. I played again on Friday for about 1 1/2 hours and it didn't hurt while I played; however, since playing it is all I can do to walk on it without the aid of ibuprofen or alcohol. I did change shoes for Friday as my previous shoe was fine for treadmilling and elipticalling etc. but failed miserably in holding my foot for the raquetball game. Could a shoe change cause this mess?


Anyone dealt with this? I guess I see the good doc sometime this week and try to get a diagnosis or a referral to the pediatrist.



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I had a stress fracture in a little bone in my foot (outside'ish). Went to a sports doctor and he told me its....

- common

- something he can't really do anything for...just rest


No way of knowing if its the same bone, but shoes could make a difference. And if it is the same, only thing that you can do is rest it. Heals relatively fast.

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Thanks. Rest meaning don't kill it or stop walking?


Stopped sports for awhile. The bone was outside-front'ish.....basically the outside of my front "pad"...if that makes sense.


It did hurt to walk on for a bit, but went away relatively quickly. Also, the bone in question was relatively tiny.

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Mine is on the outside middle of the foot. If you could imagine a pressure point of your foot moving in a lose shoe as you reach for a ball and then pivot back in the other direction. I was hoping it was bruised but it seems to be lasting.


Well, we will see. I have a game scheduled for Monday and then the rest of the week I will stick to the pool. See if it gets better.

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Three stress fractures in ankle and foot and it was the most intense pain I ever felt, that same accident also got part of my achilles. I guess you got to follow doctors orders.

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I had that once Steve. I jumped up to catch a baseball and when I landed, my foot was sideways, so I landed on the side of my foot. It hurt like you are saying and I had xrays and there was a hairline fracture. Had to walk with crutches for a week or so. Hurt like the dickens. Healed on its own.


Sorry for you pain buddy, I feel it.



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