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Fallen Soldier Returns Home


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Just got back from standing on a bridge over pass with hundreds of others to pay respect to another fallen soldier.


A very sobering experience indeed!


As the procession neared not a sound could be heard and then sniffles.


As an uncle to a soldier now in Cypress being debriefed because of this last death I ask again, Why are our women and men there?


Will try and post pics when I feel better...Joe


Thorold Fire Dept. Raised ladder with Canadian flagDSCF1271.jpg


Looking south towards Beaverdams Rd bridge



Lead OPP MotorcadeDSCF1274.jpg


Hearse carrying Tyler Crooks


Edited by joefish
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I ask again, Why are our women and men there?


That's a simple question with a complicated answer. There are many reasons why our young men and women do this war thing.

- Because they want to make the world a better place

- To live up to the expectations (or orders) of others

- For the pay cheque

- Because somebody has to do it

- Because they come from a country whose citizens have higher expectations of what life should be like

- As a stepping stone to a promotion in the military

- To feed their sense of adventure

- As an alternative to the way things are at home

- to protect their home, family and country from the kind of trouble that so many of our world's countries experience each day


There are lots of reasons for it, some selfish, some altruistic, but generally it all boils down to one thing - as long as there are threats to our way of life, here and abroad, flawed as it may be, we're lucky that there are folks willing to step up, whatever their motivation.


This war stuff has been going on for years and years and years, the young and the able stepping up to defend our principles and to help our friends. We can only pray that the day will come when they won't have to put their lives on the line any longer. But don't hold yer breath.


Don't, like so many did during Vietnam, ever blame these young folks for the silliness of the politicians. Them we only suffer. They're our cross to bear. To those who fight we should show nothing but appreciation. They aren't accomplices. They don't make the wars. They just fight 'em.


God bless 'em and their families, whatever their motivation, and God forbid any of my grandchildren ever have to put themselves out there in harm's way.



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That's a simple question with a complicated answer. There are many reasons why our young men and women do this war thing.

- Because they want to make the world a better place

- To live up to the expectations (or orders) of others

- For the pay cheque

- Because somebody has to do it

- Because they come from a country whose citizens have higher expectations of what life should be like

- As a stepping stone to a promotion in the military

- To feed their sense of adventure

- As an alternative to the way things are at home

- to protect their home, family and country from the kind of trouble that so many of our world's countries experience each day


There are lots of reasons for it, some selfish, some altruistic, but generally it all boils down to one thing - as long as there are threats to our way of life, here and abroad, flawed as it may be, we're lucky that there are folks willing to step up, whatever their motivation.


This war stuff has been going on for years and years and years, the young and the able stepping up to defend our principles and to help our friends. We can only pray that the day will come when they won't have to put their lives on the line any longer. But don't hold yer breath.


Don't, like so many did during Vietnam, ever blame these young folks for the silliness of the politicians. Them we only suffer. They're our cross to bear. To those who fight we should show nothing but appreciation. They aren't accomplices. They don't make the wars. They just fight 'em.


God bless 'em and their families, whatever their motivation, and God forbid any of my grandchildren ever have to put themselves out there in harm's way.






...well said...

Edited by Jer
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I was on the 401 heading east when the motorcade was heading west last week. All traffic on my side had stopped...horns honked and then I saw something that was very powerful.


Out of the window of one of the bereaved family's cars, a single arm came out...hand balled into a fist and it pumped in the air a few times before it gave a wave of appreciation.


I'll never forget that sight.

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I certainly feel bad for the parents and family's of these soldiers.


The only thing is I need a little clarification on why we are there in the first place


Is it because a bunch of Afghans plan on coming 10,000 miles to attack Canada and Canadians in there beds.


Maybe because of this boogy man Al Quaeda that was a small organization years ago and likely doesn't even exist anymore and if it does so what.


Oh maybe its because we don't want to be over run with third world agitators other than the hundreds of thousands of Tamils etc. demonstrating on a daily basis in Toronto or the fact that 80% of the Toronto population is visible minority's.


Maybe we should run over and occupy Poland ... One of thier people came here to vist his mother in Vancouver and our fearless mounties, four of them no less killed him with 5 jolts from a tazer because he allegedly threatened these guys armed with guns, pepper spray, batons and the Tazer . yep he picked up a stapler.


I wonder since the Afgahni culture has been around for thousands of years and we have been here under 200 we should be forcing our way of living on them. Who wouldn't want to pay car payments,mortgages , get laid of after 20 plus years of service to a company. Those Afghans don't know what they are missing.


Now before some brain boy comes on here and tells me better to fight them there than here, just take a minute to think what the chances of that are realistically. There is enough of them here already to take over the country.


Like I said John up the page had mosty of the reason correct. Things like pay, advancement etc. but there is nothing patrotic about us occupying a country on the other side of the world where 90% of the population doesn't want us anyway. Thats why you have kids throwing rocks at the troops.


By the way I am a Canadian/US citizen and I fought in Viet Nam another folley but I was young and thought they were going to come to North america if we didnt stop them there. Now we have thousands of North Vietnamese in this country and for the most part are fine contributors to society.


To our American fishing brothers we love you coming here and I love the very good input to this forum. However he United States has slipped very badly over the last few years and I hope under President Obama it can get back to it's standing of being a friend to all countries in need. Unlike the fiasco in Iraq. That's my opinion

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That's a simple question with a complicated answer. There are many reasons why our young men and women do this war thing.

- Because they want to make the world a better place

- To live up to the expectations (or orders) of others

- For the pay cheque

- Because somebody has to do it

- Because they come from a country whose citizens have higher expectations of what life should be like

- As a stepping stone to a promotion in the military

- To feed their sense of adventure

- As an alternative to the way things are at home

- to protect their home, family and country from the kind of trouble that so many of our world's countries experience each day


There are lots of reasons for it, some selfish, some altruistic, but generally it all boils down to one thing - as long as there are threats to our way of life, here and abroad, flawed as it may be, we're lucky that there are folks willing to step up, whatever their motivation.


This war stuff has been going on for years and years and years, the young and the able stepping up to defend our principles and to help our friends. We can only pray that the day will come when they won't have to put their lives on the line any longer. But don't hold yer breath.


Don't, like so many did during Vietnam, ever blame these young folks for the silliness of the politicians. Them we only suffer. They're our cross to bear. To those who fight we should show nothing but appreciation. They aren't accomplices. They don't make the wars. They just fight 'em.


God bless 'em and their families, whatever their motivation, and God forbid any of my grandchildren ever have to put themselves out there in harm's way.




Wow, very well said on a delicate topic. I show appreciation for dedication to the country and its citizens to the soldiers serving when that is their intention. I show detest for any government that deceives its population as to the reasons for war. In my opinion there is never a 'good' reason for war, it's surprising how despite that it's always the 'last option' its always present throughout history, and will continue through imo. In the end I believe it is always about the real intention of the individual and the govt that determines their level of balance. RIP to all fallen soldiers defending what is dear to them and humanity.

Edited by Bass Killer
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By the way I am a Canadian/US citizen and I fought in Viet Nam another folley but I was young and thought they were going to come to North america if we didnt stop them there. Now we have thousands of North Vietnamese in this country and for the most part are fine contributors to society.


There's your answer.



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I certainly feel bad for the parents and family's of these soldiers.


The only thing is I need a little clarification on why we are there in the first place


Is it because a bunch of Afghans plan on coming 10,000 miles to attack Canada and Canadians in there beds.


Maybe because of this boogy man Al Quaeda that was a small organization years ago and likely doesn't even exist anymore and if it does so what.


Oh maybe its because we don't want to be over run with third world agitators other than the hundreds of thousands of Tamils etc. demonstrating on a daily basis in Toronto or the fact that 80% of the Toronto population is visible minority's.


Maybe we should run over and occupy Poland ... One of thier people came here to vist his mother in Vancouver and our fearless mounties, four of them no less killed him with 5 jolts from a tazer because he allegedly threatened these guys armed with guns, pepper spray, batons and the Tazer . yep he picked up a stapler.


I wonder since the Afgahni culture has been around for thousands of years and we have been here under 200 we should be forcing our way of living on them. Who wouldn't want to pay car payments,mortgages , get laid of after 20 plus years of service to a company. Those Afghans don't know what they are missing.


Now before some brain boy comes on here and tells me better to fight them there than here, just take a minute to think what the chances of that are realistically. There is enough of them here already to take over the country.


Like I said John up the page had mosty of the reason correct. Things like pay, advancement etc. but there is nothing patrotic about us occupying a country on the other side of the world where 90% of the population doesn't want us anyway. Thats why you have kids throwing rocks at the troops.


By the way I am a Canadian/US citizen and I fought in Viet Nam another folley but I was young and thought they were going to come to North america if we didnt stop them there. Now we have thousands of North Vietnamese in this country and for the most part are fine contributors to society.


To our American fishing brothers we love you coming here and I love the very good input to this forum. However he United States has slipped very badly over the last few years and I hope under President Obama it can get back to it's standing of being a friend to all countries in need. Unlike the fiasco in Iraq. That's my opinion


Just Maybe Canada stepped up to the plate when the Government of Afghanistan asked the United Nations for help in securing its Country. NATO Replyed with Canada, USA, and Britain taking the brunt. Dont ever compare this war to Viet Nam. Be proud that we still have young Men and Women willing to do the job that they are payed for. There is not enough money in the world that would make me crawl on my belly, disarming an IED. Maybe its something else.


Your so called bogyman is killing innocent people everyday in the most inhumane and hideous way. The Explosive device. Just turn on the Pakistan news and read all the bombings. That's only one Country of many. Oh yea, if the USA did nothing about 9/11, how many other Idiots do you think would love to kill us, in the name of their Religion and/or hatred. Don'T forget, Rwanda, and the Former Yugoslavia. Remember. A Country either has its own military, if not , its someone else's. Sad that our Soldiers are being killed by Booby Traps. Must be 70 to 80 percent of the deaths by now. What you should be peeved off is, there are so called Canadians in this Country that are secretly cheering the deaths of our Canadian Soldiers. Are you one of them?

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Just Maybe Canada stepped up to the plate when the Government of Afghanistan asked the United Nations for help in securing its Country. NATO Replyed with Canada, USA, and Britain taking the brunt. Dont ever compare this war to Viet Nam. Be proud that we still have young Men and Women willing to do the job that they are payed for. There is not enough money in the world that would make me crawl on my belly, disarming an IED. Maybe its something else.


Your so called bogyman is killing innocent people everyday in the most inhumane and hideous way. The Explosive device. Just turn on the Pakistan news and read all the bombings. That's only one Country of many. Oh yea, if the USA did nothing about 9/11, how many other Idiots do you think would love to kill us, in the name of their Religion and/or hatred. Don'T forget, Rwanda, and the Former Yugoslavia. Remember. A Country either has its own military, if not , its someone else's. Sad that our Soldiers are being killed by Booby Traps. Must be 70 to 80 percent of the deaths by now. What you should be peeved off is, there are so called Canadians in this Country that are secretly cheering the deaths of our Canadian Soldiers. Are you one of them?


Come on Holdfast get a grip on reality. I love all your patriotic diatribe but lets face it North Battleford, really now come down to the strip of Canada that runs from Windsor east to quebec where 1/3 of the population lives and you may get a wake up call. What Afghan government asked the UN for help? Certainly not the one put there by the Afghanis.. Like I said I fougt against North Vietnamese that were the boogey man back then. Wasted dozens of them all for the name of Democracy and to keep them away from us. Geez i was fishing with a bunch of them north of Toronto today. Nicest people you want to meet.


As I said earlier there is enough of them (whoever they are) in the country already to kill you and I.


So please save your righteous indignation for North Battleford. Like I said I fought for democracy once and what a waste of time much like the Afghan occupation.

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Just Maybe Canada stepped up to the plate when the Government of Afghanistan asked the United Nations for help in securing its Country. NATO Replyed with Canada, USA, and Britain taking the brunt. Dont ever compare this war to Viet Nam. Be proud that we still have young Men and Women willing to do the job that they are payed for. There is not enough money in the world that would make me crawl on my belly, disarming an IED. Maybe its something else.


Your so called bogyman is killing innocent people everyday in the most inhumane and hideous way. The Explosive device. Just turn on the Pakistan news and read all the bombings. That's only one Country of many. Oh yea, if the USA did nothing about 9/11, how many other Idiots do you think would love to kill us, in the name of their Religion and/or hatred. Don'T forget, Rwanda, and the Former Yugoslavia. Remember. A Country either has its own military, if not , its someone else's. Sad that our Soldiers are being killed by Booby Traps. Must be 70 to 80 percent of the deaths by now. What you should be peeved off is, there are so called Canadians in this Country that are secretly cheering the deaths of our Canadian Soldiers. Are you one of them?


Good post.


Our troops are making a difference in Afghanistan. Getting rid of the "boogyman" is one of the many things that are taking place over there. Too many people don't see the big picture.

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People need to remember this.


These are the Canadians that died in the 9/11 attacks. The terrorists the did this were trained in camps in Afganistan. We need to help the Afgan people achieve a stable gov't so that this does not happen again.

We also have a commitment to help our neighbour when they are attacked. It doesn't matter that they have a huge military. It's about who we are not what somebody else is. Our soldiers put their lives on the line to meet our commitments to our allies and to protect us. To the guy who asked about the terrorists in Afganistan ever being able to harm people on the other side of the world from them the answer is yes they did and could again. It is not the same world it was in 1967.

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I have total respect for our troops, they don't make the orders... They fight and die for our way of life, God Bless them!



My question is why go to Afghanistan to fight them, when there are millions living in Toronto? If Cockroaches infested my house I wouldn't start the extermination in the yard it would be in my house!

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People need to remember this.


These are the Canadians that died in the 9/11 attacks. The terrorists the did this were trained in camps in Afganistan. We need to help the Afgan people achieve a stable gov't so that this does not happen again.

We also have a commitment to help our neighbour when they are attacked. It doesn't matter that they have a huge military. It's about who we are not what somebody else is. Our soldiers put their lives on the line to meet our commitments to our allies and to protect us. To the guy who asked about the terrorists in Afganistan ever being able to harm people on the other side of the world from them the answer is yes they did and could again. It is not the same world it was in 1967.

Ah so now we find out the 911 situation was perpetrated by a bunch of Afghans thats news to me. Who says the terroists were trained in Afghanistan...CNN did and we always believe CNN.... the pilots were trained in Florida. Maybe the were there in Afghanistan building weapons of Mass destruction for Iraq.. that came from the same intelligence .. really you guys are fine with your righteous idignation but the Afghans don't want us there, other than the handouts. I expect we could find more to do with 11 billion dollars like lower taxes on gas etc than to waste it yes waste it in afganistan.


By the that Page you refered us to is an embarrasment to Canada it looks like it was made by a 3 year old who was brainwashed

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Let's leave the "You Guys" stuff out of these conversations.


Generally, whenever you refer to someone as "Them or You Guys" it should be left out of what could otherwise be general conversation. Even productive conversation if allowed to get there.


As a Canadian living in the US and enjoying the freedoms that both of our contries have allowed us I would graciously ask that y'all leave the border issue alone for a bit. It has been burning on the site for a few weeks.


Borders are blind lines! People have eyes and ears. Use them. Don't listen to "The Border".


You wonder why police exist?

Edited by Pigeonfisher
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I actually bought a outboard off of a soldier on CFB Petawawa this weekend. He was promoted with one of the soldiers that died just recently with the 4 from CFB Petawawa. The younger kid, 18, was a replacement and had only been there for 3 or 4 weeks and his father had just filled out the release forms.


We were chatting about it and he said "Like I tell my family, I don't work at Walmart". He said that the families really have a tough time, just as bad as the soldiers, with PTSD which makes sense but I had never thought. They built a big building for the families up on base there.


He was wounded during that friendly fire where the an aircraft shot and injured 30-some soldiers. He is on his way back soon too. From the people that I know and I have talked to that have been over there and fought, the general consensus is that they want to finish the fight. They know and accept the risks involved but they want to help the afgani people and finish the war.


I have the utmost respect for these individuals who serve our country and wish them all a safe return, it's sad that they all won't though.

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Let's leave the "You Guys" stuff out of these conversations.


Generally, whenever you refer to someone as "Them or You Guys" it should be left out of what could otherwise be general conversation. Even productive conversation if allowed to get there.


As a Canadian living in the US and enjoying the freedoms that both of our contries have allowed us I would graciously ask that y'all leave the border issue alone for a bit. It has been burning on the site for a few weeks.


Borders are blind lines! People have eyes and ears. Use them. Don't listen to "The Border".


You wonder why police exist?


And this statement makes any sense "how"


However I will say most of the US border guards that I have run into ar on a massive ego trip and in case you haven't noticed "you guys' namely the United States Of America is not the most popular country in the world ....Weapons of Mass destruction ...yeah right

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Come on Holdfast get a grip on reality. I love all your patriotic diatribe but lets face it North Battleford, really now come down to the strip of Canada that runs from Windsor east to quebec where 1/3 of the population lives and you may get a wake up call. What Afghan government asked the UN for help? Certainly not the one put there by the Afghanis.. Like I said I fougt against North Vietnamese that were the boogey man back then. Wasted dozens of them all for the name of Democracy and to keep them away from us. Geez i was fishing with a bunch of them north of Toronto today. Nicest people you want to meet.


As I said earlier there is enough of them (whoever they are) in the country already to kill you and I.


So please save your righteous indignation for North Battleford. Like I said I fought for democracy once and what a waste of time much like the Afghan occupation.


Then your living in the wrong Country. If you dont like it , GET OUT. Oh yea heres some History for you



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And this statement makes any sense "how"


However I will say most of the US border guards that I have run into ar on a massive ego trip and in case you haven't noticed "you guys' namely the United States Of America is not the most popular country in the world ....Weapons of Mass destruction ...yeah right


Some of us have very good friends from south of the border, and we know that they're at least as good at the humanity game as us Canucks. Perhaps that familiarity makes us feel like we are entitled to stick it to them occasionally but that doesn't mean we disrespect them. It's just a buddy thang.


We've all had our problems with border types. Personally, my worst run-ins have been with our own Canadian guys - well, other than the guy who .... well, never mind. That's a story for another time, but I assure you, the dude didn't really mean to shoot me, and perhaps we were a tad out of line. Four guys on their way to a Nascar event can be kinda unruly after 3 hours on the road in a motorhome on a Friday evening after a tough week at work.



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Come on Holdfast get a grip on reality. I love all your patriotic diatribe but lets face it North Battleford, really now come down to the strip of Canada that runs from Windsor east to quebec where 1/3 of the population lives and you may get a wake up call. What Afghan government asked the UN for help? Certainly not the one put there by the Afghanis..



Wow....and people wonder why most of Canada has a "stigma" about Torontarians, and folks from Ontario.

I'd suggest you leave the 1/3rd debate out of this and speak for yourself.


I live in this 401 corridor, and can safely say almost everyone I know supports our troops AND their mission.


Cause we said we'd go, and finish the job....its that simple

We gave our word, and we are nothing with out it.

Our word is what makes us respected in this world.

Our word crosses the borders, and goes beyond the limits of foreign culture.

Your word is your bond...we gave ours to people in need, and we should be there

until we are no longer needed regardless of the cost because we said we would.

You still disagree?

Go talk to the family of Tyler...ask 'em what they think we should do...


Should we turn around with our tails between our legs, and make his sacrifice for nothing?

So you think that’s what he would have wanted?

What about his family, his friends and his unit?


What about the young girls who have Acid thrown in their faces because they simply went to school that day?


Any one against our involvement in this needs to re-evaluate their position on suffering & tyranny.

grow a pair and stand up for something that is right, and stop undermining what our troops are doing.


Just cause it happens in another country doesn't make it right to turn a blind eye when people are crying for help.

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Some of us have very good friends from south of the border, and we know that they're at least as good at the humanity game as us Canucks. Perhaps that familiarity makes us feel like we are entitled to stick it to them occasionally but that doesn't mean we disrespect them. It's just a buddy thang.




We've all had our problems with border types. Personally, my worst run-ins have been with our own Canadian guys - well, other than the guy who .... well, never mind. That's a story for another time, but I assure you, the dude didn't really mean to shoot me, and perhaps we were a tad out of line. Four guys on their way to a Nascar event can be kinda unruly after 3 hours on the road in a motorhome on a Friday evening after a tough week at work.



I think Chucky would rather have China, Saudi Arabia, or some other Country as his neighbor. I also think that Chucky has a problem with Law enforcement. Chucky, did you Dodge something to come to Canada by any chance?

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