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Fish-N-Fool Knot


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I've never had one slip. Its the only knot I use to.





Trilene knot was all I ever used..until I started loosing lures for no reason on braid when snagged. All I could determine was the knot was slipping undone and I started using the palmar on ppro on Lew's suggestion.

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Clinch knot :)


Thanks Bill... wasn't sure and now come to think of it, the trilene knot goes throught the hook eye twice, twist 5-6 times and tag end back into the loop.


Trilene knot was all I ever used..until I started loosing lures for no reason on braid when snagged. All I could determine was the knot was slipping undone and I started using the palmar on ppro on Lew's suggestion.


I use the uni now on braid and when I get a snag, the hook will straighten before the line breaks. That knot, the more you pull on it the more it tightens.

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Trilene knot was all I ever used..until I started loosing lures for no reason on braid when snagged. All I could determine was the knot was slipping undone and I started using the palmar on ppro on Lew's suggestion.



I may have lied :whistling:


I use the improved clinch knot for everything......even braid. I just melt the tag end off, and it wont slip through with the little bit of burnt line on the end. I haven't seen it slip at all though.



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LOL....does it have an actual name??


beats me :dunno::lol:, always just called it the "fishing knot" it's more on the lines of what Kemper was talking about in his reply...wrap it around, put it through the hole, spit on it and tighten :dunno: , it's worked since I was a little kid and still works today so can't be that bad

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Just remember it doesn't hold with braid !!



ah but it does!


I added a little twist of my own with braid. Insead of pulling it tight after i go thru the loop, I take the tag through the new loop that was created by going thru the first one.


Holds like a charm even with braid

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ah but it does!


I added a little twist of my own with braid. Insead of pulling it tight after i go thru the loop, I take the tag through the new loop that was created by going thru the first one.


Holds like a charm even with braid



That is an improved clinch knot. The improvement is putting it thru the second loop.


A clinch knot is just wrapping it around 5 times, and thru the hole. Some might call it a fishing knot too :whistling::lol:


Works for everything, and takes about 3 seconds to tie with frozen hands.



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On the Knot Wars show they use a machine to apply increasing tension until the knot or the line breaks.

With the top knots the line often fails first...also the top knots are reaching tension well above the rated strength of the line.

IE 20 pounds on 15 pound line.

But in the end, these tests are entertainment, not the real world...for one thing, the lines are tested dry.

I thought the twice through the eye thing was interesting, and will be adding it to every knot I tie.

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I watched this too, and supposedly this knot is the best for all lines - Braid, Fluoro, and Mono!


Garry is probably right about it being tested dry instead of wet though.


Tried out this knot the other day, but then I didn't catch fish, so I can't tell you whether the knot was any good.

It was really hard to tie this knot at first though. This knot needs quite a bit of practice

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Hi All,

Fish-N-Fool here! The guy that developed the Fish-N-Fool Knot. Hope to answer a few questions for you and help you learn to tie the Fish-N-Fool knot.



I have also been watching Knot Wars.

Last year they had a knot called the Eye Crosser. It was basically a Uni knot that went through the eye twice, and around the standing lines only twice. It came second or third to the Palomar knot. It seemed to me that the Uni should have been less likely to slip, with it's 5 turns around the standing lines...If that was so, then the key to the extra breaking strength had to be passing the line through the eye twice!


FNF; You are very correct any knot that has 2 passes thought the hook eye is stronger then 1. I have tested all kinds of knots and the same knot with an extra wrap aroung the hook eye is always stronger.

3 wraps are stronger then 2 in some cases also.



I started tying a "twice through the eye" Uni. I also thought it was called a "Double Uni." but it is what they are calling a Fishing Fool.


FNF; The Double Uni knot is used to tie 2 lines of the same diamater together, not to tie a line to a hook. I real Uni knot is once through the hook eye and 4 times around the main line. The Fish-N-Fool knot is twice around the hook eye and 5 to 7 wraps on the main line. This adds about 150% to the knots strength. A Uni knot tied with 14LB. trilene mono broke at 14.3 LB. very respectable but with the same line the Fish-N-Fool Knot held untill the line broke at 20.53LB.



Please Note that their diagram is upside down.


FNF; No it's not just turn ur head lol



On Knot-Wars the Gryp knot, which is the nail knot used to tie on a hook-eye etc. was defeated in the second round.

I now tie the Gryp with two turns through the eye and think it might be the best knot of all.

Since I might have invented it, I will call it a Grryp knot, that's gryp with 2rs...HAHAHA.

The big advantage over the Double Uni or Fishing Fool is the tag end is inside the knot where it can't be cut or damaged.

This knot is very quick and easy to tie using the tool. It can be done without a tool, but I would just use the double uni.


FNF; I also tie this same knot but in a little differant way I call it the Double Straw Knot as I use a straw to tie it with, I dont know of the tool you are using as an aid to tie this but a straw works. It's not as EZ to tie as the Fish-N-Fool knot. But I think it might be stronger also. I'm a knot tying fool also lol I have about 4 totally differant knots I have developed that have tested very strong. This is one of them.






Here is My Fish-N-Fool knot with a better Diagram that will help you tie it easier. Note how you hold the knot with your middle fingers. The loop is facing you when you it, so if you turn the diagram on it's side is how you look at the knot when tying it. Also if I'm tying a Worm type hook on I hold the hook with the little finger it keeps it held and out of the way very nicely.





If you have any questions just shoot . :thumbsup_anim:

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I watched this too, and supposedly this knot is the best for all lines - Braid, Fluoro, and Mono!


FNF; The stats are, it tested the best of all knots with Mono and braid and second best by a very small margine with Fluorocarbon, Still very impressive! I didnt know how good my knot really was till I saw it on TV.

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you're kidding right? you are naming the uni after yourself and claim to have 'come up' with it? have a look at the insert in a box of powerpro and see what they call this exact knot - WITH twice through the eye and 7 or 8 wraps.




if you're serious, you've really earned your name.

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No I'm not kidding and you sir are very rude. Some people just like to make an :asshat: out of themself. I didn't see anyone up in arms when the folks at Trilene brought out the 2 wrap clinch knot and renamed it the Trilene knot! Plus I didn't take credit for inventing the knot the folks at N. American Fisherman gave that honor to me. I didn't even submit my knot to them. But ANYTIME you modify something it is a new invention, that's just the way the world of invention works. I didn't see you bent out of shape that the Eye crosser knot they used last years show was a 2 wrap Uni knot????????????? My knot it NOT a Uni and anyone that calls a knot with more then once around the hook eye or more then 4 wraps around the main line, they are not talking about a Uni, but a new knot. I just posted my idea for a better knot on a site like this one and they took my knot and used it on the show. They gave me the credit for having invented it so I took the accolades that went with it. If you read my original post I say that this knot is a modified Uni knot. I never said I reinvented the wheel here. But I did post my knot Idea for all the web to see and I have not seen anyone else do so. I'm sure there were other people using this same knot before but none of then submitted it to knot wars, or write a blog about it like I did, now did they. I have been using this knot for many years and had it posted on my website on how to tie it for the last 4 years.

The Folks at N. American fisherman think this is a new knot and they named it after me. I don't see why some people have to be jerks about it.

So I think you just earned yourself a new name. But I wont say it here. :blahblah1:

I don't think I have any reason not to feel proud of the attention this has brought me or in taking credit for it.



P.S. For the rest you you folks, if you would like to see an animated version on how to tie the Fish-N-Fool knot, go to my website and click on the Fish-N-Fool knot link on the lower right of my main page.




Relax buddy you seem tense, knotted up in fact.

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A knot by any other name still holds as strong or it a rose and smell or .... Raf did i hear you say it was a uni ..lol I have been useing this knot (silly me I just called it a knot ) for 30 years untill braid and than because of what I think is slipping I swiched to the other knot (I think its called palomar sp now I just called it the other knot , ).. Raf is a well respected member here mister fool so please behave or Roy will make you go sit in the corner

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