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I watched the race with my Bro in Law. Before the green flag waved, I said to him that Jr. would screw up a pit stop. Well, I was wrong. He screwed up two of them.


I'll admit when I'm wrong.


Are yer tears dried up fom the bad performace of the 48 car Dan????????? :asshat:

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If you pull infront of someone doing a good 20mph more then you, you better expect to get spun out.


Stupid move on both parties if you ask me.


What's worse is they ended the race after 5 mins of hardly any rain?? GROW SOME SACK NASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horrible ending.

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Are yer tears dried up fom the bad performace of the 48 car Dan????????? :asshat:


Where did Jimmy finish? 30 something??? I'm not sure. Just like last years start. He's done. Finished. Might as well throw in the white towel right now.


And thanks for the A$$hat.

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As I was scrubbing up the supper dishes I was thinking why didn't they start the race a little sooner. Especially if there was a threat of rain.

So attempting to think logically, which can sometimes be difficult when you are trying to figure out NASCAR, it occurred to me that there were 200,000 thousand people there. So for every hour the people are there they will be spending money on souvenirs, beer, and food. More would be spent before the race.

Also why didn't they wait a little longer before canceling the race? Seems to me they should have waited a little bit longer. Did anyone else catch one of the track announcers say it had stopped raining? That was at 8 o'clock.


Update....Watching Despain. Waltrip says its still raining.

Edited by Bernie
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"I'll bump you".

The jackass might regret that statement when Nascar considers his suspension.



Suspension! Are you kidding, IF and a big IF he gets one it will be a slap on the wrist. Is he not the one that spun himself out in Atlanta a few years ago to get a caution he needed. The only reason he got probation was he was dumb enough to broadcast it over the radio.


In the after race interview, you could see him lying through his teeth, he's usually a cool as a cucumber. He dumped Vickers out of pure frustration because this morning he left his brain in the hauler and screwed up some pit stops costing him positions. I don't entirely blame him though, his crew chief was asleep at the switch. The offical was waving to him to stop and put the car in the box but they continued on, costing a lap. Also doesn't the crew count down for the driver as he gets closer to his pit?





Remember we are talking about the Fan favorite who has hardly accomplished anything unlike others of his peer group but gets all the attention because of his last name. :whistling:

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Remember we are talking about the Fan favorite who has hardly accomplished anything unlike others of his peer group but gets all the attention because of his last name


Not fair. He did his work.Just look at his busch series. Won the 500 in less time then his pop.Bud shoot out. Like I said before,he dont get the help out there, as they all know,he the one to beat.If there wasn,t that rain out,he was there.Thats just how fast he was.

If Dale SR was still around,ya can bet these young cocky guys wouldnt be driving like they are now.They be there saying/thinking.when is he going to make the move,or make me move???????????

THATS WHAT IT,S ALL ABOUT. If yer slow,ya got to go,,,,,,,,,,,,,to the sideways.

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You're not worth it... like pi$$ing into the wind.

I know what I saw and I know what I heard... keep spending money on your 88 gear.



Yep just like the leafs,I cheer them on,even though they lose.One day,yep one day.


As for pi$$ing in the wind.

Hope you were down wind.LOL

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Not fair. He did his work.Just look at his busch series. Won the 500 in less time then his pop.Bud shoot out. Like I said before,he dont get the help out there, as they all know,he the one to beat.If there wasn,t that rain out,he was there.Thats just how fast he was.

If Dale SR was still around,ya can bet these young cocky guys wouldnt be driving like they are now.They be there saying/thinking.when is he going to make the move,or make me move???????????

THATS WHAT IT,S ALL ABOUT. If yer slow,ya got to go,,,,,,,,,,,,,to the sideways.


No offence Misfish, when is he the one to beat? Today? He hasn't done much since Busch.


Best season was what 2003? Third in points?


-He's been in Cup 11 years and only has won 18 points races.


-Tony Stewart has been in the same amount of time has 33 points wins and two championships I believe.


-Matt Kenseth has been in one more year than JR, has 17 pts. wins and a championship.


-Kurt Bush has been in ten yrs has 18 pts wins and a championship. Even his little brother Kyle is at 12 pts wins in six yrs and was looking good for last yrs championship for a while.


-What about that old man J Gordon, 18 yrs, 81 pts wins and four championships.


-How bout that J Johnson kid been racing for nine years in Cup, has 40 pts. wins and I think three Championships. In a row to boot.



So again misfish, compared to his peers he is at the bottom of the stack but at the top of the popularity charts why???

Something to do with the last name???? It must be cause it ain't his driving. You're right if the old man was still around to kick some :asshat: , that kid would be doing alot better and he would still be at DEI.


Either way it doesn't excuse his bonehead move today, not good to lose your cool at a 190mph.

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I see him making more and more dumb mistakes every year. My favorite was last year when he came to pit row (and yes, he actually found his pit stop), his crew told him that they were taking two tires. They change the rights, drop down the jack, and Jr. just sits there, waiting for his lefts to be changed. They finally tell him that they're only changing rights (which he was told before entering pit row) and then he attempts to take off. Then he stalls the engine. Finally gets it started and he's off again. A comedy of errors. And it hasn't stopped since. Just look at tonight's bonehead moves. The guy clearly has no clue. But he can sell T shirts and jackets (and dolls apparently) to guys like Mishfish. That's why Hendrick hired him.


Another prediction. Watch the next few mile and a half tracks. Jr. will run an inch from the wall the entire race. He'll do good for a while until he finally hits the wall. And he will hit the wall. Just watch.


I've been wrong before though. I predicted that Jr. would only screw one pit stop today, and he actually screwed up two. So I just might be biting my tongue in the next few weeks.

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How quickly we forget. Wasn't it a bonehead move by both Vickers and Johnson that took LEADER Dale Earnhardt Junior out the race at Talledega afew years ago. I believe Vickers went on to win. The classy Earnhardt chose to not to take any potshots at the two, instead saying "it was just hard racing". Typically the swords come out any time someone popular makes a mistake. And yes there were two drivers who made errors on that one. Most drivers who are about to be overtaken by a car going substantially faster clear out of the way.


The facts don't matter when it's an Earnhardt. Just like his dad, there are fans and then there are the detractors looking for something to whine about. As if Kyle Busch is a clean driver. What about all the wrecks he's caused. They don't call him wild thing for nothing. And what about Tony Stewart. How many times have we heard him preach about the horrible driving of others and then later that race he takes out several cars because of aggressive moves. There are far more aggressive drivers that Earnhardt out there.


Earnhardt Junior has been taken out many, many times in the past several years and never complained and his finger pointing has been kept to a minimum. He's (alledgedly) the cause of one wreck and the Earnhardt detractors are out in full force.


Haha, enjoy the season everyone. For the Earnhardt detractors, enjoy your day in the sun. Personally I loved seeing Busch taken out. And if Earnhardt shares in the blame for that.....even better. I wish he did drive more like old man.


Go Earnhardt Go!!!

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WOW Did we go through all that???????


I have watched the vid more then 10 times on the nascar site and THERE WAS NOT A LANE OPEN.JR made a move to pass and got blocked and did push Vickers out of the way.Something his daddy has done for many years. I would say, I would of done the same thing.How much blocking can there be aloud? He was faster.He,s not the first to push someone out of the way.


Sorry about being an :asshat: last night.

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WOW Did we go through all that???????


Did you have a Jr moment too bud.. and blacked out! lol


I only saw to lap 50 before leaving for skiing. I would have tapped Kyle in the early laps when he almost caught Jr's nose jumpin lane to lane. I think I recorded it.. will have to check out this Jr. brain fart later today ! lol

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I would have tapped Kyle in the early laps when he almost caught Jr's nose jumpin lane to lane.


Like I said Wayne



Did anyone say anthing when Kyle was doing the nasty blocking at the begining?????????? Thats when he should of said yer done. PUSH or is that nudge, him out of the way,btw,we all know that would of been a pay back from last year and a black eye on the 88.



After all that,it,s a blurr :oops:

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Like I said Wayne

Did anyone say anthing when Kyle was doing the nasty blocking at the begining?????????? Thats when he should of said yer done. PUSH or is that nudge, him out of the way,btw,we all know that would of been a pay back from last year and a black eye on the 88.

After all that,it,s a blurr :oops:


Your right Kyle was doing some serious lane changes yesterday but the difference was he didn't wipe out the front of the field. Last I checked blocking is allowed and Kyle got lucky someone wasn't frustrated behind him and spun him out.

I watched the replay on Youtube today, Jr hit him twice if you watch the 88's roof cam about 2:30 in.




The first got Vicker's in the Red Bull sticker (left rear) and the second he sideswiped the rear bumper coming across and finished him off. If he backed off after the first maybe it would have been different story I think that's why most people are saying it isn't a racing deal. Even his biggest cheerleader DW , as well as Larry Mac were saying it was wrong on the video.

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You all think were talking trash,ya got to see what thier all talking about on youtube.

Seems there are alot of different views there Lowrider.


I,ll go with this one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Man! Just be honest people! It was BOTH Vickers and Jr.s fault. I like Vickers, but I admit that was his fault also, but dont blame him only because you dont want to blame Jr.

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You all think were talking trash,ya got to see what thier all talking about on youtube.

Seems there are alot of different views there Lowrider.


I,ll go with this one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Man! Just be honest people! It was BOTH Vickers and Jr.s fault. I like Vickers, but I admit that was his fault also, but dont blame him only because you dont want to blame Jr.


This is very civil compared to That's Racing forums, those folks over there are just nuts on both sides. At least here we can discuss the actions of these guys without the blinders on. It takes two to tango.

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I think every one missed the BIGGEST POINT its at 8-10 sec in you can clearly here them and it sure did make my day the wife and I were both cheering when they said KYLE BUSCH in the wall.


at the 2:30 in is the replay and you can see that the first hit was Vickers coming down on him and Vickers also went below the line that is a huge block. if ya look at the hit Jr did not catch him by much.


I think thats racing and Yes I like both drivers maybe Vickers has a problem with Hendrick?


It does suck that JJ got some of it but man what a great feeling to know BUSCH was wrecked I liked this kid when he first started but he sure did become a huge A$$ in the last two seasons which made me change my mind on him now I would love to see him in the wall each week.

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Cant wait for next weekend.Who will we talk about next? LOL


I'm sure someone will pull a bonehead move and we can bicker about that! Then again it's Cali next week isn't it? I'll have a hard time staying awake, those 1 1/2 milers are a snooze fest. It's a tape and fast forward race for me.


I think every one missed the BIGGEST POINT its at 8-10 sec in you can clearly here them and it sure did make my day the wife and I were both cheering when they said KYLE BUSCH in the wall.


at the 2:30 in is the replay and you can see that the first hit was Vickers coming down on him and Vickers also went below the line that is a huge block. if ya look at the hit Jr did not catch him by much.


I think thats racing and Yes I like both drivers maybe Vickers has a problem with Hendrick?


It does suck that JJ got some of it but man what a great feeling to know BUSCH was wrecked I liked this kid when he first started but he sure did become a huge A$$ in the last two seasons which made me change my mind on him now I would love to see him in the wall each week.


Glad JJ had a bad day, he needs to stop winning everything and let someone else have a chance LOL. Actually I was surprised they couldn't figure out the car like they usually do.

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