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Posted (edited)

20% off the subzero portable huts, 2&4 man. Also the Swede Bore manual augers on sale $54.99 each (5,6,8 inches)



They also got a floater coat and plastic sled for your stuff.


Gunna get myself $60 back tomorrow from my hut.

Edited by Ciceri

Seeing this sale got me initially worried as I just bought the Eastman IceCube 4 man from Fishing World this week. I got it for $250 plus taxes. Regular price for the SubZero cube is $300, so with the sale it is now $240, not worth switching for $10 less....


Burt :)


Went to pick up a sled last night at a local CT and was told that they didn't have any and that no London stores had any either.. OH well.


that sounds like our CTC store here in Chatham we got a new owner a couple years ago and the store went to crap Oh sorry that is CRAP the service manager retired and Charles should have been next in line but Oh no they did not give him the job they got a suit and tie guy who has no clue Charles in now stocking shelves what the heck I know some of the mechanics left because he wants you to up sell every time and so much more. Then for good sale they have nothing for selection it sure is a joke they have lost many customers like my self who would go there to get work done now the store is for sales only and hope they have it in stock.


OOOOOPPPPS sorry I just meant to say they dont have any here is my guess as they have only had one or two ice rods all year


Went to both CTCs in Barrie. Sleds sold out. Same thing happened to the Berkley ice fishing kit and the survival suits in previous week sales. I only saw those products (saw them both today) after the sale. Weird.

  fishermccann said:
I bought one of the Swede-bore augers today, had to go to two stores to get it. I am going to check it out tomorrow.



Are those augers a good deal?


Cost me less than $ 6o I went to Frenchmans bay yesterday to try out my new 8incher It took 23 cranks to go through 10 " of ice , not too bad, we will see how it holds up over the test of time.

  fishermccann said:
Cost me less than $ 6o I went to Frenchmans bay yesterday to try out my new 8incher It took 23 cranks to go through 10 " of ice , not too bad, we will see how it holds up over the test of time.


yea i got mine last year and it worked great all season, but i guess i didnt store it properly and it doesnt cut as easy anymore.

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