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Your overall success in fishing for Pros' and non pro's?


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I think it helps to start out when you're young. Kids tend to explore a lot more things...this gives a good groundwork for success. As you get older you mature in your fishing practices and learn a lot more technical skills, which are also important.


I read a book not long ago called "Outliers: The Story of Success", where the author (Gladwell) researched just what it was that made successful people the way they are. In every case it is a combination of talent, luck and hard work. For example, he talks about the 10 thousand hour rule. Basically, he argues that anyone who has ever truly mastered something has put in a solid 10 thousand hours of work to get there. Yes, Mozart was composing before he had 10 thousand hours, but it wasn't until he reached 10 thousand hours that his work became refined... it even took him 10 thousand hours to develop mastery. His earlier stuff was impressive for his age, but not "the best". The same goes for everything else.


Raw talent + hard work. No question about it.

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This is easy......I'm Just Better Than All You Guys!!! (Of Course LOL)


There is no single item that completes this picture...to be successful you need all that has been stated but here's my hit list


Drive & Desire--Instinct--Confidence---Experience and a good memory (Slowly fading)--listening and learning from those that have had success (Do not necessarily have to be dressed in Tourney Togs--Good info can come from anywhere and willingness to apply it is key)--Has to be fun or why bother?----quality equipment (Within your budget)---Then don't forget to pass on to others what you have found.


Now don't get me started why I'm a better hunter.......



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Been fishing since I could stand on my own two feet, obsessed ever since, learned a ton from my father, then moved away and trial and error was the name of the game, learned some things on the internet, and even more when I found OFC. I've gone leaps and bounds since I started working for Mercer - He's an endless pit of knowledge and experience, and you know what....I still get skunked all the time! :wallbash: But I have a blast doing it and always will.... :thumbsup_anim:

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It is wonderful to hear the passion, dedication, and hard work that you guys put into this hobby/sport. I also believe that it takes the right type of in born personality, right influence, up bringing and right environment that has also helped us reach a level of our accomplishment.


This OFC board has brought many of us together for the single reason, to share our enjoyment and challenges on this fishing sport, through sharing and working together, the sport have brought out the best in each and every one of us.


It is my prayer for this Christmas that our fishing resources will never dwindle down in the near future, I wish we all continue to strive to improve another notch, and our passion for the sport never cease, to know when to conserve our limited resources for the enjoyment of the next generation.


Passion + Hard work + Some Talent + Willing to take risk + some luck = Success!

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- Be versatile. it has been said on here already im sure. If something isnt working...try a different technique, trolling pattern, lure, etc.

- Try new spots as well...if you fish in a lake and you know you can catch em in certain spots, try a different spot! Never know.

- Confidence is a must for me. If i know a lure works it stays in the water longer, rather than a lure with the ol cliche "I have never caught em on that".

- Spend time on the water. If you are not out there, you are not learning!


- One last thing, try that "I never caught em on that" lure. You will be pleasantly surprised sometimes!

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my sucess this year was the fact that I have been on certain lakes before and I always try different spots and shorelines all the time. One of the best tips I received was at Tim Horton's at 5:30 in the morning in Midland from a local fisherman , I used his tips and added to it and really enjoyed fishing there this year.


This past year I fished with Tbayboy alot and since he likes changing his baits all the time I would wait until he would catch 3 fish in a row and then I would change to the bait he was using hahaha.

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Been fishing since I could stand on my own two feet, obsessed ever since, learned a ton from my father, then moved away and trial and error was the name of the game, learned some things on the internet, and even more when I found OFC. I've gone leaps and bounds since I started working for Mercer - He's an endless pit of knowledge and experience, and you know what....I still get skunked all the time! :wallbash: But I have a blast doing it and always will.... :thumbsup_anim:


Maybe we can get Dave to take us steelheading? haha

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There is no such thing as luck,


Well there is, but it's more like freak accidents happening.. but the ability to adapt and learn from luck - maybe thats another mark of an angler.


For instance, one day Sleded and I were having a terrible late fall day, tossing grubs, crankbaits, finesse baits.. basically all slow moving lures. Sleded had brought a rod with a spinnerbait on it before the day started and hadn't casted it yet, but somehow the spinnerbait ended up dislodged from his reel seat and was hanging about 2 inches over the water. Suddenly we hear SPLASH beside the boat. He had caught the first bass of the day on the rod he wasn't using. lol It jumped out of the water right next to the boat to grab a hanging spinnerbait.


We caught 16 bass that late October day on buzzbaits.

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