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Hunting deer on Public land


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I read on a few web sites thats its legal in the states but is it legal in Ontario? I believe its called Crown land here? Can anyone help me on this so i am aware of it? is there any Crown land where your not allowed to hunt?


Matt, I'm sure you can hunt on crown land but not sure what the regulations are in Ontario. If I was you, I'd phone the MNR and find out exactly where you're aloud to hunt.


Out here in Quebec, we're alound hunting where there's crown land but from experience would not even venture onto any of them.... TOO DANGEROUS..... TOO MANY HUNTERS around. That is why I hunt in ZEC. In our spot no other hunters around.


Hope this helps


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not all crown land is available to hunters. a bit of homework is required to find out where you can hunt and when .the ministry is usually pretty helpful as long as you have all the info at the ready. EG. wmu,sub wmu , season [shotgun, bow etc.] county,sometimes down to concessions and sideroads. do the leg-work ahead of time to ensure a finite response . nothing worse than second-guessing in these matters. many coservation areas offer a wide variety of species to hunt . most are pay as you go ,or even seasonal. high traffic is the norm. but many big deer are taken off areas with high traffic. talked to a father \son team recently ,, 10 pt'er , taken , over 300 lbs. from a conservation area with high traffic. depends what you're lookin'for i guess.

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Here's your plan......jump in your car/truck and start visiting farmers (little late in game now..but who knows?)


Most farmers who have crops would thank you to clean up a few deer.


Be very polite and respectful---treat the land better than if it was your own--and you may find a cache of deer hunting you did'nt know existed.


Hope this helps



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But remember to show up ahead of time...don't greet the farmers at their door wearing your gear all ready to go. Someone on here had a great post about that ('cept he was looking to fish on private land) -- had a few cards printed up, came across very professionally, sounded like a good way to go about it.

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Hey Matt,


Check out this site for conservation areas in your region that allow hunting on thier property.




I"m not sure where your located, but the ganaraska forest has 11,000 acres of public forest that is huntable! Check out thier site for more info!




Awesome thanks for the link im from the Halton area and wouldnt mind traveling within an hour.


I cant seem to find any places allowing hunting.

Edited by Mattones
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drop into the ministry office in guelph. There are a number of agreement forest plots that allow bow hunting and some even shotgun. These get busy on the weekends but at this time of year they start to thin out. I used to hunt the Pusclinch tract and saw a few mighty fine deer. Most ministry offices have some agreement forest maps that will point you in the right direction.


I live in Oakville -79D and can tell you there's little if any spots you can hunt in. Crown land sites here are usually conservation areas with posted no hunting signs.


There's a few forest tract West of here but they get hit hard.

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drop into the ministry office in guelph. There are a number of agreement forest plots that allow bow hunting and some even shotgun. These get busy on the weekends but at this time of year they start to thin out. I used to hunt the Pusclinch tract and saw a few mighty fine deer. Most ministry offices have some agreement forest maps that will point you in the right direction.


I live in Oakville -79D and can tell you there's little if any spots you can hunt in. Crown land sites here are usually conservation areas with posted no hunting signs.


There's a few forest tract West of here but they get hit hard.


i'm in 79D aswell. I know what you mean. Think the office in hamilton has it aswell?

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