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More news from the Pier in Myrtle Beach

Big Cliff

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Well the weather cooled off quite a bit, 36 F yesterday morning when I got up and winds between 10 and 20 mph. but the forecast was for clearing and warming up to the high 50s so I decided to have a good breakfast and then head out. I got Sue to drop me off at the pier about 9:30 and met up with 4 of the fellows that I have fished with a couple of times now, they had set up about 1/2 way out on the pier where there was a utility shead so they had some shelter from the wind. (this pier is 1206' long)


The guys had been there a few hours and by now they were starting to feel the cold and the fishing hadn't been very good, they were just talking about packing it in so I decided to go right out to the end of the pier where I have fished the other times. The sun had just started to break through the clouds and the wind seemed to be dying down a little, it kind of reminded me of a spring ice fishing trip... you know, the ones where you are all bundled up to keep warm but you feel the warmth from the sun and it would be so easy to just lay back and have a nap LOL! Anyway, I was the only person out there so I got all set up and proceeded to fish.


It was slower than it has been in the past, I guess the fish react to a cold front here the same as they do back home and the wind was making it hard to tell if I was getting a bite or not sometimes but within the first half hour I had a nice little black tip shark, and by 2:00 had managed to tie into a huge spiney dog fish (broke 40 lb test line trying to lift him up onto the pier) and 3 nice size clear nose skate (boy do they ever put up one heck of a fight for their size).


Still haven't gotten out on a charter, my friend Gord is due to arrive on Sunday at some point so hopefully we'll be able to do something early next week. With only a week left to go on this holiday Time for a charter trip is running out but no matter, I have still gotten in some fantastic fishing.


Thinking of you all!



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Good to hear you're still fishing despite the weather Cliff.

I guess us Canadian boys and girls have blood a wee bit thicker than

our U.S. neighbours.


Glad to hear you're going to get out on a charter.

It'll be fun for sure. Get into some different species.

Bring us back a pic of a big one. :)

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I love your updates from Myrtle Beach Cliff. As I read them I envision myself fishing right there with you on the pier. Keep them coming in the time you have left down there, and I can't wait for the pictures when you get home.





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