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Well like the M.N.R has already said,if they do make it to the great lakes,and get established fishing as we know it is gone forever !!!!they will take over everything,DAM ASIAN CARP !!! :wallbash::asshat::angry::dunno:


I don't doubt in the least that the Great Lakes will get invaded by Asian carp. I have never heard of anyone winning a battle against invading species.


N.America has been invaded by all sorts of animals and plants...examples; cows, horses, starlings, sparrows, crows, pheasant, brown trout, various species of salmon in the Great Lakes, african bees, zebra mussels and thousands of other examples.


We still play dangerously by introducing species into new habitat. One good example is the fact that Atlantic salmon are being reared in pens on the West Coast. Why something like this has been allowed?

  fishindevil said:
Well like the M.N.R has already said,if they do make it to the great lakes,and get established fishing as we know it is gone forever !!!!they will take over everything,DAM ASIAN CARP !!! :wallbash::asshat::angry::dunno:


Just like they said about smelt, zebra mussels, carp, ruffe and gobies.


Was at tight lines today and one of the guys in the store was telling us they were diving at the mouth of the humber when he spotted an Asian carp. He said he has gone down to were ever they are (cant remember) and has seen them being electro shocked so he said he knew what he was looking at. Just what I heard hope its not true.


Kid + no vest + sitting on top of sern seat + big flying fish = dangerous + big fine in a lot of places


flying fish + 10x20 ft net + trailing boat = easy lunch


There is only one access point between the Mississippi river system and the Great lakes but it's there.


A commecial canal..



Sounds like they are already on the losing end of this one.. :wallbash:


The up side could be the fact that Pike/Musky only grow as large as their prey allow them to.. IE 2 inch prey equals small pike...54 inch asian carp equals....I don't know but I think I will not be swimming off the beaches in a few years. :whistling:


I don't understand why the cat fish have not had a bigger impact on them.. Maybe the larger catfish species live too far south or the carp are too fast swimmers and grow too fast to stay in the right size to be prey.

  misfish said:
I just posted due to the kid. He was a trooper in grabbing the fish and NOT afraid of them.

We all know about the invasion.


But the Adult is a Wussy

  silvio said:
Was at tight lines today and one of the guys in the store was telling us they were diving at the mouth of the humber when he spotted an Asian carp. He said he has gone down to were ever they are (cant remember) and has seen them being electro shocked so he said he knew what he was looking at. Just what I heard hope its not true.


He was Bull SSing you. Start the Rumour mill

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