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Upper Credit/ Markdale area brookie report


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Hi all,

Went with BillM from the board for a some brookies this morning.

Met Bill at 6:30 am at spot on north Credit River to start this journey, so off we went.

We both used the same Panther Martins (with pinched down barbs) all day for this and actually didn't lose them.


Bill caught the first fish of the day.

Real fine Credit brookie



I caught the next one not quite as big though



We had some more fish hit but they didn't come back.

The Credit looked nice this morning. Bill fishing a pool, missed a nice one about this time.



Wanted to move down river but another angler was ahead and fished our spots so we left.



So we drove northward until we hit the Rocky Saugeen and tried our luck there.


The first area has produced for me in the past but didn't fair well at this time of year.



So we drove to try other locations. The river was smaller and slower and started producing.

A little one Bill caught


Actually a few more this size were caught but pics weren't taken.


We decided to try some more of the Rocky Saugeen and moved on.

Saw this old structure off the road



Found a pretty decent spot and caught some more

Fat one Bill caught


Another decent one


And another




Caught lots of big chubs to our dismay






Ended up doing alright at Saugeen and thought of trying the nearby Beaver River downstream of Lake Eugenia.

Have caught brookies around here in the past but lil' rainbows were around today.

Caught little bow after bow, took a couple of pics





Had a good time fishing today. Think that Bill way outfished me.

Enjoyed that countryside driving as well.




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hey sounds like a great mission...lots of nice little fish there, you guys should have kept a bucket load of them big chubs for pike bait, I always startstockpiling them in a fish tank in the early fall :Gonefishing:


if you guys can find the really small original rooster tails, those work awesome up in that area, anyhting with a brown bucktail on it.


Any of you guys ever try a mini version of a dodger and fly for specks????, I learned to do this years ago fishing up north of The Soo for big specks, we would get lots of 2-3 pounders this way......in the higher current areas ,use a small Williams with the hook off it for the dodger, then tie a lead off that with a streamer,worm or small twister tail..works like crazy specially in areas like the one you where in there, that the specs share the water with lots of creek chubs, I think instinct kicks in big time as a competition for food and the specs think that the spoon is a chub trying to score thier meal..it's a fun way to fish them in the current :Gonefishing:

Edited by jwl
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Erik, it was a pleasure to meet you, and even better that we got to spend a day fishing!!


There was lots of driving, but Erik being the guy he is wanted to make sure I knew of all 'the holes'... If anyone has the chance to go fishing with Erik, make sure you take him up on it, standup guy for sure...


We hit the Credit as Erik mentioned and I think if we would have spent a little more time there, we would have gotten into some bigger fish. We hit maybe 1 really good pool and 2 nice brookies and a few monster chubs came out of it. Back to the car and it was time to make the trek up Highway 10 to our undisclosed locations :)


As Erik mentioned the Rocky Saugeen was really fast and lacked any holes (Atleast from what we could find).. This portion of the river was definitely a spring hot spot, but the warmer temps most likely made it unlikely to hold any decent brookies in the summer(Atleast at the spots we tried) find the deep deep holes, find the brookies. Unfortunately we didn't find any deep holes :) So we tried a few more things and they worked out quite well. I think we definitely spent more time in the car, then we did with our rods in our hands. For the small amount of time we were actually fishing I think we made out pretty well. Probably 10-12 brookies and dozens of chubs.. I gotta remember to keep a few of those for the annual fall French River trip. Here are some additional pics I took with my camera.







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Was a good time despite our rushing spot to spot. Could have spent all day just exploring one of the rivers but wanted to show Bill different spots. Thanks for the driving and hospitality Bill.


This wasn't big Nipigon or Labrador brook trout, but these beauty brookies were caught within a stones throw of heaviest, most densely populated area of Canada. Not most strategic or difficult fishing either but these brookies scrap alright on ultralight setup. Easy on the eyes as well. :canadian:

Nice extra pics there Bill.



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Nice Job guys, I have saved some of those pics to my collection. some of those pics were well taken, and really show the beauty of the landscape. Man I love Ontario, looks like I better enjoy it now, soon it will be private property, like every other spot across this great land I used to enjoy.

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I was lucky to get that one fatty in, I swear I thought he was taking me into the logs. I also lucked out in the fact that I didn't end up in the drink (although it was close, lol)


I am taking a day off tomorrow and taking the oldman up around the same area. Wanna get up there before the Sept 30th close.

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I love Ontario, looks like I better enjoy it now, soon it will be private property, like every other spot across this great land I used to enjoy.


At least alot of the Upper Credit is considered park or your allowed to stand in the water and fish as long as you abide by some rules.

However, most of the fishing was roadside culverts.




I was lucky to get that one fatty in, I swear I thought he was taking me into the logs. I also lucked out in the fact that I didn't end up in the drink (although it was close, lol)


I am taking a day off tomorrow and taking the oldman up around the same area. Wanna get up there before the Sept 30th close.

Ya that was close as it was heading for the logs! At least you didn't fall in when you were stretching. lol


Good luck with your father tomorrow! The darker, calmer waters seemed best.


Thanks for all the great replies.


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