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Well, last weekend, Bly asked me what I'd like to do for my birthday, so I responded of course to get away for the day to fish. I didn't care where, as long as we got out there. Our first thought was to hit a Kawartha Lake, but then Slowpoke got in touch with us and asked if we'd like to join him in his boat to fish the big lake for Salmon our Trout! We haven't seen Slowpoke since Lakair, so it was a double bonus to be able to catch up with him and hopefully get a fish or two.


We hopped into our car at 530 and headed for a Tim Hortons to meet up. Bly and I got into his vehicle and headed to the boat launch....may as well save parking costs on our vehicle. We got out on the water, and it was foggy....and getting foggier by the minute!! Here's a shot of the shoreline...we were not that far out.



A little while after that pic was taken, we couldn't see any land at all. It was kind of surreal out there....smooth as glass, no wind to speak of and all the sounds were somewhat muted....very eerie!!


Our ship's Captain, Slowpoke was in search of the fish.....here he is intent on finding something out there!!



We trolled around in 25 to about 40 feet of water, and marked lots of fish...mostly around the 2o to 3o foot range, but the bite was just not there. Here's a pic of the setup off one side of the boat...we had 6 lines in, 2 on downriggers, 2 on dipseys, and few on leadcore.



We saw plenty of boats out there and only saw one of them actually land a fish. It wasn't looking good for us. After being out there for 4 or 5 hours with nothing to show for it, I was thinking that the skunk was on for us. That was ok though...there was lots of talk and laughs. Suddenly, we hear one of the dipsey setups go off!! I'm sitting closest to it so I go to set the hook. I went to give Bly the rod, when she says "It's your birthday..you take it", so the fight was on. It was a pretty good fight! It kept going deep and then coming to the surface to jump. When it jumped close to the boat, we saw a great profile of it...it was dark in colour, but it was a biggun!!


Slowpoke expertly handled the net....here it is....measured in at 38 inches....didn't bother to weight it.



This is what it was caught on...



After that, we continued on trolling, but nothing else was biting. As we headed in we talked to a few others who were out there....they all had said it was very slow....boating only one, so at least it wasn't just us...LOL.


Anyhow, thanks Brian....we had a great day out there with you and I didn't spill any tackle either...LOL. It was great meeting your family afterwards as well. We'll have to work out an arrangement to hook up for those LSC muskies this fall!!!

Posted (edited)

Me and a buddy did OK between 7-9am 3 fish at 20-30 feet in 40 feet of water. Orangy was the colour of the day.


I think all 3 fish combined were a bit less than ccmt's 1.




Edited by forrest

Looks like a cool day out on the water with a great captain.


At least you got one Cliff, a nice birthday present :thumbsup_anim:



  ccmt said:
Anyhow, thanks Brian....we had a great day out there with you and I didn't spill any tackle either...LOL. It was great meeting your family afterwards as well. We'll have to work out an arrangement to hook up for those LSC muskies this fall!!!

I always have a great time fishing with ya's and look forward to our next trip. Oh, and thanks for the red blanket - you're welcome to use it when you come to LSC with me!



Great report again! Can't wait till later in fall for your big walleye catching reports.

Still adding inches for our team WTG. :thumbsup_anim:



:clapping: Congrats on a fine mature salmon! That baby looks to be 27-28lbs. I hear that's what won the Great Ontario Salmon Derby Fish Off held today at Port Credit where about 60... that's SIXTY boats tried from 7am till 1pm, and the one that won was about the size you caught! So KUDOS to you folks!!! :clapping:
  cisco said:
:clapping: Congrats on a fine mature salmon! That baby looks to be 27-28lbs. I hear that's what won the Great Ontario Salmon Derby Fish Off held today at Port Credit where about 60... that's SIXTY boats tried from 7am till 1pm, and the one that won was about the size you caught! So KUDOS to you folks!!! :clapping:


How'd you make out in it Chris?



  Micropterus hole said:
can't go wrong with a michael jackson

Lures vary a little from one manufacturer to another but an MJ is usually black & white...


... not even close to what we were using.


great report Cliff....and oh yeah....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.....i saw the post wishing you happy birthday and was just about to say so in a reply...but got distracted and never got back to it...better late than never i guess :whistling:

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