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Nipissing Pike


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Ah yes, Welcome to OFC, get used to it.....once you have 6000 posts your golden.





That was both informative AND entertaining!!!... no need to rethink your sig eh?



Your right, my new goal in life is to make as many useless posts as I can to get above the 6000 mark. only 5827 more to go


You're gettin' there! :rolleyes:

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Personally, I think it's pretty sad when a new member joins this board, posts a picture of a couple fish he's proud of, then has to sit back and see his story go downhill the way this one has.


If this new member never posts again I hope nobody is surprised.


I catch + - 100 muskies a year but seldom post stories or pictures anymore and it's exactly because of the type of responses that have been made to this thread.


We've lost a lot of excellent members from this board over the last couple years and there's a very good reason for that.........

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Personally, I think it's pretty sad when a new member joins this board, posts a picture of a couple fish he's proud of, then has to sit back and see his story go downhill the way this one has.


If this new member never posts again I hope nobody is surprised.


I catch + - 100 muskies a year but seldom post stories or pictures anymore and it's exactly because of the type of responses that have been made to this thread.


We've lost a lot of excellent members from this board over the last couple years and there's a very good reason for that.........


You're right Lew!


Whenever somebody posts a report here I try to be as appreciative as possible! It takes time and effort to post to the board, an effort a lot of people don't want to put forth! If somebody posts a pic of a fish with statistics of such and such weight or inches and it doesn't look like it to me... I'll hold my tongue and just thank them for posting, it doesn't take near as long to give a little compliment as it did to post the report! If I'm going to post a fishes stats, it will be inches only with a measuring device in the pic... hard to dispute that!


As far as the members that have left, I have seen some of these and to tell you the truth find some of it quite ridiculous!!! "He said bad things about my fish! I'm leaving!!!" It is the internet for crying outloud!... take this stuff with a grain of salt and consider the source!!! I know that some folks skin is way to thin... while others can cut their steak with their tongues. Ignore the people that bother you... but stand up for what you feel is right!!!


I don't think it's right for someone to logon to this board and slam/badmouth it!!! If you don't like it here... go away!... far away!!! We really don't need you here!!!



I, like 99% of the people here really enjoy and appreciate your Musky reports Lew, and it kind of saddens me to know that you don't post as much as you would like to because of the rabble rousers... but we'll be more than glad to read one of your reports whenever you feel fit to post one... and I'd like to thank you for your postings past, present, and future!!!

Edited by GCD
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With the volume of posts now your bound to get different opinions.

That seems to be the main difference compared to 5 yrs. ago.


I remember it took a long time to go from 1 to 3 million page views.

It took about the same time to go from 3 million to nearly 35 million.

It's way more public.










Ah yes, Welcome to OFC, get used to it.....once you have 6000 posts your golden.

5822 to more go :thumbsup_anim:

If you carried over your posts in the last couple of board changes (like most others) you probably would exceed 6000 posts already.

Do you miss the intimacy with other fishermen on a smaller board.

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Weighing a fish is a thing of the past IMHO. Everyone on the planet owns a digital camera. Take a quick measurement and a few photos. Especially if you're practicing catch and release. Weighing a fish is not easy on a fish that you plan to release. Who cares what it weighed? Most of us have good good idea what it might weigh by species and weight. Personally, I haven't weighed a fish in probably 15 years. And I most likely won't ever weigh one again. Factor in the accuracy of different scales and the weight means absolutely nothing anyways. Show me a photo and give me a measurement, and I'll congratulate you on your fine catch.

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Not once in my life did I weigh fish.

Take a quick pick and measure it if its really big or if it is my PB.

A person can be 6'7 and a 40 inch pike will look like a 25 inch pike in his hands, so it can really be deceiving.

If you really want people to see how long your fish is and matter to you that much just take a pic with the measuring tape right next to it.

From the length most experienced fishermen will roughly know how much does the fish weigh.

I hope couple of negative comments wont push you away and stop you from posting.

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It truly is a shame, when a fish gets slammed. Big or small, don't they all deserve a little respect? I'm mean its thanks to the fish (and TJ and admins) that this board exists. Whether its big or small, any fish can still be the story of a lifetime and bring mounds of enjoyment to the angler. Unfortunately I didn't see the picture, but 36', with a 23' girth coming in at around 15lbs doesn't seem that outlandish to me.


Granted I'm not a terribly experienced pike angler. However the biggest pike I've seen landed was 40' long on the button, and weighed in at about 16lbs, give or take a few ounces. I know my digital scale is fairly accurate, because I've tested it with some dumbbells (5,10,15 and 20lbs) and the most it's been off is 2 ounces.


Heres a pic of the 16lber. No girth measurement, but it was long and skinny, so I could certainly see a 4' shorter/fatter fish weighing in around the same.




Walleydiver, I really hope this thread doesn't keep you from coming back. I love seeing reports with big pike!!

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Well after this summer......and seeing what a 15-20 pound pike looks like.......I would say on average a 15 pound pike would be about 38" and a 20 lber would be about 42".......your regular every 36" will usually go about 10-12 pounds.....now I didnt see the picture and im not judging anything but it must of had to be a really thick 36" to make 15 but then again.....you read your scale none of us did so really we cant say anything.........thx for the report.....please post again......dont worry i had the same problem when i reported my trophy count half way through the summer with no pictures.....i got told if theres no pic it aint real......you just have to laugh it off....YOU were there.....YOU measured/weighed the fish.......YOU know how big it really was and that is all that is important.....who cares if some joker comes on and tells you your fish wasnt as big as you say it was.....he dont know.....he wasn't there.....till next time,



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I haven't caught many pike, actually one so far, so I am no expert and I didn't see the pic before it was removed.


What I did do, is search the net for weight calculators for pike. I came across 7 or 8 and they all returned the similar numbers. What I noticed is that the calculators that incorporate girth give a higher figure. A 23" girth is big for a pike that length, so it was a fat fish.


The calculators generally returnined the following figures:


13.3# (calculator considered length only)





So, based on the measurements the OP posted, 15# is entirely believable.


I wonder if the OP had posted only the length/girth measurement whether replies would have been that he caught a 15# plus fish - probably not.


Give the OP a break - we are supposed to welcome new visitors......and encourage new posts - with pics even better!


Great fish nonetheless.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Oops! :blush: I usually do not make comments on weights. Especially if they are young posters.I'm not saying you are a liar. I'm just saying your scale MAY be defective. A 36 inch pike is unlikely to weigh 15 lbs. Oh and the fish weight calculators are all garbage. I've noticed many people post fish and weights that do not look like they match. Its either the pictures are deceiving or there are a lot of faulty scales out there.


Anyways. Sorry if I ruined your thread. I should have known better. :dunno:


Like I said. It was a nice Pike. And Nipissing rocks!


One more thing. I got bashed a lot when I first started posting on the net(not OFC), but that didn't stop me from contributing and meeting a lot of great people and sharing fishing techniques. Over all it has made me a better fisherman. So I hope you don't let a little thing like this prevent you from enjoying the full experience of OFC.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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