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I got this Rod holder and I cant figure out how to use my spinning rod on it. I'm thinking its for Bait casters only. Need advice and Pic would help. Thanks.






Your reel is too far back in the holder, move it up so that the reel seats inbetween the 2 locking rods.


The reel is too far forward in the pic Roy posted, the reels should seat inbetween the locking rods IMO.

Posted (edited)

Ill need a picture Dawg because I tried that and the reel (spinning) will be on top ( because of the reel stem) and its a pain to unhook the rod in a hurry. Im only dealing with this because I got it free. Got to go to work now looking forward to a solution. So far Roys Pic works the best.

Edited by holdfast

What I don't like in the the pic Roy posted is that the butt of the rod can be bumped forward and it's bye-bye rod and reel, plus the rod is past the point of balance in the holder.


In the pic you posted, the rod isn't at the point of balance in the holder either, plus the blank is exposed to the metal edge of the holder which will cause wear with vibration.


The rod shouldn't come out of the holder extremely easily, and the more you sue it the easier it will become... the rod should have to be intentionally lifted out of the holder.


You should try fighting the rod out of a Downeaster rod holder with a decent fish on sometime... I don't which is the bigger fight, the fish or the holder!



btw... it looks like that reel is past due for a good cleaning. :whistling:


Yeah I agree with Dawg here ... I own a pair of Saltys and I also place the reels between the two locking rods. You'll need to put it upside down for spinning reels. Much safer that way in case a big fish hits or you get snagged up.


I agree with GCD the reel seat should be between the two locking mechanisms. I see a big fish hitting and a busted rod if you have it as far up as Roy's pic suggests. Or worse yet, ripping the rod right out of the holder and into the water, since it isn't locked down on anything besides the butt end of the seat.


I've played around with similar rod holders and the best way I found was GCD's suggestion. Yes fighting the reel out was a bit of a pain.. but rod holders in general are a pain. The good thing is when you're trolling because of the speed you're travelling you usually get those extra few seconds before you have to set the hook.

Posted (edited)

I had the same unit in my old boat and used it all the time with my spinning reel. First off, the front cork piece in front of the reel base has to be farther forward and it sits over top of the first bar. The reel has to sit up straight in between the two bars with a spinning reel. Back cork handle sits underneath of the bar like you have it in your pick Holdfast. Works very well. Holds the rod in tight and when you catch a fish, just pick the rod straight up out of the holder. Very fast and easy in my mind. Just put the rod in like the pic Roy posted with the spinning reel sitting up in between the two black posts. Reel will lean over that way anyways.

Edited by JohnAB

I use my down easters all the time with spinning reels. Just leave the reel body point to the back of the boat with the rod tip at an approx 90 degree angle to the water surface ( which it will be with the reel pointing as indicated above ) I haven't had any problems so far.


Roy's picture is correct. The rod/reel won't fit in the "saddle" because of the trigger on the rod. A downrigger rod (no trigger) would fit.


You guys with your salty's need to get out to the gym more -or- do what I do, twist the top of the rod towards the front of the boat while pulling up. This takes the load off the holder (binding) and it releases easily.


Posted (edited)
  SlowPoke said:
Roy's picture is correct. The rod/reel won't fit in the "saddle" because of the trigger on the rod. A downrigger rod (no trigger) would fit.


You guys with your salty's need to get out to the gym more -or- do what I do, twist the top of the rod towards the front of the boat while pulling up. This takes the load off the holder (binding) and it releases easily.




I beg to differ! There's enough clearance between the trigger on the bottom of the rod and the back of the reel to let the trigger set behind the back of the holder and the reel to set inbetween the 2 locks.



... and the salties work well as you described



... but I refuse to put my drag on the "cream puff" setting!!! ;)

Edited by Greencoachdog

and who the heck angles their tip up into the air unless you are downrigging, planer boards or leadcore. rod tip pointed into the water.

  Greencoachdog said:
I beg to differ! There's enough clearance between the trigger on the bottom of the rod and the back of the reel to let the trigger set behind the back of the holder and the reel to set inbetween the 2 locks.

... and the salties work well as you described

... but I refuse to put my drag on the "cream puff" setting!!! ;)

You've been into the Junior Johnson kool-aid again Glen. That trigger will bind against the back of the holder. If you don't believe me, bring your Snoopy level-wind and meet me in Saskatchewan on Saturday and we'll have Holdfast take us out.


  Raf said:
the fore grip goes into the holder. reel seat and aft grip extend out.

If you're suggesting that the reel and rod butt are behind the holder, I disagree. Ideally you want the reel seat in the holder. Having it behind the holder shortens the action and puts strain on a weaker section of rod.



I have to agree with GCD in the bye bye rod and reel. I got a pair of similar to these for a gift a few years ago and put them on the boat. First time I used them was with Headhunter out on Quinte and even with the slightest change in tension on the rod (like from a wave) the rod would pop free. I've never spent a day trolling being so focused on the rods. lol! We didn't loose any gear but a couple of close calls. The next time out I had a set ot Scotty's on the boat. The down easters are another great option. As for the other ones, they seem OK for still fishing or even ice fishing set up on a stand.

Posted (edited)
  SlowPoke said:
If you're suggesting that the reel and rod butt are behind the holder, I disagree. Ideally you want the reel seat in the holder. Having it behind the holder shortens the action and puts strain on a weaker section of rod.



like this








not sure i follow your reasoning. strain is on the front cork/foam as opposed to reel seat. if it can't handle that, i am using too wimpy of a rod. if anything, the foam and cork would act to dampen things.


action comes from everything in front of the foam/cork. the stuff under the cork doesnt flex (much).

Edited by Raf
  Raf said:
and who the heck angles their tip up into the air unless you are downrigging, planer boards or leadcore. rod tip pointed into the water.



I do. Not all of us use a rod holder just for Musky. I use mine for trolling in as little as 3 feet of water. I keep my rod pointed high it the rod holder and I often find myself pulling the rod out of the holder and lifting my rod tip even higher when I'm bouncing on bottom. Works for me.


with this particular Rod holder its different than what you have Raf. My Battery died on the camera so it will be a while as I tried the different variations. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't buy this type, but maybe I still have it wrong or testing it on dry land without tension may feel more insecure than trolling with tension. Wait out on the Pics. I'm not giving up yet. Found out its called a Berkley Quick set Rod holder and every picture on the Internet is the same Bait caster as Roy's Pic. Cant find a pic with a spinning Rod

  holdfast said:
and every picture on the Internet is the same Bait caster as Roy's Pic. Cant find a pic with a spinning Rod


And you won't find one either Holdfast because that holder is made specifically for a baitcaster. You can still use them with a spinning outfit but they're not made for that nor do they look good as a marketing pic. The Downeasters are the same, people use them with spinning outfits but they're not built for that. My spinning rigs are for lighter fishing and I drop them in a Scotty tube or something of the sort.


edit: No, the model that YOU have could be used for either.

  DanC said:
I do. Not all of us use a rod holder just for Musky. I use mine for trolling in as little as 3 feet of water. I keep my rod pointed high it the rod holder and I often find myself pulling the rod out of the holder and lifting my rod tip even higher when I'm bouncing on bottom. Works for me.


i was being a little facetious.


that sounds like perfecting reasoning.. trolling topwaters would be another.


btw, rod holders work great for lakers and lighter spinning tackle too.


Thanks Roy and everyone for their input. I thought I had a good bonus with these Rod Holders when I bought the Boat and motor. These Pics are taken with the boat that they came in. These are my observations.


Here I have it set up like the Bait Caster as per Roys Photo. The rod is unbalanced to the point where it feels like its going in the Drink





I believe this is what G Coach suggested as well as others. I like this one better than the previous but here's the Cons. The Reel is on Top and upside down and tilted leaning against either the boat or holder. I believe that the line is also touching the Boat. As you can see the front clip is under the rod while the Rear is locked in. This leaves the front insecure possibly sending the rod to the Drink. But still it is better than the first Pics




Any other observations befor I figure that Pictures 3 and 4 is how the Spinning Rod is supposed to go.

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