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Battle of the baits!!!! Gulp Alive leeches vs. the real deal......


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So after reading a few polls on here about Gulp Alive and whether it works or doesn't it I thought it was time to delve a little deeper. The polls all tell us that of course it works, and I became a convert after reading about the success others have had on here with it. It should have been a no brainer for me though because why would Berkley spend millions developing a product that didn't actually catch fish?


However , I started to think that the real question should be does it work as well as the REAL live equivalent? I wanted to see if a company could come up with something that is as good as the real thing? Could a modern technology bait really out fish something that nature developed over the ages? This question has been on my mind since bass season opened this year. Until today I haven't been able to get out with both real leeches and Gulp Alive at the same time.


When I got done work in about an hour this morning and saw how fabulous the weather was I thought it would be the perfect time to test out the difference between the leeches and as an added bonus see how my new camera worked.


So after gassing up and hitting the road, I could feel myself already relaxing deciding to enjoy the journey as much as getting to the destination sort of thing. Here is a quick snap as I was approaching the venue for todays battle of the baits.




After a relaxing 15 minute drive it was time to relax even more as in take time to smell the flowers..... and test the macro setting on the camera LOL




Relaxing time over, there was work to be done and as I walked to the water I was reminded of something my late Uncle Bill would always say when action was required "It is time to crap or get off the pot". I guess since he was the one who developed the particular technique I would be using in todays test it was only fitting that my thoughts turned to one of his favourite sayings as I laid out the contestants for today's battle of the baits.


Which will be the best live or Alive? Can you tell the difference? Can the fish or will they care?




I decided to try a live leech first, I haven't yet mastered the skill of being able to take a picture of fish in the water with my new camera. However, there were about 10 or 11 fish in the area where I threw my first cast.


This fish hit within 20 seconds of the line being in the water and much to my disappointment was about the same size as the majority of bass I have caught this year. That makes one for the live leeches though.




That feisty little fish shook the live leech off though, so I put on a Gulp Alive. I re casted in the same area, and in about 20 seconds again I had another bite. This time however I had been so intent on getting my line back in that I failed to notice I had somehow managed to have the line wrapped about the pole behind the reel, (I really would like to know how the line went out about 30 feet like that too?) so by the time I got the line untangled the fish was gone.


I saw a fish that followed the Gulp Alive leech in though and it was a nice size. I quickly made a flip cast just behind it but before the larger fish could turn around, this little scrapper grabbed the plastic and headed off.




That little guy was fighting way above his weight and would not stay still for the picture so he wound up dusted in the gravel but swam away no worse for wear right after I snapped that shot. He had hit that Gulp leech so hard he had it running up the line as if it was trying to save its "Alife". As you can see the plastic is about 6" above the hook in this picture!!!




So that is one to one in the battle of the baits. One small largie and one smaller smallie. The Gulp Alive leech stayed on though so it now has a chance to go up and take the lead. As I tossed it back in I was wondering how long it would take this time to get a hit. After about 2 minutes I was starting to think something was wrong, but then I noticed my line was not where I had cast. I slowly took up the slack and the rod tip bounced once. I set the hook and knew right away it wasn't a bass this time but what could it be?




One chunky sunfish that is what.... Tough looking fish it only had one working eye and if you notice it's tail had been torn up at some point as well. After a quick snap by my hat to give you an idea of the size of it, it too was safely back in the water.


After the sunfish there was no action for about 5 minutes and so I knew it was time to go for a hike to my next open area at the spot. Next pic is a gratuitous camera test.... of some fabulous looking bush.




See BUSH now don't you feel bad for thinking dirty thoughts?


Now back to the action Gulp Alive leeches are up 2 fish to 1. Since it was time to recharge the Gulp I went back to using real live leeches. I was promptly rewarded with 4 WGSF in a row. I didn't waste the battery juice on all of them but here is a picture in case anyone doesn't know what a WGSF is.




I was thinking it was time to move since all I was catching was WGSF in this area of the spot, but while I was still sitting there I thought I saw a small submarine approaching.....




Actually it was just a HUGE carp and as you can see I REALLY haven't figured out how to take a good picture of fish in the water yet....


However while I was playing photo journalist I didn't notice that something else had taken a liking to the Gulp Alive leech I had on. As I reeled into to leave that area I felt some weight but not much fight.




Oh yes it turned out to be the ever elusive salad fish. Notice how it was struggling to completely devour the leech.... it too was released unharmed.


Things has really slowed down at this point I was getting lots of follow ups and seeing some really decent fish but with either live or alive leeches non of the fish were taking the bait. Since I had put some very serious time into this epic experiment of mine about an hour and 20 minutes BTW and with a lot of things to do later in the day, I decided it was time to pack up and head home. Now if you have ever fished with me you would know that from the time I decide to head home and to when I actually stop fishing and leave can be as short as 20 seconds if it is raining or as long as 2 hours if it isn't.....


Today it was about 10 minutes by the time I had wandered back to where I entered the spot from the road. I had caught about 4 WGSF in different areas along the way but couldn't be bothered getting the camera out of the case....


I decided to try the first area again since I still had a live leech on. I had just flicked it about 3 feet from shore to get a loop of line off the reel when the line started peeling. Did a hook set and a got the reward of seeing this little largie jump a couple of times before I landed it.




Since up until that time it was the largest fish of the day I decided to quit before getting further behind. So I really did pack up and head home. Where I found that the new fishing shirt I had designed and then ordered online had finally been delivered. Here it is....




If you are out fishing and see someone wearing that on their back come up and say hello.


So what did my little experiment prove today? Nothing really, except all the fish this year around here are still smaller than I would like LOL. In answer to the question does Gulp Alive out preform real leeches? Not today, it didn't, it was basically a case of either one was getting a fish every other cast at the very least. At one point a live leech caught 5 fish, the most a Gulp Alive leech caught before being recharged was 3. There is no long any question though in my mind that over the long haul that Gulp Alive is the cheaper option as it will usually last long enough to catch many more fish than a live leech. Also it is obviously much easier to store and transport once you ditch that lousy pail you buy it in. It is unfortunately a lot messier to deal with every time you bait up you wind up with the liquid on your hands, hat, glasses, reel, and worst of all camera... With live leeches if you spill it you have a little river water to clean up, with the Gulp juice you have a real sticky smelly nightmare to deal with.


I didn't post pics of every fish but I did keep track and here is how it ended up. Over all numbers were within one largemouth or smallmouth. The Alive caught 4 largies only 3 smallies and more rockbass than I could count but it also nailed that big sunfish. The live leeches did the opposite with 4 smallies and only 3 largies, and again more rockbass than I kept track of. That is the data I collected you can draw your own conclusions from it....


Next time I hope to have another person along and with the same setup as I would like to cast in the same area and see what bait bass will go for which them side by each in the water.....


If I get out and test them that way you readers here will be the first to find out how that battle of the baits turns out.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Great report and pics Canuck2fan :thumbsup_anim:


I think your next experiment should be to have two hooks on your line with both live and alive and see which one the fish will strike first.


Please post your results if you do try it :)


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This is a great report! The everlasting live bait vs artificials! Very creatively written too....a joy to read. I catch my share of salad fish as well...just wish they tasted better.


While up on the West Arm of Nipissing in June, bly and I were using Glup Alive leeches for Walleye. We were with another boat fishing the same area....they were using live leeches. In this case, the Gulp Alive caught more fish than the live leeches. All I know is that they both catch fish. We go thru a lot more live leeches when we use them because they get ripped off a lot, so that's a good thing about Gulp product...you keep more of them after you get a fish.

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~~~Was up in Honey Harbour phishen this past weekend, and I was Glup Alive, had the 3" Minnow, and 5"Leech caught this nice Kitty on the Leech


Later buddy Slug caught this feisty Pike on a Minnow


This smallie was caught by Winston on a Minnow also


So was mine, and I'll be buying more they do work


Can't wait for Perch seaon to try them out

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My buddy used a 3 inch minnow (smelt imitation) when fishing for brook trout through the ice. He caught a few brookies even though the minnow was not moving. There are smelt in the lake and the brookies love to eat them. I still prefer live nightcrawlers but I guess having a jar of Gulp Alive is a good idea.

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I was wonderin' what all the fuss was about with the Gulp Alive containers leaking???


Maureen bought two containers of different size minnows and neither one leaked even after being knocked off the dashboard and sitting upside down overnight...


After taking a good look and shaking the container to check for leakage I noticed we didn't peel the inner seal off all the way ...just tore it back halfways and put it back in place before replacing the lid...


Don't know why they couldn't insert a rubber ring on the inside of the lid like on a Mason jar...

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Great report and pics Canuck2fan :thumbsup_anim:


I think your next experiment should be to have two hooks on your line with both live and alive and see which one the fish will strike first.


Please post your results if you do try it :)



Ummm two hooks on at once, that might be crazy enough to work. LOL. I will see if I can rig up something like that and give it a try.....

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~~~Was up in Honey Harbour phishen this past weekend, and I was Glup Alive, had the 3" Minnow, and 5"Leech caught this nice Kitty on the Leech


Awesome fish in those pictures.... I must say though I am so lucky I got the 3" Gulp live leeches the fivers would have been bigger than the fish I caught, or would have choked them at the very least. LOL

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I was wonderin' what all the fuss was about with the Gulp Alive containers leaking???


Maureen bought two containers of different size minnows and neither one leaked even after being knocked off the dashboard and sitting upside down overnight...


After taking a good look and shaking the container to check for leakage I noticed we didn't peel the inner seal off all the way ...just tore it back halfways and put it back in place before replacing the lid...


Don't know why they couldn't insert a rubber ring on the inside of the lid like on a Mason jar...


When I first opened mine I did the same thing by only tearing back the liner a little but the thing leaked so bad I thought the solution was to take the liner off. I was wrong as usual.


Of course Berkley could fix this issue but they know once they have us hooked on the stuff we will be buying more regardless of how bad the packaging is. In 2010 when the outright ban on live bait takes effect it will matter even less...

Edited by Canuck2fan
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