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Passport He!!???


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you will have to wait on hold. They are currently processing applications from November 28. You can also check online.


the phone agents are there from 7:30 - 8:00PM 819-997-8338

push one three times and it will either tell you to hold or that to many (20 people) are holding and nobody else can hold on the line.

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I wish you luck Steve_paul..... but I hope you bought cancellation insurance! GET ON THE PHONE AND DON'T GIVE UP.


Mass panic...last minute applications for the flight into USA deadlines. Apparently even a 4 hours waiting time to submit applications in person at 4900 Yonge Street.


Tickets in hand is >NOT< considered an emergency. Death in family is about it for that to get moved to the front of the pile.


Even last year Leah and I had to cancel our trip to St. Lucia. I was lucky and got the easy quick renewal program they were trying for passports. All I had to do was send a new set of pictures and my old passport to Mississauga. No declarations or anything and I got my passport back in 4 days...on Dec 15th. Leah on the other hand had to send her's with declarations and pictures to Hull. Figured we had lots of time at the time of submission, so didn't bother with the MP's diplomatic pouch route we'd used in previous years. Our trip was to leave January 15th, Her passport showed up around the 23rd..dated the 19th of January...and of course old passport/birth certificate etc...all along with it so nothing to travel with.

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Sorry i can not help anybody that is hung up in the passport jungle but for those who are thinking of getting a passport the best way is to do it at the Post Office i did mine back in October and it took 20 minutes and i had my passport in a week or so it cost a little more but consider the alternative.

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2 years ago I needed a passport in a hurry too. Started out with the proper channels-we were going to run out of time. Ended up driving to Ottawa (about a 4 hr drive from here). Went in first thing on a Saturday morning and there were about 20 people ahead of us before it opened. We even got a parking spot in front of the building. Took about an hour. They still had to mail it to me. What an awful process. My business would go under in a week if I operated the way they do. Good luck with your process. :huh:

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Thanks for the info guys. Just checked with ex and she sent a copy of the birth certificate with the app and not the original. As of now you don't need a passport for entry into the Dominican so the birth certificate should do although I would prefer the passport.


Will get on the phone tomorrow morning to track it and see what I can do but still should be able to go. The application did say they were leaving Jan 20 so hopefully someone notices that and moves them through a little quicker. What was that someone said earlier about procrastination?? Thanks again everyone for the info.



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Good luck Steve. Leah's had our 15th departure date on the applications as well...to no positive use.


Lucky that your X has their Birth Certificate originals in hand !! Didn't think you could use a copy of the birth certificate...so you may get the applications delayed/denied anyhow.


Don't forget your signed declarations that your kids can travel with you, but I bet you're well versed in that!


I would also call your airline and be sure about their passport/lack there of requirements as that may/can be different than the destination country... due to "alternates" on the flight plan.

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Where is this info coming form in regards to crossing by boat, if I am fishing the Niagara Bar, and hit the US side with my american fishing liscence, will I need my passport on the boat with me, I do have it and it's up to date, would just like to clarify this, any links for this.




Boston I asked the same question about this very subject, the way I understand the new passport deal that Jan 1 2008 crossing the border into the US from Canada or Mexico by auto, boat or train you will be required to have a valid passport.

I'm really trying to get my butt in gear to apply.



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:dunno: Just going thro' the process.Got the Forms filled in,getting the Documents signed tomorrow,and in the mail on their way.Had an argument with the Photog. he insisted EVERYONE had to take spectacles off due to to possible glare on the pic..................now...THATS what I call a true likeness.What a load of BULL!!!! :angry::angry:


By the way: Why would anyone leave passport application 'til the last minute?

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it is my understanding that you can not use a photo copy of a BC for a passport application i believe it says that right on the application.


You can use this if your Gaurantor signs the photocopy saying that they have seen the document in person and the photocopy is an exact replica of that document.

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Trolling off a cruise ship LOL....... well, I guess you could but it would be easier to troll while ice fishing! Where are you going on your cruise?


I haven't had any problems with passports but I always keep ours up to date and renew as soon as the old ones expire. I did have a hassle trying to get my new health card though. They sent me a notice telling me I had to phone for an appointment, I spent several hours trying to get through on the phone to make an appointment and could never get through. I sent the ministry of health a really nasty email and told them that if someone didn't get back to me within 48 hours to set up an appointment I was going to contact my local MP, MPP, and every media outlet I could think of and raise such a stink about the way they were treating seniors......They called me back very promptly with a time and date for my appointment. Not sure if this tactic would work with passports though, you might just find that it accidently got cancelled while you were out of the country LOL.

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When you finally get a hold of someone, you should ask them about your pension (you'll probably be old enough by the time someone answers).


Pension ?

Heck, I'll probably be long gone before they send me a cent.



Last time I got a passport was 1998, so it's expired now.

It only took a few days, but things have changed since then.


I have a simple solution.

Vacation in Canada. :thumbsup_anim:


We have oceans on our east and west and northern coasts and a gazillion lakes in between.

Mountains, prairies, Great Lakes. Urban adventures or country life.

Cottages, beaches, resorts, hunting and fishing adventures. Whitewater rafting, horseback camping trips,

Large city club scenes and concerts. Fabulous restaurants with foods from around the world.

We have native cultures, multicultural areas in many urban communities, OFNCers all over to show you the way. Tons more stuff that I can't think of right now.


Our provinces and territories are so big, they're like their own nation.

(However, some won't be satisfied until it's announced by the Prime Minister. :rolleyes: )

You could find different adventures in each one. No need to ever leave Canada.



Good luck with your seemingly lifelong quest.

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