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Toronto Islands Carping - June 14


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I haven’t been online very much the last few weeks - A mix of work + fishing every chance I get (which means weekends from now on).


After a horrible blanking last weekend, I needed to get my carping fix. Without a car this weekend, I was limited to spots around Toronto (or places accessible by public transit).


Decided late Friday night to hit the either the Islands or Harbourfront in the morning. Woke up at 4:20am to stuff 30lbs worth of bait, tackle, raingear, water and food into my hiking pack. Left the house at 5:50am. Got on the 6:15am bus and headed to the subway station. Took the Subway down to Union station and jumped on the street car to get to the ferry docks. Made it just in time for the 7:35 ferry. Throughout the entire trip I had a feeling they were going to be in the midst of spawning…They were.


On my arrival to the islands, I scouted various bays and canals for fish. I managed to catch a glimpse of several cruising fish in one canal but they swam much faster than I could keep up with, trekking through the shrubs and tall grass on shore.


Finally found a few carp in one swim that was a little easier to fish and shrub-free. A lot of the spots I normally fish were not accessible due to the dragon boat races, a volleyball tourney and loads of picnickers - This is actually the first time I fished the Islands on a weekend. I baited up my chosen spot with a small handful of maize, chick peas, maple peas and other small particles and I waited for my first run.


My first fish hit at around 9-9:30am on a single grain of maize. Certainly a nice fish to start my day off with.



12pm I decided to scout a bay which I knew fish usually spawn in. I wasn’t getting any further action at my current location. I was hoping that there would be a few fish willing there to take my bait.


View from the swim. Makes you appreciate the fishing opportunities close to home.



The bay was indeed home to a few hundred fish, all of which were more content in lazily cruising around without stopping over my piles of bait. Some fish were quite beaten up – most likely the results of spawning. I saw one fish that was 35+lbs cruise within stick poking distance but it also ignored my bait.


I spent two and a half hours watching fish cruise mere feet away from my rod tip before swimming off. I tried fishing at different ranges hoping to intercept at least one hungry fish – The thick weeds made it difficult. I also tried float fishing where the bait was presented 6” to 1’ below the surface but still couldn’t interest the fish. I had just about enough of the tease and I returned to the spot I fished earlier in the day.


I saw several new fish in the swim and plunked my rig down into the water. Immediately had one fish take while I was putting the rod onto my banksticks. After a 2min battle, the hook pulled out and I lost it.


I patiently waited another hour and got this one at around 3:30pm


Other pics I managed to take


This thing saw me eating almonds and started pecking me till I gave it one.



Quite a lot of people were fascinated with the clothing optional beach sign. Imagine catching your PB in the nude.



Overall the action was slow. I managed to land 2 out of 3 fish. I fished from 7:45am to 7:30pm. With that said, I still enjoyed the time spent on the bank and the exercise. It was also a warm sunny day which on the Islands means one thing...Mini-skirts and lots of them :thumbsup_anim:


Can’t wait to hit the Islands again later this season when the action heats up again.


Hope you enjoyed

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Guest Johnny Bass

Thanks for the report! Sorry to hear it was slow, which is surprising for this time of year.


I know this is old school but did you try using a worm? I find its the deadliest bait for spawning carp in shallow bays. Just hook it once and make sure it squigles a lot.

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Thanks for the report! Sorry to hear it was slow, which is surprising for this time of year.


I know this is old school but did you try using a worm? I find its the deadliest bait for spawning carp in shallow bays. Just hook it once and make sure it squigles a lot.



Absolutely right about the worms. In the spring time they account for just under half of my catches. Unfortunately I was too lazy to pick them from the lawn the night before and all the tackle shops in the area were closed at 11pm.


In my experience when they actually start spawning, you're probably better off fishing for something else if you're looking for action. During the pre-spawn it's almost impossible to keep them off the line.


Thanks for your comments guys

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Great report MJL...you have the gift of the pen (or typing...or whatever they call it these days). Some nice clean looking fish you got there! 2 fish is better than none....and like you said, it was a great day to be out.


Did you show a carp to one of the women in a mini skirt??? LOL.

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PLEASE don't tell us u are gonna post naked pics of you fishing for carp! :o


i applaud your efforts of just getting to the water and then spending the day out there.




PS. I was carp fishing with a guy on Friday night who had a GREAT bait.


Oatmeal + Peanut butter+ sugar mixed in hot water( from the tap only) for many many hits !

Easy to make and very cheap too.


and I still can't get the hang of the "hair rig" yet. waaahhhhhh so mnay hits and just can't hook em Friday.

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Did you show a carp to one of the women in a mini skirt??? LOL.


Who do you think took the pics for me B)


Hey Splashhopper, homemade paste baits work well. I used to use them quite a lot as a kid - Still use them but less so nowadays. With boilies (which are basically an evolved form of the dough-ball/paste bait) , I'm more confident that my bait won't melt away in the current or get picked apart by nuisance fish.


Post up a pic of your rig. Usually changing one thing can dramatically improve your hooking percentage.


Thanks for your kind words.

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"Mini skirts, and lots of em", that was awesome. That was a very good read, wish you had better luck fish wise, but it sounded like a great day nonetheless. Good stuff. And you're right, great fishing to be had close to home.

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Nice job MJL. You put the effor in and were rewarded with two beautifully marked common carp.


Congrats. What do you think the second one weighed?




Gavin, she hit the scales at 27lb even...Which reminds me, I have a weigh sling I seriously need to wash. I'm dreading opening up my hiking pack.

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Good luck with the cleaning of the weigh sling Mike - I don't envy you there!


I thought it looked like a good twenty. Out of curiosity what's the weight of the biggest carp you've caught in Ontario and also the Islands?


What's the Ontario record - official or unofficial? Just curious to see how big they get over there - supposedly there are some '30's and '40's in my local lakes - can't imagine what they fight like.



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Good luck with the cleaning of the weigh sling Mike - I don't envy you there!


I thought it looked like a good twenty. Out of curiosity what's the weight of the biggest carp you've caught in Ontario and also the Islands?


What's the Ontario record - official or unofficial? Just curious to see how big they get over there - supposedly there are some '30's and '40's in my local lakes - can't imagine what they fight like.




My largest officially weighed fish was 36lb 8oz. Caught it in a small carp tournament in Toronto which helped me win a free carp rod and a few pounds worth of boilies. I have caught 3 other fish to that size (or even slightly bigger) but never weighed.


DSN was with me when I landed this one at the islands. She was never weighed. She put up a great fight both in the water and on shore when we unhooked her.




I keep in touch with a few guides on the St. Lawrence. Apparently a 62lb and 67lb fish were caught a couple years ago not far from Long Sault. I think the official provincial record is around 38lbs or so.

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